
Responses from beavis

good listening/bad listening
I do, too.However, I do most of my listening at night when the power quality should be better than the day & I still "say, ehh why does it sound like that...I don't remember it soundin like that?"I think it has to do with stress or how I'm fee... 
speakers for 15' by 12' listening room?
Look at the Horn Shoppe: The Horn & The Cube bass augmenter. 
Cat owner wants speakers
Teach the cat some manners. It can be done.I had a cat who would roll over on it's back on command letting you rub it's belly! 
blown fuses
Fuses blow for a reason. Contact Meridian for their thoughts. They don't want a user spreading negative publicity. You may wind up getting it serviced anyway, but it never hurts to listen to the manufacturer. 
Philosophy used in assembling your system?
Keep it simple and have a system price/performance ratio for the rest of system in mind (ie, don't have one component sound clearly better or worse than other system components). 
$5k budget tube system
What kinds of music does he plan to listen to? And how loud?Ask Louis for a recommenndation, also.Although not for everyone, I've found a Decware SE84ZS (2 w/c & much less expensive) with small group jazz, acoustic & chamber music to be mo... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Do yourself a favor & bypass music by DK with an orchestra. 
Determining reflection points
See: don't think this will answer all your questions, but the diagrams should answer some. 
New house room size opinions please........
Chadnliiz, bear in mind how notoriously difficult it is to predict sound from room size alone. My advice is to select the house first or like Jaybo suggest above "let your wife pick the house...don't even offer an opinion, or you'll pay for it dow... 
efficiency- hope i spelt that wright.
There is a lot more to matching efficient speakers & low wattage speakers. An example is impedance. Just ask anyone with a single-driver loudspeaker. 
Center channel help
Is sound bouncing off TV screen?What are you using for LR speakers? 
A question I suspect reveals a lot of ignorance...
I've heard whenever a tube is on the clock is ticking. That's why I've heard that if you know you're not going to be listening for the next couple of days to power down tubes. I take it one step further with the modern tube gear I own & power ... 
Looking for a first Tube Amp for under $1000
What speakers do you plan to use with it? 
it all sounds good, but.....
I'm sure you can get a CDP or transport/DAC to your liking. But it's expensive. However, so is a good turntable/arm/cartridge. 
Why does New York radio station sond so good?
I would imagine because transmitters are located atop tall buildings.