Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things

The polite rules for discussing audio:
Folks post three types of messages:      
Questions ,about audio function, method, what to buy..  
Answers to other folks questions..  
And blogging. I bought this, I did this, here is my experience                        
Allow others to say and describe what they experience and hear.   Allow then to offer reasons without arguing.   If it is a blog, stop telling them what to do! They don't want you arguing, just wanted to say I did this.
Offer POSITIVE responses. If you disagree with them, do so in a polite and friendly way.        
Offer alternatives without aggressive language.And above all, stop tit for tat aggression. Turn the other cheek dudes, turn the other cheek.
What do you think would help create a friendly happy place to discuss audio?
Nice try, Lizzie. Actually the reason the sky is blue has nothing to do with water vapor. Blue light is scattered in all directions when sunlight strikes the tiny molecules of air, mostly oxygen and nitrogen, in the Earth’s atmosphere. That’s called Rayleigh scattering. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it’s wavelength is shorter. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.
Multiple choice, what’s driving Miss Lizzie bonkers? Hmmmm, something for the shelf....

1. Large Acoustic resonator, the one the size of a grapefruit
2. Ultra Signature Clever Lil Clock
3. Mind Lamp from Psyleron
4. Quantum Temple Bell
5. Autographed photo of Keith Richards
6. 1/32 scale Harley Davidson Sportster
7. Zen and the Art of Debunkery
8. None of the above


I might have perfected whatever you feel I have. Aren't you curious how it is to be good at something? Why don't you try to improve your posts? Maybe, with some effort, you could make a coherent one more often than once a month. It is not hard to do. Write what you think you want to write. Then delete it and write just the opposite.
Sorry kid, I am NOT your Daddy, but I’ll tell you anyway...
The sky is blue because of all the WATER vapor in the air. The sunlight hits the water vapor and after several things happen you have no need to know mainly 'cuz I do not understand them fully but has something to do with electron states and emitted energy... the sky turns blue.
People with no answers do get tired of clear and, often, simple questions.

>>>>Yes, I know, Pumpkin. The What about this? What about that? routine. You perfected it. Daddy, why is the sky blue? 👶
Simple question: Should I buy it? or NOT buy it? So far waffling has gotten me to the brink. But can it push me OVER the brink into actually buying? It sure would look pretty on my audio shelf. Even though I don't need it.. I want it..And NO you cannot ask what it is. Suffice to say it clearly is some sort of audio related gizmo.
People with no answers do get tired of clear and, often, simple questions. In fact, I noticed that posters on Audiogon do not like having their posts read carefully and then having questions asked about them. It is, all too often, a one-way communication.
What is actually needed is some sort of basic audio thread, you know for non audiophiles and newbies, clean slates, that sort of thing. One gets rarher tired of the mundane, what about this? what about that? routine. Yes, I realize this isn’t supposed to be the faculty at Harvard. But does it have to be so much like Revenge of the Nerds? But Whack a mole is OK by me. 

That is what I was hoping for. However, I am afraid geoffkait would trash the thread in his honor, too.
I’m all for the GK thread if it will help keep his nonsense from bogging down all the rest but I doubt it. Plus having his own thread might largely sate his need for ego stroking for a bit maybe and spare us in all the other otherwise useful threads?
We have a match! Gloops and Moops. Bingo!

We sing our early morning singing song
Gliddy glup gloopy nibby nabby nooby la la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba nooby abba nabba le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla nooby abba nabba

Yes someone with nothing but time to waste should start a special  GK thread.
Are those pictures of hamburgers?

>>>Technically they’re cheeseburgers. Which also works.

Two things:

1.When we talk about him, even if we don't talk to him, he likes it. I'm guilty again.

2.I would not equate him with a real bully. He just isn't effective in that role. Which is doubly sad because I think that is what he wants most to be.

>>>>>One thing: 

1. Somebody musta flunked Psychology 101,

@glupson the emojis are for ass and burgers hence he is attempting to insult you as having aspergers syndrome when you clearly don’t. Usually people like him that devote to insults are reminiscent to a bully in middle school. Except the worst thing is he isn’t a middle-schooler, he sadly is a grown man with no life except on the internet doing what he does best, trolling, (you can google him). Truly pathetic @geoffkait . Everyone should just ignore him and move on to real-world audio discussions for what a forum like this should be about.

Best thing for him is to fade away from these forums as it really interrupts the quality of discussion and engagement of learning for others.

>>>>reggy must be a boy genius for figuring out the peach hamburger emoji. Glupson, eat your heart ❤️ out.
Should we make a whole thread about him, rather than usurping other threads? That way, geoffkait could feel good (see statement 1 above) and we would be doing a good deed.
Two things: 

1.When we talk about him, even if we don't talk to him, he likes it. I'm guilty again.

2.I would not equate him with a real bully. He just isn't effective in that role. Which is doubly sad because I think that is what he wants most to be.
Holy cow, I would have never figured out it was Asperger's syndrome symbol. Not in this lifetime, not ever.
If we start kicking some out soon enough everyone will be kicked out or leave.
@glupson the emojis are for ass and burgers hence he is attempting to insult you as having aspergers syndrome when you clearly don’t. Usually people like him that devote to insults are reminiscent to a bully in middle school. Except the worst thing is he isn’t a middle-schooler, he sadly is a grown man with no life except on the internet doing what he does best, trolling, (you can google him). Truly pathetic @geoffkait . Everyone should just ignore him and move on to real-world audio discussions for what a forum like this should be about.

Best thing for him is to fade away from these forums as it really interrupts the quality of discussion and engagement of learning for others.

You may need to ask for money back from your high school. They did not deliver. They did not prepare you for meaningful and courteous communication with other adults.
glupson has learned how to be an accomplished 🍑🎩 here. Unfortunately a verbose one.

I know, geoffkait does like to point out my occasional typo while not being able to construct his own sentence most of the time. I do not pay much attention to that. Nor am I able to understand those little pictures he often places within his posts. Even teenagers do not do it anymore. And they write way better. I do draw the line at his insults with calls for death, suggestions of suicide, etc.
glupson, ignore him (you should already know this by now). Pointing out grammar and spelling errors on discussion forums is the lowest form of trolling.

I gather the ideas. Grammar knowledge is lower on my list of interests for now, but am open to new acquisitions. Thankfully, there are those who write well here so I do pay attention.
I agree and am actually appreciate non-audio knowledge I gather here.

>>>>>>When do you reckon you’ll be gathering up some grammar knowledge here?

I agree and am actually appreciate non-audio knowledge I gather here. This thread has been quite pacifistic and enjoyable so far. Wait, what was the topic again?
inna said:

"To quote someone.
- Whatever you think I am or want me to be I am -"

That sounds like the exact opposite of anarchism. It also sounds like Paul:

"For though I am free from all.......I have become all things to all people"

I’m pretty sure he was not an anarchist. The exact opposite in fact.

glupson, I have seen this sort of discussion frequently on other up-scale web sites usually involving expensive high tech equipment. I do not think it is elitist to say that a lot of people involved in this sort of hobby are intelligent and multi-dimensional and often well-read. On the automotive (racing) websites I frequent, this sort of conversation is non-existent. I find the participants there to be just as intelligent, but often in a more practical sense...street smarts....or track smarts...and there tends to be less debate about subjective things. If it doesn’t result in faster track times or durability then it doesn’t matter and no one is going to wax philosophical about it.

I think this sorts of discussions are harmless. No one came to this particular thread looking for technical info. Nothing lost. And there has been some entertaining wit exchanged and so far no one wants to kill anyone else.


What else could it become with valid, but still not audio-related, title it has? Well, it has "audio related" in there but the title could skip those two words and be applied to any other segment or hobby.

I just caught myself writing a tractate on respiratory mechanics, physiology, and I do not know what else on a thread about......cables. How did that happen? I have no clue. It seems that threads on Audiogon have such a tendency. I learn more about philosophy, geography, etc. here than I do about strictly audio topics.
inna said:

just because one fears death one does not commit suicide. In reality, often does. One should not.

There you go with the shoulds and should-nots. Are you sure you're really an anarchist?


n80, people are in many ways oxymorons.

On that we agree.

uberwaltz said:

Well I might use part of that word.....

Don't feel bad, that's the only part of the word that some people can understand. ;-)
Post removed 

Haha,very droll
Where is Captain Jack Sparrow when you need him.

Well I might use part of that word.....
I can envision a "Big Brother Audiophile " edition. With really great stereos in every room. The contests for HoH would always involve either musical knowledge, equipment parsing by EAR, or moving Pass amplifiers around obstacles or how long you can hold it up. Perhaps building your set of IC. The first sets of bonding would probably get sorted based on all wire is just wire vs all wires can sound different. Then tubes vs SS. Though it might switch to Classical AND Jazz vs Rock/Pop at anytime.
elizabeth, you seem to hunger for power. They say the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship..........but then that never works out for long, does it?

And why all the consternation from everyone about the turn this thread has taken? Was it ever really that important?

inna, "responsible anarchy" is an oxymoron on so many levels. Maybe "logically consistent" and "intellectual honesty" are too.


I think that uberwaltz was more thinking along the lines of euthanasia and not so much suicide.

@gulpson More Castaway, thanks to those early in life swimming competitions. I defer the sinking to the existentialists. : )
uberwaltz, just because one fears death one does not commit suicide. In reality, often does. One should not.
@uberwaltz  Does Cap Elizabeth go down with her ship? The start of an alternate movie universe to Pirates of the Caribbean? The Curse of the Black Mat??? Blue Fuse's Tell No Tales???