
Responses from niskymichael

MQA is Legit!
-AAD- analog recording, analog mixing, digital transfer-ADD- analog recording, digital mixing, digital transfer-DDD- Digital recording, digital mixing, digital transferAll things being equal, the more D’s the better the recording and sound.You cou... 
MQA is Legit!
Ha ha, "good" one paullyrockets! ;^) And I fully agree with you sns concerning the proprietary nature, and potential monopoly, of those owning and licensing MQA. Quite scary...All the best - Michael  
MQA is Legit!
erik_squiresI heard it more as a softening of transients and removing of space.I agree with Erik. I more recently have my Bluesound Vault 2 (with HiFi Tidal subscription) connected to an external, non-MQA, DAC. However, prior to that I had been us... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
I recently purchased a Denafrips Pontus R2R external DAC that I'm very pleased with.  A bargain, I feel, at about $1800 US Dollars.  My thoughts are posted on their website:'... 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Helomech: My experience is with Rogue’s Hypex-based Sphinx and Pharaoh. Neither could produce the lowest octave of my Monitor Audio Silver 8s (not the most efficient speakers, but certainly not anywhere near the worst). The same applied with my Ep... 
Best Speaker cable in the $400.00-$500.00 range for 2 meters
I have to agree with those suggesting that your choice of cables should be dependent upon your current system and where you want the sound to go from where it is now.  For example, Analysis Plus cables were recommended by one poster.  I find their... 
Which magnepan
I've had 3 pairs of various Maggies in my system since the early '80s.  They have many strengths, and one of the best among them is their imaging.  If you're having difficulty getting Maggies to image well, there are a few things that may be the i... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
I have to admit being a bit surprised by the mixed effects of the fuses in my Rogue amp as well.  All of the fuses used in that component are Synergistic Research Reds.  I've had personal experience a number of times over the years with how import... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
My 2 cents, getting back to the general topic....  I'm always interested in the technical aspects of equipment, but ultimately I listen with my ears.  I became interested in fuse upgrades for the same reason that "Elizabeth" stated in her earlier ... 
Class D is just Dandy!
Tim,    Thanks for your thoughts on my post.  Your observations on switch-mode vs linear power supplies were especially interesting.  I know that, historically, switch-mode supplies were often prone to generating high frequency noise.  With that k... 
Class D is just Dandy!
I'll second tsugury's recommendation of the Rogue Sphinx.  I've had one in my system for a couple of years now and continue to be impressed with its performance, especially considering its very modest cost.  I hesitated considering this amp, as I'... 
   Just a caution if what you are seeking is "uber resolution".  Although you might "hear" everything, you may not find this kind of system musically or emotionally satisfying over the long haul.  I've encountered systems like this that are very m... 
   I envy you your love for, and expertise in, playing pool.  Many years ago I often earned myself a few beers when playing in the local bars of my college town.  :)  However, I want to point out that your analogies are not exactly parallel.  When... 
Somewhat off the topic of amplification, but related to getting the most out of your 1.7s.... Two things that significantly improved the sound of my Maggies were upgrading the tweeter jumpers and the fuses. I currently have Cardas jumpers and Syne... 
I’ve had Maggies for many years and currently enjoy the 1.7s in my listening room. During the last several years I’ve found that Rogue amplification really makes these speakers sing. I’ve used the  Cronus Magnum integrated that did a very nice job...