Best auto-lift/shutoff turntables?

I have a Thorens TD-320 that I bought about a year ago to start my re-entry into vinyl world. Couldn't be happier than listening to records again! Now, with spring in the air, I'm starting to think about upgrading the analog end. As a lazy and forgetful guy, I really want to have the auto-lift and/or auto-shutoff functions. Are there any turntables, new or used, with these functions that will out-perform my TD-320? Thanks.
Teres uses motor that automatically shuts off in 45 minutes of playing, but it does not have auto-lift. You can use Expressimo AutoLIFT with Teres (which I do not use because I like to get physicall involved when enjoying music). I think Teres will be an upgrade for you.
Perhaps another Thorens? Or an Express Machining lift that Buscis2 has pointed your to. The lifts can be a little tricky to install, but worth the effort.
Some NEW design Thorens coming! all $$ ranges.
I use two TTs
A Denon DP59-L with lift at end ($250 used)
and a Dual CS-7000 Golden one with lift at end($350 used)
They also have lowering, which is nice if I am nervous, tired, or drunk!
Thanks for responding. My question just became much more important because the shop where I took my TD-320 to have new audio cables put on called yesterday to tell me that they screwed up my arm and it won't track now! So I'm gonna be looking for a new (new or used) turntable real soon! I'm not interested in add on lifters. I'm interested in the best quality, best sounding turntable I can get (about $500) that is/was built with auto-lift/auto-shutoff feature. Are there any other contenders? Thanks, Rich
Winegasman, You're not interested in "add on lifters", but you are interested in a turntable which contains linkages, bellcranks, and subassemblies for an auto lift function?

My suggestion? Buy a CD player.
Further reply: I am not interested in an add on lifter because I am not handy so anything that's "a little tricky to install" is going to be beyond my capabilities. In addition, the lifter idea is coupled to the Teres turntable suggestion, but the Teres' are beyond my budget. I am looking for as good sounding and stable a turntable as I can get for about $500 tops, and will live with the linkages, bellcranks, and subassemblies that the manufacturer has built into the table in order to have the arm lift up and the motor shut off at the end of play. I don't think my earnest question is that unreasonable.
Winegasman, My most sincere apologies. Your question was not unreasonable AT ALL. Although, you will be making one hell of a compromise (sonically) by using a turntable with all of the added mechanisms. I would hate to see anyone who enjoys analog take a step backwards sonically.

But, I can understand your concern with convenience. I made the ULTIMATE compromise when I purchased my CD player. I love my analog. Although sometimes, I simply do not feel like, cleaning, clamping and turning over an LP just to enjoy a musical performance. Even though I do have to reluctantly admit that digital is actually getting better. A LOT better.

The reason I had initially suggested the Expressimo "lifter", is that it can be installed on any turntable of the highest sonic standards without ANY sonic compromises whatsoever. I wish I could help you with an "automatic lift" model but I really can't, other than suggesting possibly Ebay? I had noticed many offerings of turntables of the "semi automatic" variety. Unfortunately, there are not many manufacturers offering quality turntables with automatic features. In fact there is none to my knowledge. If there is, please correct me.

Regards, Ed.
Thanks, Ed. My experience with the Thorens TD-320 has been quite good. There may be sonic compromises involved in having the auto-lift and shut mechanisms, but I don't think I can hear them. or, since I haven't a/b'ed the table with a good, purely manual table maybe ignorance is bliss? Since I'm willing to buy used, I thought that maybe there was a good older table out there with the convenience I want and the sonic quality I hope for. So far, only Elizabeth hs recommended 2 tables, Denon and Dual, but I think those might be lateral moves compared to a Thorens. Is that true?
Winegasman- Your principle objection to the Teres seemed to be price, not that it didn't have auto shut-off. I intuitively understand your desire for auto lift, but not really sure why you're looking for the shut-off as some extra motor/platter running time isn't going to affect anything adversely. Even if you forget and let it run overnight, it's not a big deal. (Heck, I let mine run for three days straight just to break the motor in!)

With respect to the Expressimo Autolift, it's not a big deal to install. The "tricky" part that was refered to before doesn't have anthing to do with drilling, screwing, glueing or something of that nature. The "tricky" part is simply getting it placed in the right spot, which is only a matter of taking time to move it in increments.

I would propose that you consider the Expressimo lift and place it on a manual table of your choosing. This would open up alot more (and better sounding) choices as the Denon, Dual and Thorens are all about the same, give or take.

The only other table with the lift and auto-off feature is the old Empire 698, alhough I'm not totally sure that it had the "off" feature. Nice looking table and can sound pretty good, too. Around $300+, maybe up to $400 for a real nice one.
Thanks. Does anyone else have experience with the Expressimo? If it's easy for an all thumbs person to install correctly, I'd consider it -- I'm just not able to solder, drill or do anything generally that would make me a useful person to have around. (I am expert at sitting in a chair and listening to records, and I'm not bad at helping get rid of extra ice cream -- but those are about the only things I do well.) If there's enough consensus that I'd get better sound from a manual turntable with expressimo, and that I would be able to set it up without hurting myself, I'll certainly widen my range of equipment interests. Thanks, Jimbo.
Winegasman, Maybe you should give Sal (the owner) a call at Expressimo Audio. He is one hell of a nice guy, very easy to talk with, and I'm sure, could instill the confidence you may need to get the job done properly. He is in California, and is usually in after 9:00 am Pacific time. His # is 707-445-4660.

If you let him know what turntable you are using, he could give you a recommendation on which lifter to use.

Let us know how you make out, Ed.
In addition to what Jimbo said about letting it spin, I can attest that many dealers do this regularly. The first time I went to audition some amps at one of my preferred hifi shops, they asked me to just keep the LP12 they had in the listening room spinning--it's no thing to whisk a vinyl off that felt mat while it's spinning. I noticed they kept their Notts spinning, too. Makes sense--starting and stopping a low torqure motor running a big hunk of platter will certainly cause more wear than just letting it go. Only reason I stop my Gyro between plays is because of the "grippy" platter, plus the clamp is tough to screw on in the same direction the platter spins ;) I did let my AR spin, though. I realize this may not help the original poster, but perhaps other readers of this thread could benefit.

Winegasman, it sounds like you have your heart set on a full automatic, and although I'm something of a newbie myself, I personally just haven't seen any better auto 'tables than that Thorens. If you want a truly better analog experience, I'd really consider what these guys are saying about adding aftermarket lifters. If you're not comfortable with the install, then I'm sure you could find a local high end shop to do it for you for a nominal fee, especially if you're on good terms with them. Have them check that things are set up and working properly while it's there.

Good luck-
So, just to sum up: it appears that there are no turntables with auto-lift out there, new or used, that will outperform my TD-320. Do I have that right? Thanks for the posts.
Winegasman, I'll put my best foot forward and say, Yes, that's probably accurate and correct.

Semi-automatic turntables went the same route as many other logical and useful devices. Sometimes, they simply make too much sense. :>)
I have the same question as I, clearly, not sophisticated enough to use a turntable without messing up a needle. I am thinking that an old Yamaha px2 or px3, possibly a PF800 might be the answer. The Dual belt drive turntables were nice units but not better than the Thorens. The Needle Doctor seems to have NOS Dual CS 505 and 435 tables; the 435 is a fully automatic. Sold with warranty and cartridge; ie, ready to plug and play.

I have been using a Denon DP62L for about 20 yrs now. I'm sure there's better TTs out there, but I'd have to spend a LOT to get a significant sound upgrade and it has auto end of record arm lift (in fact all of the Denon DP xxL models had it...hence the L desigination).

A DP 62Ls fetches quite a bit if you can get a good used/NOS one, but they are worth it. It is well made, reliable and convienient. I also like the looks, but that is purely personal.

Good Luck,
Winegasman - I agree with Edainwestoc. I have owned a Denon DP-60L for almost 20 years also and have had zero problems,it has played flawless and is beautiful to look at as well. It's a semi-automatic,direct drive table and if you can pick up a used one do it, it's a great piece of equipment.
Ordered a new DP47F denon along with a DL300 Denon MC cartridge. That'll keep me busy.

I am using a Thorens TD-520 in my system right now, and it is one of the best sounding TT's I have heard (disclaimer: I have not heard all TT's, but quite a few good ones). I have it set-up with a SME 3012R arm and a Clearaudio Discovery cart. I really like the auto lift and shut-off function, and do not believe it detracts in any way from the performance of the TD-520.

BTW, I have tried to respond to your e-mail, but for some reason, I get a "blocked" message. Don't know why.

Consttraveler, Thanks. I don't know why you can't respond either? My 320 is the baby brother to the 520, with a smaller wood base. I'm using the stock tp-16 arm and a new Ortofon Super OM20 cart. I've heard great things about Clearaudio carts and am thinking that that might be a good upgrade path. I don't beleive that the auto features have any adverse affect on sound, but I've been curious since so many audiophiles are such strict adherents to the fully manual TT.
Installed a Denon DL103R in the Denon DP47F in conjunction with a Fidelity Research transformer. Tracking force is 2.75g. The rig sounds great is all I can say and the cartridge is not yet broken in.

When I get the DL301 I'll install that on the rb300 arm on the Audio Note TT1 (table) and see how that works out and will post here.
I know this is re-starting an old thread, but I can't stand reading about auto lift mechanisms that degrade the sound of a turntable. It is probably not available any more, but my second ever turntable (after i got rid of my horrible sounding Technics Direct Drive TT (circa. 1975)) was a Marantz TT (also circa. 1975) with auto lift that sounded fabulous! It was a belt drive unit that detected the end of an LP by breaking a light beam with an extremely light metal blade, and then lifted the arm with a mechanism that was totally detached from the playback components. It was totally isolated from the playback mechanisms (except for the extremely light blade), except when the record wasn't being played. I only wish I still had this TT - it was stolen years ago.
Im not quite sure of knowing when a cart. has been broken in. Is there a difference in sound?? Recently I was at good will and saw a person looking at a used denon turntable. From a distance it looked like they were trying to operate it without a record on the platter. As you know the dp47f has sensors on the platter. Eventually they left and I swept it off its feet for $9.99+tax. It looks great, works great but near the hinges is alittle cracked. The cover still works but id like to get a new one. Any referrals??