
Responses from detlof

Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Sharp thinking Jostler! You're right, assumptions will get us into trouble, especially if they get metamorphosed into "thruths", which often enough happens. On the other hand, assumptions , as new insight in a given set of problems, can lead to sc... 
Honesty of the Reviewers
Dear Mr. Magoo, why read at all then, if it isn't true anyway and when listening, what should I do with the other half? Do you really think, life is a simple as that? Come now.... 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Now if that was not an ad hominem remark. Cupcake indeed, but thanks for another guffaw. Thank Heavens we males are not alone here on Audiogon 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Ain't nothing like wry female aside, to set our male heads straight. Flowers to you Liz, you put a huge grin on my face. 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
JD, GREAT, thankyou for the time and trouble to inform us about this at lenghth. The article seems to help along with a few questions which had been bugging me for a long time, which I had tried to bring up here in other threads and probably been ... 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Albert, strange but from very different premisses and reasonings we both strike a similar conclusion on one and the same page. To quote: "I guess it boils down to the passion and interest level in the whole thing". 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Jostler, all points well taken, I could not agree with you more. Its an interesting question you pose at the end of your post. Let me venture a guess: Many audiophiles have no scientific training. As I tried to point out somewhere else, they are p... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Jostler, apaologies, I did not mean to be offensive, I wondered that was all and I was proved to be wrong. Besides often enough you seem not to mince words either, remember those clicking of heels to consequently hear better. Mind you, that was wi... 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Jostler, did I ever say, that I was sure, that what I hear is auditory and nothing else? I think not. We are all influenced by all sorts of factors all of the time. That's why experimental setups take such painstaking preparation, and even then of... 
Opinons on XLO Signature 5.1
Get in touch with the Cable Company at to try it out. They have a cable library, where you can give it a trial run in your system. You will have to pay a deposit I think, but finally it will cost you just the shipping and not more,... 
Hum and Hiss from Sonic Frontier Preamp
Try switching tubes and listen again. Both hum and hiss could be from there. Also check for a gound loop (hum). It seems clear to me, that you hear more of a hiss through earphones, there is no attenuation through room effects etc. Possibly, I am ... 
Honesty of the Reviewers
Paul, Ka probably had people like you and me in mind (-; 
Amps and Women
Deklay, this is fascinating, because after trying another subwoofer in my system the other day, my lady in question found, that finally the music had the right underpinnings, whereas I found the bass still illadjusted and simply too much. Coincide... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Red, I've been following the above arguments for quite a while now and I am clearly on your side of the fence. In reading the above threads I began to wonder, if any member of the "honorable opposition" ever went to live concerts REGULARLY. But th... 
Amps and Women
Very nice post, Adamanteus and I've rated it accordingly. I haven't got your training and I won't start a war either, but in the face of this mighty opposition, as you so rightly point out, was it really just our cortex, in interpreting signals th...