
Responses from planckscale

Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Sean, that was very informative. Do you think the difference between the signature and the standard model is compelling enough to justify spending the extra money? My last amp was an Onkyo Intergra 504, therefore I would think the standard model w... 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Jetmph, Sean... keep them coming! I have been contemplating on buying the signature series, but with you inputs so far, it seems the standard Cinema Grand will do just fine in this configuration. It is interesting to see that everyone here so far ... 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Also, thanks to all for your contributions. I really appreciate. Through you guys, I have rediscovered music! 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
"I biamp my Aeons with four of the five channels of my Meridian 5-channel amp. This makes the speakers more dynamic - ...."Case closed! Thanks Jetmphfor 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Greg,Don't mention. I appreciate your input. 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Greg,Thanks for the clarification! I am well versed on crossover /band-pass filters circuitry. I just wasn't clear on the way you used "sonic signature" in this context. I think I will go for the 5-channel cinema grand, instead of the regular two ... 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Greg,What do you mean by this statement..."The difference in sonics comes from driving the speakers' drive units directly, the crossover being behind the amps rather than in front"?Are you implying that a 5-channel biamp configuration will be soni... 
Is it best to use a 5-channel amp for biamping??
Thanks everyone for your response. I think Arthursmuck understand what I am trying to do. I am sorry I did not mention what speakers I want to biamp. I have the ML SL3, which are design for bi-amping. I am trying to decide which Sunfire amp I shou... 
How can power cords make a difference?
I prefers Krazeeyk's conclusion!! 
How much does your system retail for?
My Martin Logan SL3 for $1600, Bag-end infrasub for $1000, Pioneer Elete DVD for $300 (retail $1200). The rest of my gear is low end that will be replaced. I promised myself that I will never become a gearphile! 
This post may be old but I must say Bag End are INCREDIBLY musical! My room is 20x12x9'. 
Which sounds better--DVD or CD?
...Besides, explosions happening behind my head when the action is all in front of me just somehow seems unnatural and distracting -- though I may be one of the few who sees it that way.. Couldn't agree more with Plato 
Musical subwoofer for under 1K
Do not by any subwoofer before listening to the Bag End Infra Sub-18. Very musical. 400W and goes down to 8 HZ (if you can hear it!). I own one after intensive research, including help from this site. Was rated the highest on the "Stereophile Guid... 
What you want to use the sub for (music or movies) is an important factor when choosing a sub. Not all subs are musical, but a good low frequency extension (below 20 HZ) is always a good starting point. See my posting under the title "Which sub is...