Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?

Most of the erudite and precise contributions to this forum concerning the Logitech Squeezebox have made me think I should just go right out and buy one. Over at the forum on Logitech's own website the users complain of one malfunction after another: sound drop-out, unplayable files, album cover mix-up, firmware updates that seem to cause more trouble than solve problems, and many more. Comments?
Well at first listen the Touch seems to have made a positive difference, kind of like when we added Pangea cords to the mix. Not night and day or anything, but noticeable. Nice! Hopefully they will continue to support this in the future.
Logitech pulled the plug on Squeezebox products today. Their new product is a "Smart Radio". Very similar to the SB radio, but uses a new web based server. No replacement at this time for the Touch. Supposedly current users will still be supported for a while. There's multiple threads at the slimdevices forums. Too bad, I just started using a Touch last month.
Well, I went and ordered one along with some power supply...will be curious if it beats a Duet I'm borrowing from a friend.
I wonder if I get a warranty on it if purchased outside of Logitech, like Amazon or CircuitCity (thought they are done...).
Is Squeezebox Touch being discontinued? Should I wait for the "new and improved" version? Or should I snatch one up before they are all gone?

I'd snatch it up -- I think they are a great player.

Here's a couple of idle thoughts. First, I doubt that Logitech has anything new in the works. While there are changes in an updated model that would make the "audiophile" crowd happy, I don't think that's where Logitech's business model lies. I suspect one would see a lower priced model to compete with Roku and the likes long before they come out with a fancier one.

Second, my continued use of the Touch is not dependent on Logitech keeping them in production. They can kill the product tomorrow and I will be able to keep listening to music for years to come.

Third, the important part is the music collection. If my Touch fails and isn't replaceable, I'm free to move to any of the other computer playback options. A bit of replacement hardware and a new software program, and I'm back in business.

In short, I look at the Touch as a "can't lose" product. No matter what Logitech does or doesn't do, I will have access to my music collection.
Is Squeezebox Touch being discontinued? Should I wait for the "new and improved" version? Or should I snatch one up before they are all gone?
Given those responses we decided to go ahead and get a Touch - found it for $240. Hopefully it will be a little upgrade and I can use the Classic 3 in my office setup. Thanks!

Anyone ever used the headphone jack in this? Quality?
I have had similar concerns about SB. Can't be a very profitable line of products. I hope not. We'll see. I have not seen many software updates of late.
Many longtime SB users (myself included) are fearful that Logitech is about to "pull the plug" on the SB product line, and focus on higher volume mainstream consumer electronic/computer products. If so, that would really be a shame. I suggest getting a Touch while you still can, especially if discounted. Even if Logitech throws in the towel, the open-source design of Squeezebox Server, and large community of end-users, will ensure the platform remains functional for quite some time.
They are due for a new model I would say but do not know of anything specific.
thanks folks, sounds like it might be worthwhile to switch eventually. I actually have been wondering if a new one is coming out, as their website says they are out of stock. Amazon etc. is carrying them at a lower price. Perhaps a new version with 24/192 ?
Re upgrading from a SB3 to Touch, I did just that, and was surprised at the improvement, even with S/PDIF feeding an outboard DAC. Much improved overall tone and "musicality" across the spectrum (?? less jitter). IMHO, well worth it! Plus, with the free EDO app add-on, you can stream up to 24/192 FLAC.
"Is it worth the upgrade to a Squeezebox Touch from a Squeezebox Classic 3 if it is being used with a W4S Dac 2?"

For CD level source material, I'd guess probably not just from a sound quality perspective. I found no significant difference in sound moving from similar older ROku Soundbridges to SB Touchs using the same external DACs.

If you have an interest in higher res sources perhaps but be leery regarding the actual improvement in sound quality and value proposition for many high res recordings out there.

One might make the move more just to get to more recent and better supported technology and usability features of the Touch. OR these might not matter much to some.

As usual, it all depends....

I moved from Roku Soundbridge to Touch devices over the last year or so mainly for better performance in regards to eliminating rebuffer events and delays during listening and for the Touch devices ability to display album art. The actual screen touch interface with the SB TOuch is also a very nice feature/enhancement in many cases.
I wonder if anybody tried aftermarket power supply and what their impressions were?
Is it worth the upgrade to a Squeezebox Touch from a Squeezebox Classic 3 if it is being used with a W4S Dac 2? How much higher resolution is possible and does it sound better with "normal" resolution from a ripped Cd? I'm just wondering if this is worth doing.

Thanks as always for your thoughts.
I've had a few problems with my Squeezebox Touch, but for me they've been nothing more than annoyances. I have mine pulling files off of a Synology NAS. My biggest annoyance is when the Touch decides that it doesn't want to see the files on the NAS or it just stops responding requiring a reset. Lately, it won't play files that I bought on iTunes, although it used to. The remote control software for it (Apple and Droid) is also a bit buggy. What I do like about the Touch is the ability to play hi def files and being able to control it with my Harmony remote.

Still, when I'm having a party or something and want trouble free running, I use my Sonos. The Sonos is more refined and does sound pretty darned good. It's also easier to use overall.

Honestly, if I had it to do all over again, I would probably just stick with the Sonos. I've never had to reset it. It just does what it's supposed to do all of the time. It sounds good and the software is rock solid.

At this point, I just keep the Touch because it was so cheap that getting rid of it just isn't worth the trouble.

The Touch isn't bad, it just has its quirks.
Mlsstl - Who spent "big bucks"?
Bondmanp, reread my prior post - wasn't referring to you on that point.
Mlsstl - Who spent "big bucks"? The SBT and the Vortexbox 1TB model, plus a back up drive, all came in at well under $800, delivered. Off-the-charts bang for the buck, IMHO. Soon, I will upgrade the digital cable from the SBT to my DAC. It only gets better!
Bondmanp wrote: IME, having a server designed for use with the SBT makes life much simpler.

I'm with you. I find it interesting that some audiophiles who spend big bucks on interconnects, power cords and other tweaks seem reluctant to have a dedicated server for a network music player.

The Squeezebox line of players does not need a fancy or powerful server, but they certainly benefit from a dedicated one.
IME, having a server designed for use with the SBT makes life much simpler. My Vortexbox appliance is a dedicated computer running Linux that was designed with several wifi music players in mind, including the SBT. The combo is a home run, and much easier to set up and keep running than a NAS-based system, IMO. That is especially true if you are not tech savvy, and I am certainly not tech savvy.
Getting the Touch to work is as complicated as adding a new client to your home network
The level of complication is a function to your computer skills so is a question for yourself. Personally I had a SB, Duet, Boom and Transporter and never had a problem. Basically a plug and play with some general settings. I'm using my iPhone to control the players.

It sounds like most with problems have problems with their computer networks. If you put the most well built house on a faulty foundation, it will still not be stable.

Now a days, I don't understand why anyone would have computer network issues. I'm using Verizon Fios and the Fios modem is also the wireless router ... everything has been simplified. The Verizon tech cloned all my settings from the old wireless router and set everything up in less than an hour.

Occasionally I do have to cycle power on my Boom because my old home cordless telephone operates in the same frequency as my wireless network. When I can get an incoming call, it disrupts the wireless signal. I could easily resolve this problem with a "DECT 6.0" wireless phone system but not a priority so far.
"A lot of people use their music server PC for other tasks. That can complicate issues through no fault of the SB software. "

That's a good point. The less you do on the device where the server is running, the better from a reliability perspective in general.

IT also helps if you have a stable and reliable network, Wifi or otherwise, set up in your home.

SOmetimes, other activity on your network can also have detrimental effects like delays and re-buffering, but I have to say that this rarely if ever occurs in my setup despite often having two or even 3 other family members using the network concurrently. This was a significant problem with ROku SOundbridge, which is older technology. Of course, if your network is down, then you are typically out of business. Similarly if your internet connection or provider is down, no Internet radio. If your favorite internet radio station is down, then you are out of luck but just there.

No doubt there are a lot of moving parts at play. But I have to say that despite all the complexities and permutations possible, SB is a pretty mature technology and very reliable as a whole.
Periodic reboot/recycle of any server type device (once A week or so) is almost always a good idea.

My Linux (Fedora Core 12) music server has been up for 235 days straight. The last reboot was when I cleaned the dust out of the box. Didn't even reboot when I upgraded to LMS 7.7.1.

The Touch and SB3 have been on the entire time, too, without a reset. My SB Radio and the SB Controller are the only ones that periodically need a power reset - perhaps every other month or so.

I find the Squeezebox system, including the server software, remarkably stable. A lot of people use their music server PC for other tasks. That can complicate issues through no fault of the SB software.
Have been using a SB classic and boom box for 3-4 years. One of the best investment made in audio ! I used an old laptop as server and put all my music on NAS (Dlink DNS323). The SB classic is connected to router with RJ45, whereas boom box connected wirelessly. Very few drop out with boom almost never with the wired connection of SB classic.
"I run my SBT through a Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 and the sound quality is at times breathtaking, and never less than extremely pleasing."

My DACs are different but I would agree with this assessment in my case as well.

No doubt some SB software still has some rough edges, especially with certain configurations (there are MANY possible). I use Logitech Server running on a WIndows 7 laptop, 2 SB Touches, 1 SB Radio, Softqueeze on my other laptop, and the SB controller and player android apps on my tablet. A pretty mainstream scenario for SB users overall I would say. I also use the browser based controller on various laptops in the house and also even on a small Dell Windows Mobile device. Everything generally works without issue for weeks on end. Periodic reboot/recycle of any server type device (once A week or so) is almost always a good idea.
A month or two ago I was hot and heavy to get into being able to play hi res files from HD Tracks and such, so I got a squeezebox touch. Since having gotten the squeezebox, I've used it a LOT, just getting to know it.

These are some of my observations. In my system, it sounds no better or worse than my Sonos, when playing "standard" definition files. I've also found that there isn't a whole lot of hi res music that I'm interested in. So far, I have about a dozen albums in hi res format, but really have to wonder if it was all worth the expense of the hi res downloads.

The squeezebox is quirky. Sometimes is doesn't want to work and needs a reset. Sometimes it won't read my library and I'm running mine hard wired to my router and have my music on an NAS. The available software is also quirky. The Logitech software plain sucks and iPeng is rough around the edges.

Quite frankly, in terms of usability, the Sonos system is head and shoulders about the squeezebox. The Sonos always works and the software is refined.

Of course the downside to the Sonos is that it doesn't do hi res and you can't control it with an IR or RF remote (which is a biggie for me).

When I'm having a party or something and pass the ipad around so that guests can add to the play list and control the music, I use the Sonos. It's just plain fool proof. When I'm kicking back and just listening to music, I use the Touch because I can control it with my Harmony 900 via RF.

In the end I just kept both. The Sonos is reliable and the Touch was so cheap that keeping it isn't a big deal.
I guess my choice of words was clumsy above. I was trying to pay the SBT a very high compliment! I own one and love it.
By "entry-level", I was merely referring to the ridiculously low price (I paid $235 del'd from Amazon) for such a quality device.
I run my SBT through a Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 and the sound quality is at times breathtaking, and never less than extremely pleasing.
Shakey, I'd say the same with SB touch with either my mhdt Paradisea or Constantine DACs.

Same true even with my older Roku Soundbridges I had prior to SB Touches. I moved to SB mainly to get to the newer technology from a user experience perspective.

The outboard DAC can make a huge difference, if needed, no doubt!

Maybe SB Touch + any mhdt DAC specifically is the secret sauce for high end digital audio on a budget?
"Squeezebox Touch = entry-level digital audiophilia"

That's a good thing.

Simply add the right external DAC to meet your sound expectations and no longer entry level in performance IMHO, rather, already a serious contender for most audio hounds.
I would hardly call the results I get with the Touch + Havana DAC "entry level". Far from it actually......

Squeezebox Touch = entry-level digital audiophilia for "dummies" (actually, smarties) :-P
Love my SBT, and have yet to have a dropout. I paired it with a VortexBox Appliance (~$400), all connected to my home wifi network. I love the sound through my K-Works SuperBerry DAC. Every bit as good as playback from a CDP.

I am ripping many homemade CD-Rs of vinyl and other things that don't get any metadata. Using MP3tag, I edit all the tags by hand. A real PITA, but I need only do it once, and as Mapman said, GET BACKUP! I already had to restore from my backup when a Vortexbox upgrade went wrong and I had to do a clean install. Restoring from the backup worked like a charm! Besides, my CD-Rs of vinyl sound way better than Red Book CDs of the same recordings.
I have a duet and find it to be very easy to deal with.
If you can connect to a wireless network in windows, you can deal with a S/Box no problem.
The few times I have personally seen issues, it has been someone trying to upload or download files while using their drives as the server...or the kids flooding the home network playing games while trying to play music...or not knowing that they cannot have the PC power management shut the drives off and expect instant response when they fire the S/Box up.

I have had to reboot mine a few times, but compared to the ease of having everything at the touch of a has been a true joy.
I could not be happier and the sound, using a DAC, is awesome. I run FLACS mostly and try not to ever touch mp3. that i have an imac it cant even find the netwrk and let me get internet radio...
The Touch gets it's IP address from your router, not the PC or iMac. The computer doesn't even have to be on for internet radio.

Are you saying the Touch doesn't see your wireless network?

Did you ever set up an account with You do need that for internet radio.

I've always found the users at very knowledgeable and helpful. It's not the official Squeezebox help site, but rather a users discussion group. You might wish to check them out.
It does work, but like all computer audio, it can be fiddly, not as easy as just popping in a silver disc and hitting the play button.
It doesn't do anything that can't be done in other ways. Mainly it provides a nice GUI to access music from various devices. After learning how to use it, I mainly use it for Internet Radio.
Before buying, ask yourself what you want it to do. Then ask what are the
Alternatives, and we can discuss the pros and cons of each.
The squeezebox is not complicated if you can handle the wireless netowrk setup (very ez). But, it doens't sound too hot. It is awesome for the price but high end, unfortunately, it is not. Much better just installing a $150 sound card in your puter.
I bought one based on the reviews. I could not make it work with a windows xp pc, and now that i have an imac it cant even find the netwrk and let me get internet radio. Just an expensive paperweight right now. BTW the help desk at logitech is useless; they asked me to uninstall the sw and install an older version. It did not help. Buy one only if you are comfortable with computer and wifi networks.
...then suddenly stops...even from SD.

The SD card may well be your problem. The whole Squeezebox series was originally designed as a "network player", not a standalone device.

It works best with LMS (the server program) installed on a well configured, stable PC.

I've used Squeezebox players for 10 years (starting with the original SliMP3 to the Touch I have now) and never once had the system just stop while playing music.

Sounds like you you have a double-whammy. Nominal computer experience combined with trying to use the unit in its least optimal configuration.
in a nutshell, too complex and unstable... love it when it works...then suddenly stops...even from SD...requires reloading of music/ erasing of server files on SD...nowhere any explanation...

great potential... but need to be computer savvy
If you do a music server, there are some general complications that have nothing to do with Squeezebox or server.

One is getting metadata tags correct when ripping. SB system does not do ripping. You have to pick a program that rips to a compatible format (usually lossless .wav or FLAC for audiophiles) and makes it easy to get tags correct (song name, artis, album, etc.). HAving to edit tags after the fact is a real drag and downer. You learn to avoid it at all costs, but there will always be cases where some manual tag editing is needed. Best to do during the rip to get it right at the outset.

The other is backups. You have to maek sure you have something in place to quickly and reliably backup the files you rip. The worst is to lose a disk drive and have to rip (and tag) everything again. VERY IMPORTANT. Backup is another area that the SB system does not address, so you have to put this in place separately. Not hard to do, but not all backup programs are created equal and you gotta get it right.
I have a couple of Squeezebox Touches and one Duet. More trouble with the Duet. I think the Touch pretty much got it right. Just use mine as tuners.
Easy and I love it. I use Pandora and Spotify and could not be more happy. Never an issue and fun to the max. Spotify is like TV cable, but for music. I pay just over $10 month to play most any album that has been released anytime I want. Wow!
Its a serious audiophile bargain all around, and relatively easy to setup initially for very good trouble free sound. It will also amply reward a user willing to experiment a bit and adjust/tweak settings. The soundcheck mods are very worthwhile as well. Overall, I can't recommend the SBT highly enough. Where else in this overpriced, over hyped hobby can you get a product for $300 that can deliver so much out of the box and so much more with a bit of effort?
I've been using a SB Classic and Transporter for 5 or 6 years and find it to be pretty much set it and forget it. Problems have been virtually non-existent.

It takes a minor degree of computer skill to get the initial setup done, but I'd say not much more than setting up your iPod with iTunes.

The payback has been far greater than the learning curve involved, which I'd say is probably more of a paradigm shift than learning curve.

I agree that gauging a device's ease and reliability by posters to product forums is like asking a cop how crime in his precinct is, you'll always see a concentration of somewhat jaded opinion.
Visit a Microsoft web site and one might think no one has ever seen one of their program actually work...
Oh, do they actually work...I thought that everything MS released was in perpetual beta ;-)

Seriously, I have had some issues with using my Logitech Transporter. They are mostly due to wireless network issues as Mapman mentioned but I will admit that the firmware updates are a little too clunky over wireless and a little too frequent for my liking. Still, the benefits are many and if you will be going wired OR have a good strong signal at your SB location, you should be fine. if you have some basic PC skills or access to a teenager.
i'm not one of the erudite or precise contributors, but i've been using my sbt for about two months now and, despite being something of a computer audio novice find it quite user friendly. setup is easy and interface is extremely logical and intuitive. as stated above, it's not as foolproof as a cdp--you'll get some dropouts and may need to reset it once in a while, but overall it's reliable and, of course, massively convenient. i'm led to believe that the earlier iterations were buggy, but in general it's a breakthrough product.
I purchased a Touch about a year ago and I'm very happy with it. Setting it up through my wireless network was straight forward. I'm not a computer techie and I use a Windows system (Macs are reportedly easier to use), and yet it was very straight forward.

I never had album covers mixed up. Had some dropouts, but nothing I've gone nuts about. Usually has something to do with network usage, as my kids using the same network to stream video while I listen to music. Considering a dual-band router now to by-pass that issue. Nothing to do with the Touch itself, though.

For correctly ripping CDs and avoiding the guesswork you might want to check out the Guide to Ripping CDs over at I followed it to a t and had never had a problem.

I hope this helps.
Agree with Mlsstl.

Overall, I find the Squeeze system to be quite straightforward and reliable, and a fairly mature product, but some comfort level dealing with computer apps is always recommended with these things. Its not nearly as easy as popping a CD in a CD player, but the advertised benefits should far outweigh the disadvantages for the computer literate. If you are computer literate, expect to reach a comfort level with the entire system and all the options within a few weeks minimum with some focus and effort. Its really not so bad if you have the chops to deal with this kind of thing. If not, it will surely become overwhelming quickly.

Most of the complexity comes into play when setting up a personal music server, which is where a lot of the benefits reside, but is optional. Connecting to the Logitech managed web service via internet for access to internet radio, Pandora, etc. is quite straightforward as those things go, and alone provides access to so many new music sources to soak in that you might not even get around to trying to set up your own server for your music for quite some time. PErsonally, it was about 1 year until I even got around to setting up a music server when I first started with this computer audio stuff. I spent the first year simply enjoying all th e new and good sounding music available via internet playing on my rig.
I've had a Squeezebox Touch for almost 2 years (and other Squeezebox models going back 10 years) and consider it straightforward to use and one of the best buys in audio.

One does need enough basic computer knowledge to rip your CDs to your computer and also install the server software (now called Logitech Media Server and formerly known as Squeezeboxserver.)

As respects network setup, the Touch is pretty much plug and play. It finds the network just as easily as my laptop, Kindle and Roku player.

Sure, with computer based stuff, some people are always going to have problems. Often this ties to their having a non-standard network setup or interference from their neighbor's wireless. Usually some basic wireless troubleshooting takes care of things, but there is always going to be that oddball situation.

Keep in mind that when you visit a computer device manufacturer's web site, the noisiest people there are going to be the ones with problems. Satisfied consumers are far less likely to take the time to find the website just so they can tell the world everything is fine.

Visit a Microsoft web site and one might think no one has ever seen one of their program actually work.... ;-)