Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


Chances are that there is probably not anything wrong with your amps. It may just be the combination of the size of room, the high spl level you like to listen and the effeciency of your speakers. My room is about 425 square feet. I do listen to music at times in the 90-95db range but most of the time closer to 70-80db range. As I said before I haven't really noticed any distortion at any level that I would be listening.
"it's time you figured out that YOU NEED WATTAGE!!!

I would respectfully disagree.

I run the ML 2.1 with my Wilson X-2's (15 inch woofers) and I can play them at ear bleeding levels with no distortion. The fact that they are but 18wpc is very misleading
I run the ML 2.1 with my Wilson X-2's (15 inch woofers) and I can play them at ear bleeding levels with no distortion.
In a 700 sq. ft. room? Playing rock 'n roll at 110dB? Steve needs wattage.
Evita, I agree I need wattage, sometimes, therfore I will stay with the Lamm's for I hear magic happening, when I need to rock out, I will have the next best thing I can find, and, 120 watts is just not enough, for my present speakers. I will know more after I set up m,y custom horns, which will be about 103/104db. Thanks for the feedback, these are truely MUSICAL, and accurate amps.

These are just amazing amps, the more I listen, the better I hear the music. I have the best soundstage I have heard in my system, layering, depth, width, natural voices, and instraments is holographic, and just plain mind boggling for me.
"how does the Lamm compare to Cary 211"

IMO there is no comparison. Once you hear the ML 2.1 you will be hooked. It is the most musical amp I have ever owned
I now have a Mactone MA300, 22 watt PP 300B amp, and I gotta say, this is better than the Lamm ML2 in my system.
Hi Smilin
I have owned many world class 833A/ 845/211/300 B/ 2A3 & 45 valve amplifiers which I loved for their own presentations on the Avantgarde Duo & Duo Omega speakers.
I now have the Lamm ML2.1 amplifiers and must say these are the most natural dynamic full range amplifiers I have heard on the Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers, they are also the quietest valve amplifiers made.
I would highly recommend the emmLabs CDSD SE & DCC2 SE / Lamm ML2.1 & Avantgarde Duo Omega system as a incredible musical combination.
Thanks Jason Parmenter.
Hi Jason

I too have the ML 2.1 and IMO it is the finest amp I have ever owned UNTIL I heard Vladimir's new ML Reference 3 which he was kind enough to send on loan for aaudition. Simply put the ML 3 is the amp by which all others will be compared. In 36 years of being involved with this hobby I have never heard music in such a 3D manner as this amp presents. The downside is the MSRP is $139K so my advice is to love your ML 2.1 and never audition the ML3 because it will redefine everything you have ever known in audio.
BTW, I too have Meitner gear and feel it is the best digital I have ever owned
Agree with jason and oneobgyn above - ML2 (I have the older version) is magic with Duo Omegas. The ML3 is not even a consideration for me - for that money, I'd get a Porsche 997 GT3!
The ML3, like the Porsche is something one would own for a lifetime. The amps he sent on loan are S/N 0001 and 0002.
I love driving performance cars and in fact own one. They are fun to drive but cost of the luxury with insurance and maintenance etc goes without saying.
For music lovers however, to sit in the sweet spot and listen to the music delivered by the ML3 Reference is almost a life changing event. Not sure where you live Triode but if you are in the SF Bay Area I would love to host you for a listen. Not sure when we have to return these amps but it is going to be difficult to let them go.
Hi Oneobgyn, you have a beautifully set up listening room & audio system. I am sure the Lamm ML3 will be extremely hard for you to part with & to give back to Vladimir.
I would really like to have a pair of the ML3 my self one day to use with my Parmenter Fat Boy horn speakers, I am using the Lamm M 1.2 reference amplifiers to drive this system at the moment which control the TAD 1601 a bass drivers really well.
Hi Triode, you will know what I mean about acceleration then with the Lamm ML 2 & Avantgarde Duo omega speakers.
You will probably need a Porsche 997 GT3 to compare in a Vehicle/Audio comparison.
I would recommend trying the EMM Labs CDSD SE & DCC2 SE if you can as the front end some time, please make sure the DCC2 SE preamplifier is well run in first as this is a incredible combination.
Thanks Jason

I figure the only way to get these Lamm ML3's is to part with my SL55.
I'm a car guy too, 24 year PCA member and currently drive a 2004 Porsche 911 (40th Anniversary Edition). My next will be a 997S, or possibly a GT3...expensive hobbies we have, no?
Hi Triode, yes very expensive passions both of these hobbies but very rewarding when you have the quality & experience of these two manufacturers.
All the best with the new car, I would go for the Porsche 4 wheel drive Turbo in NZ if I could afford one.
Hi Oneobgyn, did you part with the SL 55 or did you keep it and get the Lamm ML3`s as well.
How is your system sounding now, can you notice the extra power of the ML3 compared to the ML2.1.
Hi Jason

I did keep the SL55 and found a way to buy not only the ML3 Signature but so also Vladimir's new LL1 Signature preamp.A far more detailed and revealing system than its predecessor