
Responses from ggavetti

SF Guarneri Homage vs Harbeth 7ES3
Just to clarify: I listened to the speakers but at dealers, therefore with different electronics, which makes it hard to make a real comparison. So, my hope was to find people who tried them both with comparable electronics. 
Gradient Woofer for ESL 57
Yes, I've heard about the planetarium...but I have a pretty small room, and I don't think it will help me. Regarding your initial point (quads are so fine) I certainly agree with you. This is an amazing speaker if matched to the right amplifier. T... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
Psacanli, I actually never heard the JBL 250Ti, but isn't it possible that the difference you heard is in part caused by your new sources? I am driving the ESL57 with a mix Shindo preamp and EAR amp, and they are suberb. Ah, I also have a couple o... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
Original Quads, ESL 57 
Background noise
yes...i'll look into the tubes. Actually, i just opened it, and noticed that the housing of one of the tubes is a bit loose. so, that might be the culprit...or one of the tubes. i'll keep you posted. thanks. 
Background noise
Well, in terms of load, I checked the specs of the Sumiko, and there is no problem. So, that is not an issue. I agree that the load mismatch can exacerbate the problem, but I do not think it is the root cause or the central issue -- the problem is... 
Background noise
Swampwalker, actually there is no loading mismatch, but I think your diagnosis is correct -- noisy tube, exacerbated by being below the minimum input voltage.I'll look into it and let you know. Thanks. 
Background noise
I think the hypothesis that this is tube rush is sensible. The gain is ok but not great: I use a MC Sumiko Blackbird through the MM phono section. The Blackbird is 2.5 mV, and the Shindo dealer says the minimum MM should be 3 mV. Despite this slig... 
Background noise
there is no noise I can hear from the other inputs, even at maximum volume levels. Just to give you a better sense of the loudness of the noise, I just set it at the maximum level, stepped out of my listening room, moved to another room that is ap... 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
That is precisely how I would describe the Blackbird...I just listened to the new Bob Dylan's LP, and found it totally amazing...very real 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
Thanks again. This is helpful.Regarding more resolving carts, I would say that I am not too much in favor of extremely high-resolution systems...sometimes I feel like real life (e.g. live concerts) is lower definition than some of the systems we u... 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
Very interesting, Restock...are you basically saying that you do not think the blackbird optimizes the capabilities of the shindo? thanks. 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
Restock, I tried it with the MM input, and I think you're right that it sounds even better...not worlds better, but I find it a tad more transparent. Thanks so much for the tip. 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
Good catch, Restock. The review says that "it CAN be used with MM..." My interpretation is that one does not have MC, he can use MM. But let me try it with MM and I will let you know how it does. 
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR
Directly into the MC input.