
Responses from fmpnd

CDs with heavy, fast bass and/or long drum solos
I concur with the Marcus Miller suggestions and was going to mention Bela Fleck's CDs (like Flight of the Cosmic Hippo). BUT, if you want to test the limits of your loudspeaker's bass response and push those woofers, I suggest you run a little S.M... 
Cleaning AC plugs, receptacles and other contacts
Thanks guys. I have 4 Wattgate oultets and 4 FIM outlets so I obviously won't be replacing them. I am mainly trying to ensure they are clean after the mess and, if it will help, treat them before I get my system back up and running.Cleaning the in... 
Very sad news - George Wright has died
Didn't know him personally but his great customer service was exceeded only by his design prowess and dedication and to his simply executed but eminently musical gear.My hopes and prayers are with him and his family during this difficult time. 
OPPO BDP 83 as Redbook player?
I am here to both confirm the advice you've been given and relay an experience I just had with a modded Oppo BDP 83. I have a fairly decent system (Rockport Aquila speakers, Lamm amps, c-j ART 2 line stage, Aesthetix IO Sig phono stage, SME 30 and... 
CJ GAT Preamp VS ART 3 which one is the best?
Thanks Sinchan007, that helps. I have a call in to Lew to discuss this as well but it really does put him in a difficult position to pit one SOTA design against another. While I do like simplicity, I have to wonder if CJ went back to the one chass... 
CJ GAT Preamp VS ART 3 which one is the best?
I believe it is $20,000 
CJ GAT Preamp VS ART 3 which one is the best?
Just out of curiosity, if you don't mind me asking, who told you the GAT was better than the ART 3? With so few of either preamp in service, it would seem to me to be very rare for someone other than a person at C-J to have had the ability to hear... 
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty?
Lewm,It's hard at times to post on A-Gon and be thorough yet brief or concise enough to keep a reader involved. I should have been more specific and mentioned that the sibilance problem (which both Raul and Rudy have addressed) was separate and di... 
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty?
Lewm, here's hoping you have great luck with your Colibri. I agree that my tonearm's effective mass may have contributed to the sibilance but was not the root cause. I tried adjusting everything with it, VTF, VTA, antiskate, damping, loading, you ... 
Best Cd Player under $4000?
Ditto to a tee what Cincy-Bob said. The AMR is, IMHO, the best sounding player under $20,000. Actually, I haven't heard anything above $20,000 that betters it either (but I haven't heard the top of the line Zanden). 
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty?
Lutenist and Lewm,Lewm, I too am a bit disappointed when someone doesn't respond to the original poster's actual question and certainly that wasn't my intention. Let me explain a few things further and maybe this will help Lutenist.First, I am tha... 
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty?
From my experiences (I've owned or used 5 vDh cartridges - a Grasshopper, a Black Beauty and 3 Colibris), I can tell you Audiofeil is right on the money. My Grasshopper and Black Beauty were great (it may be that I had them back in 2001-2003 when ... 
Dynavector XV-1S impressions?
IMHO, Raul is right on the money as far as the 47k loading is concerned. In my experience (and those of many other owners of this cartridge I know), the XV-1s needs to be loaded between 100-200 ohms to sound its best. 
One or two JL subs?
Docrobbi,I have two JL 112s and was going to go with two 113s. I was lucky enough to get some good first hand advice from one of the designers at JL Audio and a long time recording engineer (who deals and uses the JL subs) and they actually talked... 
Music and politics
Ah yes Onhhwy61, you really are something. You have NO idea who you are talking to or what you are saying. You can try that sensationalist, race-bating crap all you want with someone else but it isn't gonna fly with me. I lived, ate, cried and bre...