
Responses from fmpnd

Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113
Just my own opinion, but I have had stereo REL Stentor IIIs (a few years ago) and now have stereo Fathom F112s and I prefer the Fathoms by a fairly significant margin. The RELs are nice and I enjoyed them but the Fathoms exposed the RELs limitatio... 
Phil Roy "The Great Longing"
Aethetix IO Signature Question
Thanks for the input John. I know what you mean about re-tuning one's system after a component change. This is why I try not to be a "gear hound" and have had most pieces in my system for years. That said, I am still always amenable to increasing ... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
It's funny yet typical that people have different experiences with the same piece of gear. I agree wholeheartedly with Jafox's tube discussion as his experience is the same as mine - I have 8 Telefunken 12AX7s and 4 Brimars in mine (and I bought t... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
Again, I agree with Ruston on the noise issue as mine was also not too noisy with the stock tubes and my Dynavector XV-1s. Sure it has a little tube rush when the music is not playing but I never noticed it when I dropped the cartridge, That said,... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
I have the same phono stage - what Rushton said. 
The most haunting music you ever heard?
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Michael,I went from a $100,000 pair of Kharma Exquisite Diamonds to the Verity Sarastro II and I can ASSURE you without any doubt that they will do rock at real world volumes. As far as their bass goes, this is where set-up is crucial and, as Cenl... 
Upgrading from Kharma 3.2 to Verity Parsifal
Argyo,While I agree with Jaybo that you have a good speaker, I disagree with his conclusion since you listed your exact objective. I too went from Kharma to Verity and you will get exactly what you are looking for. Again, not to say the 3.2 isn't ... 
Paradigm Signature Servo vs JL-Audio F112
I usually don't post much here anymore but do have a strong opinion (and this all this ever really is) on this topic. I've owned Kinergetics, Paradigm, Velodyne, M&K, ACI, B&W and owned and reviewed the REL Stentor III subs and all I can s... 
The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
Not bad FrankG!! I certainly can't complain (well, I could but no one would listen!). How are you? I assume your system is still top notch? 
The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
My best guess is that this would be a 6-way tie:1. Santa Fe and the Fat City Horns: "Let the Healing Begin"2. Doc Kupka's Strokeland Superband: "Bumped Up To First Class"3. Judith Owen: "Lost and Found"4. Chris Jones: "Roadhouses and Automobiles"5... 
Your First Concert was.....
Stan Kenton and Maynard Ferguson 
What made you select "audio" as your hobby
cuz I couldn't sing or dance!! 
Reimyo CDT-777
Lula and Williamredburry, if either of you are near the Detroit Metro area you can stop by and hear for yourself. If not, e-mail me privately and I can give you my impressions. While I am not a politically correct guy, there is much to like about ...