

Responses from dnewhous

Audiophile grade analog to digital converter
Everything dCS seams to be DSD, which won't work. I'm looking at these things and considering their use for vinyl transfer.But I think I have to agree with Shadorne, and the CEDAR ADA is the best unit to use. 
Restoration Suite vs. Restoration Bundle
Onhwy61, you haven't missed anything except that I don't intend to get any specialised hardware unless it lets me use noticably better software - and I don't own either currently. I was thinking of using Lynx hardware to do the audio capture and u... 
ELP laser turntable - any comments?
Have they ever resolved the 200 gram record issue? 
Future of analog controlled class 'D' amps?
You could never have a Universal Class D tube amplifier? 
Future of analog controlled class 'D' amps?
UcD = Universal class D. which is a technology, not a company, invented by the man who wrote the article I linked to.I think Bruno was much too pesimistic, a couple of companies have purchased a license to this technology and I'm sure there will b... 
Ring radiator tweeters - the future?
I always thought that Polk was the best bang for buck on the market. My main reservation with them is that their subs seam to really exagerate the bass - designed to make home movies sound impressive rather than designed for musicality. 
Ring radiator tweeters - the future?
Aren't ribbon speakers the true promised land of sound quality? Just that ribbon speaker are terribly inefficient and bulky? 
Future of analog controlled class 'D' amps?
Yes, I did mean class 'A' transistor amps. Do BASH amps use digitally controlled or analog controlled class 'D' amps? BASH is spreading in subwoofer amps in the consumer grade. 
Stiffened poly outer sleeves?
Get a grip people.Anyway, I think Sleeve Town makes polypropylene sleeves which is a superior material to Bags Unlimited's polyethylene. Generally speaking Sleeve Town offers a superior product line.It is worth mentioning that I like the LP mailin... 
HD radio and old antennas
This is the most promising FM antenna I have seen,http://www.seengineer.com/Note that it mounts on the eaves of your home like DBS, which is much more convenient than the Yagi roof mounted antennas. They emphasize precise impedance matching and hi... 
HD radio and old antennas
This does bring up the big problem that some people were predicting with HD FM - the effective reception range of the digital broadcast will be quite short. 
HD radio and old antennas
Does the FM Pro work well if the amplifier is off? 
HD radio and old antennas
The Terk antennas are a bit more involved than dandified dipoles. It's just that they made sure to slip in the term "digital ready" on their newer models.And Warnerwh you are incorrect about the quality of the broadcast. An HD FM station can broad... 
Time for me to eat crow here - I just looked at the back of one of my "ultradiscs" (gold CD) again and it says analog analog digital. So the analog mastered ultradisc sounds better than the newer 24/96 mastered greatest hits CD. 
Bang for buck turntable?
Digital media is much more durable.Do you know anyone I could hire?