
Responses from ggavetti

Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
no, he never mentioned that. i just agree with someone who said in this thread that the townshend is such a game changer that it can really beat the heck out of more expensive gear. by the way, in terms of pricing it is not hugely more expensive t... 
Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
because I value fellow travelers' opinions and because i always though that the most knowledgeable people (that is designers who know stuff 99% of us does not even dream of) might look at things in an overly technical (e.g. from the engineer's sta... 
Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
Fjn04, actually in our conversation he mentioned the VPI classic and WT as two TT's he'd never get. This is a guy who has spent his entire professional life on turntables and tonearms...he knows pretty much everything under the sun. And by the way... 
Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
Fjn04, well, you know, when you are regarded as having gotten close to perfection (and dedicated your entire life to it), you get somewhat reluctant to accept other philosophies or ideas, especially if you care about measurable parameters like, fo... 
Can a $3K table be among the best out there?
after i started this post I was determined to buy an Amadeus. Then I had the idea of calling a friend of mine who in Europe is considered a legend in analogue circles––a genius of an engineer who has no business ambitions but apparently manufactur... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
So, you disagree that keeping constant room acoustics, source, electronics, listening position, et cetera, and changing only the speaker there has been a progressive movement toward offering a more intense sensory experience, and what I mean by th... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
I've had this discussion many times with friends. I describe modern hi-fi as giving an incredibly accurate and vivid visual image of the musical event. You can see as if you were at a concert. The best modern speakers all do that. I think that tha... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
Hello. I think the Ocellias are great speakers, don't get me wrong. The model I have might have a better extension in the upper frequencies. I have considered adding a supertweeter. Tonians use the same driver but they also mount a ribbon tweeter ... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
Thank you Jayarr. Right now I own a pair of Ocellia Kedros, which have the same sensitivity as the Tonians (same driver but the Tonian classic also have a ribbon tweeter), and that's not an issue. The Siefgried sounds loud and clear in a medium-si... 
Fastest subwoofer?
In response to Inna, i have a pair of Sonus Faber minima, and a pair of Ocellia Kedros (with PHY single driver). As for amplification, I have an EAR 859 with the Ocellia, and a preamplifier DeHavilland + EAR 509 MKII monoblocks with the SF. 
Fastest subwoofer?
Interesting, Marty. But I have the old Minimas, not Minuetto. Perhaps we're talking about a different speaker. 
Don't get me wrong, the extremas are great...just very needy. But one day or another, when I have the right room, I will buy them again. What do the Amatis give you that the Minimas don't have? 
Fastest subwoofer?
I'd like to try it with two very different speakers: a pair of tiny Sonus Faber Minima (the original ones), which go down to about 70Hz, and then a pair of Ocellia Kedros, which have the famous PHY driver. It has deep bass, but I think it would be... 
I had a pair of Extremas, and sold them because I did not have the right room for them (I am supposed to move to a bigger house in the near future but had no patience). In my room, the minima seem to have more magic. But the extremas are quite goo... 
Fastest subwoofer?
very interesting suggestions...does anyone know paradigm millennia? i heard good things about it but i am concerned that in order to make it so cool-looking, they gave up some quality. thanks.