
Responses from detlof

The Definition of An Audiophile
You are so right, Jesusa0, but it is still a mystery that music can do that to you, to me, to all of us who love music!JohnK, Yea, most of the time you'll get your pants wet in the stiff breeze, but sometimes you don't, you come a bit closer, mayb... 
The Definition of An Audiophile
Saki, we're much closer than you think. I also seek equipment that makes the music satisfying for me and I would just as happily repeat Tvad's quote of your beautiful words, because I do very much the same. For me it is about music, not equipment.... 
The Definition of An Audiophile
Zargon:Thanks for your kind words!Timrhu:You make a good point, but perhaps there is a misunderstanding here, as well as a lack of a proper definition of what I, as well as many others of the audiophile brood, understand as "live music". This cert... 
The Definition of An Audiophile
Audia, I haven't read all of the above, however your original post speaks truly to my heart. I also believe that the true audiophile should compare the sound of his system to the real thing as he perceives it and that he should try to emulate it i... 
Apogee vs Soundlab
I agree with all of the above, however with bigger OTLs the Sound Labs really come alive as far as dynamics and power are concerned and to my ears hold their own even with the big Apogees and since I trust Albert Porter's ears I would say that wit... 
Koetsu cartridges - myth or reality?
Kurt has said it all and mirrors my experience better than I could say it myself. I am familiar with Stevecham's Helikon and used it until a switched to a Clearaudio Insider. What kind of music are you generally listening to? With your kind of set... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Chashmal, well spoken! Roll with it until you either fall deaf, go broke or die. Whatever comes first. 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
Dapom, I feel for you and for everybody else who posted here.My Dalmatian, Fan-Fan, always joined me for my listening sessions, laying at, but mostly on my feet. I lost him a year ago. I miss him very much. 
Hard-drive audio playback of digital recordings
Exlibris, to my ears the best hard drive audio systems better the best CD players.( ReQuest, Spoiler, etc.) However, at least for classical big orchestral music I still prefer vinyl. Wished it weren't so. As Albert Porter pointed out in another th... 
Advice from vinyl types on a good CD player
I've been in the same position as Albert and for voices, small jazz groups, solo instruments and string quartetts my search has ended with the ZANDEN combo. Expensive but worth while to these here old ears. I still have to find a player, satisfyin... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Shadorne, you could of course turn tables on her and keep your tone arm before she strikes. 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Good point! Maybe the system shouldn't be in the basement then? Would you suggest a bedroom system? 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Shadorne,"If their partner is" NOT "devoting an inordinate amount of time, energy and disposable income to an obsessive audio passion in the basement then, if she has any sense, she might well be wondering", if he hasn't got an affair with another... 
How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?
Well, let me join the club. I have a couple of Otaris and Revox hanging around and have been collecting prerecorded r2rs since the late 1970s. Don't know how many I got and am much too lazy to count. At the moment I am waiting for a Technics 1520,... 
USB DAC's -- the best
I think a worthy rival could be found in Steve Nugent's "Spoiler", especially if internally clocked with his "Pace-Car". You'll have to send in your laptop, so that Steve can synchronize the computer's clock with the clock in the unit. The result ...