
Responses from thorty40

Muse new Thalia better than Muse 9 sig?
Hello, I think your best bet would be to contact Brian or Allan at HelloSimplyMusic here on Audiogon and ask one of them about the noted differences between the two models. I recently purchased a Thalia Nine and it is currently breaking-in; althou... 
Hall of Shame
Cornfedboy read my thoughts exactly, I have heard the Pipedreams at a local Chicagoland dealer and they were embarassing to say the least. Maybe it is just my taste, maybe not :) 
Define high current amp?
OTL's are an outstanding match with Soundlabs, I can attest to this personally. Currently, I am using a single David Berning ZH-270 with full-range Soundlab Pristine II's with very good results. The 270 outputs 70W @ 8 ohm and steadily increases p... 
Reynaud vs. Spendor vs. Harbeth vs. Linn
Stick with the Reynaud or the Harbeth's. I have had both and am very familiar with their virtues, both being great speakers. You cannot beat the value with the Twinn's, but the Harbeth with most likely beat them in the midrange department. The Twi... 
OTL amps on Dynamic Speakers
Highly recommend is the David Berning ZH-270 OTL. It has no problems with lower impedences because of its ability to match speaker impedence and increase power output into these more difficult loads. This design is most likely the most stable OTL ... 
Creek & Reynaud?
Hi,The Twinns are great speakers, I think they should match well with your Creek. I have listened to both the Twinn's and the Arpeggionnes and feel they are very good sounding speakers indeed. The Twinns are a steal for the price - they sound very... 
SS amp with Merlins plinius ?
I'm using the ZH-270 to drive full range Soundlabs and can get well into the mid 90db's no problem. Talk about David and Goliath, no pun intended :)Chris 
SS amp with Merlins plinius ?
Want an OTL amp that will whip the pants off the 25W Transcendent Sound? This OTL increases output power as impedence drops, does not use alot of juice at idle (100W), IS stable at and below 4 ohms and outputs 70W @ 8 ohms which means it will driv... 
Tube amps that can hande 4 ohmsl
David Berning ZH-270 otl definitely stable into 4 ohms, no problem. I am currently using them to drive Soundlab Pristine ll's with outstanding performance, the 270 can drive then up into the mid 90db's without strain and they drop down to at least... 
SACD Audio Equipment
What is the retail on the new Pioneer DVAX-10?? Anyone know? 
Best places to find records on Chicago
Hey guys, I just picked up 14 records at the Reckless Records on N. Broadway. I plan on hitting the other two locations soon as the records I found at the first Reckless are really great. Found some excellent blues and some newer releases as well,... 
Best places to find records on Chicago
Thanks for the update, I'll definitely go up to Arlington Heights and hunt that place down. From what it sounds like it will be worth the effort!Chris 
Best places to find records on Chicago
Now thats not a very nice thing to do :) If you would happen to remember what the name of that shop is I would very much appreciate the update. I'll ask around the Chicago vinyl shops though and see if anyone there might know what shop it is you a... 
Best places to find records on Chicago
I think these should keep me busy for awhile, thanks again everyone! One more thing while we are talking vinyl, who do you think has the best available inventory of new music on LP's? I love the older stuff but I would like to know where I can get... 
Best places to find records on Chicago
Thanks everyone, your help is greatly appreciated!Chris