Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Kenji,thanks for the information.Sounds like I need to try some of the TJ PX4 at some stage.
I have a third set of speakers -open baffle[1964 Wharfedale above 250hz] and then crossing to titanium and ribbon tweeters around 3.5 k.Although the midrange is superbI was never really happy with the tweeters in these but with the Cabernet they are sounding really good-amazing!
It all makes you wonder if people are forever changing speakers when all they need is a really good pre.

Is anyone using Van den Hul the first inteconnects between CD and Cabernet? This carbon fibre cable seems to be a good match-certainly much better than silver or any of my copper cables.


TJ also makes PX25/5V (5 Volt version)tubes that can replace 300B's. The look is awesome but I have yet to try them. The tubes that I'm listening to right now are Sovtek 5AR4 x 1, Sylvania 6f6g x 2, EH6SN7 x 2 and TJ PX4 x 2. If I would like to pamper myself, I would plug in my collection of NU350B's, Mullard GZ34's and CV1988's. YMMV.

Hi Kenji,The TJ does have a big bass but I am bi-amping so can attenuate it a bit.I have been listening to both the TJ and the EH and am starting to prefer the TJ-the mid is much nicer although the EH is very new and might free up in time.
Yet to try the PX4 or 45.

My power supply is okay. I like the sound of the PX4 tubes more than 300B so I did not do any 300B tube rolling even though Cabernet has this option. I tried TJ 300B once but the bass was too much for my ears and switched back PX4 tubes.

I have a pair, cyoyed even, brand new. Shoot me an e mail with your info and you can have them. I moved up to the Cabernet, so I don't have any need for them
I get some microphonics if I tap on the chasis but this settles down quickly and certainly does not intrude on the music.My speakers are 98db sensitivity so show up problems like this.I used to have a Lux power amp that had bad microphonics.I sold this and later discovered my power supply was running up to 266 volts when it was meant to be 240 volts-this may have been a cause.It might pay to get your power supply checked.I had mine lowered at the transformer.Also stevem60 has a type of 300b which he reckons has very low microphonics.I'll ask him to post info on this.
What 300b valves do you find sound best in the Cabernet?I have tried the TJ meshplate which sounds nice tonally but I think the EH has much more precise imaging and tighter bass.I remember comparing the EH and the Western Electric and I prefered the EH!.
Does tube rolling just involve dunking the tubes in liquid nitrogen or does it have to be done when the moon is right and with the tube in a special cow horn- bio dynamic style?I have access to liquid nitrogen.

Hello all , I have a Cortese 3-4 years old and need a pair of tungsol pearl 12B4A cryo-vac tubes. Anyone know where I can get a pair ?
Does this tube have a large impact on the sound ?
Is there a better or more common tube to get ?

Thank you for the help

Hi Gang,

I have been away for a while but come back to read the threads every now and then. Congratulations to Jtgosifh for your new toy! Does your Cabernet has any microphonic issue? I am asking this as mine is too sensitive - it picks up my voice if I speak a little bit louder in my listening room if there is no disc is spinning. During loud passage that ended abrutly, I still could hear the the sound being "sustained" through microphonic effect. I have tried tube rings, isolation pad, and everything that you can imagine but in vain. Not that I do not enjoy the music coming out from this pre-amp but the microphonic issue keeps bothering me. Other than that this is a fabulous pre-amp.

Hello JT, congratulations on your new Cabernet. I just got my Cab this past December. Trust me, as happy as you are now with the fabulous fit, finish and sound, you won't believe what will happen in a couple or weeks or so. You will be enjoying your music and then the unit warms up and breaks in and you will be taken to audio heaven. It is that dramatic! I have been through a wonderful evolution of great gear, old Mcintosh, new Mcintosh, Conrad Johnson, Lamm and others, but this is the best "ride" I have ever owned! I was a "newbie" at tube rolling, a little intimidated but I am now getting into that and the doors keep opening up. So enjoy and keep this thread going. It is the grand thread on the site. If you like, I will share my novice experience at the tubes I am slowly, and this I recommend, getting into, and I am sure this will inspire more thoughts and opinions.
Hi Jt, Yes I am particularly interested in Micks KT-88 monos .Mick did such GREAT job on the Chenin I bought from him,these new monos should be a crazy good mate for my preamp. Having just bought a new system last year including a pair of used O.T.L. monos,there is room for improvment and better matching with my pre. This is the second system I have bought since the early 1980s.The only thing left from my first decent stereo is my Quad 63s,some Mod Squad tip toes and some Monster wires. My Wife and I had a great time putting our new system together.We have never heard our favorite music like this in our home.I think Micks new amps will be icing on the cake for us...
Thanks for the welcome Stiltskin and Slowhand.
The first time I heard a Supratek preamp was a revelation.Most audiophiles seem to spend a lot of time effort and money "upgrading" without ever really improving the long term satisfaction that they get from their system.This especially applies to those pursueing perfect neutrality, which is a fiction.These are the same types who go to see a live performance and concentrate more on the venue acoustics than on the performance itself.
The word transcend is especially appropriate to Micks products because they can help audiophiles to forget about the componentry and just enjoy the music.The preamps are especially important in this role.The only other products I know with similar transcendence values are very good electrostatic speakers.

It sounds like a lot of people are anxious to hear about the new KT88 amps.I have only heard these briefly but was very impressed.I use push-pull amps myself and see no reason why they shouldn't sound just as good as SE if the design is right.I know that Mick is really pleased with these.Sometimes less is more.

Hi JT,

Welcome to the Supratek family! Wow, it must be great getting a chance to listen to all of Mick's designs. Enjoying the music is what it's all about for me. No more looking for the latest greatest thing out there. Mick's designs transcend time, so you can truly focus on the music.
Hi JT and welcome. Have you heard any of Micks amplifiers, even pre production models with his preamps in a system? Any comments would be great...
G'day everyone.This is my first post here.I took delivery of my Cabernet two days ago and am enjoying it immensely.I guess I am one of the lucky ones because I live near Supratek and Mick has been very patient and helpful in assisting me to decide which of the preamps I wanted.This task has not really been easy because I have had a chance to hear all of them and they are all superb in their own way.I decided on the Cabernet because I have always loved the sound of 300b valves.I am also using very light paper coned speakers which benefit from a slightly warmer sound.If I was using different speakers one of the other models may have been my choice.
Anyway I think it is nice to be part of a pretty lucky little club of people who, on the whole ,have come to Supratek because of musical enjoyment,not gatgetry or brand snobbery.
Mick is more passionate about music than anything else and his products are a testament to this.
Finally let me say that I did have to wait for my Cabernet,and that this can get frustrating.They really are worth this wait however.

Hi Allen. Yeah, I can appreciate the beauty, however considering the cost of any nos 5au4, the sovtek looks a whole lot better in a box.
Thanks, I know about the fast ramp up. Its just that those nice big Sovtek 5u4g would look so great on top of that chrome :)
Hi Allen. The 5u4g will work for rectification duty but really not recommended in the supratek. It is a "directly heated" rectifier wherby the 5ar4/gz34 is an indirectly heated rectifier.... meaning it has a much slower ramp up time preventing any cathode stripping of the other tubes.
Allen,The Chardonnay uses a 5AR4 for rectifier,i read in another thread the 5AR4 can be used as a substitute for 5U4,but not the other way around.If youd like to read the thread,do an audiogon search for "5U4" and click on discusion post,the same question was asked,hope this helps,Ray

Thw 5V4 can also be substituted for a 5AR4. I tried it on my Chenin. To me, it is better than most new production 5AR4 to date.
Hello Indigorose,Heres Micks reply to my email from 2 days ago,"Still working on it and undergoing reliability testing,70 watts,under 3000.00-this year sometime"I have a CJ MF2500A that i love,but it has more power than my new speakers can handle(Harmonic Precision Caravelles)which are monitors ,ill be adding a powered sub soon,so im reasoning that with the powered sub for the lows the KT88s will be an even better match with my Chardonnay and Caravelles,,i hope im right,,,,,just when i thought i was done for now Mick comes out with an affordable pr of tube monoblocks!!
Allen,The Chardonnay uses a 5AR4 for rectifier,i read in another thread the 5AR4 can be used as a substitute for 5U4,but not the other way around.If youd like to read the thread,do an audiogon search for "5U4" and click on discusion post,the same question was asked,hope this helps,Ray
Is there any pricing yet on the KT88 amps? Or availability date? I have a deposit down on the Merlot amps right now.

Raytheprinter - what amp are you using now?
I made a mistake,,Mick said they were 70 watts,my apologys,,,Slowhand,this is from an email i recieved a couple days ago from Mick.
What rectifier tube does the Chardonnay power supply use?
Is it interchangeable with 5u4g or 5u4gb, I hope so, I already have lots of those.
I thought i was done for now,,,,,but,,im thinking of ordering a pr. of KT-88s later this year! 40 watts,is anyone else thinking about getting a pr of these ?
I will give you my own example of how high I regard the Chenin phono stage: I just place an order for the Walker Proscenium Gold Turntable. Yes, the Chenin phono stage is that good. The Chenin is a world class preamp, capable of supporting the best sources and amplifiers in the world, IMHO.
Allanblissett - I dont have a turntable yet. I bought the Chennin with the idea that I would eventually get into vinyl. I have however heard my Chennin phono stage on a fellow audiophiles system. He is using the Aesthetix(sp)IO which I believe is very highly regarded. I thought the Chennin was as good as the IO. I do not have much experience with vinyl and I heard my Chennins phono stage in an unfamiliar system for just a few hrs so keep that in mind. All tubes in my Chennin are stock BTW. It is so good to these ears that I have had no desire to tube roll. Im sure curiosity will get the best of me though and I will eventually start rolling. You can look up the system I heard my Chennin in here. His handle is mem916.
Braro, thanks for the info, How is the phono, is it really as good as everybody says. I did not get the Chenin as I have a AE ph1 that I built from the kit and I love it.
Maybe due for a later upgrade.

Allanblissett - I have the Chennin in sheoak and chrome top. It looks fantastic so dont worry. A dealer Ive worked with for years came over for a listen the other night and was very impressed with both looks and sound. Mine is a little darker than the picture on Micks site.
SLowhand, thanks very much for the reasurance, I was just a little worried as I had never seen anybody mention that they had that wood,which I cann't even pronounce.
I kind of like the look with the black top also, but the crome is so sharp. I guess I will be cleaning a little more.
Did you get the gold knobs? I also asked him for a gold emblem instead of the brand.

Hello Allanblissett,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Supratek! I own a Cortese with the Sheoak wood and black top. It is absolutely beautiful. The Sheoak looks much better in person than it does in pictures. Mick told me when I ordered mine that the pictures don't do it justice and he was right. It has a beautiful lace look to the wood. I owned a Syrah before I got my Cortese and it had the Jarrah and Chrome top. I like the Sheoak much better (although the Jarrah is very nice too). These preamps look like pieces of art! But, better than that, they sound fantastic. I have had my Cortese for over 3 months now and I still have the stock tubes in it. I have plenty of NOS tubes, but it sounds so great, I have not had the desire to try the NOS tubes yet. Don't worry, your preamp will look beautiful. One note, the chrome tops are harder to keep clean and free of fingerprints.
Hi guys, a new poster here and soon to be a new Supratekie also. I have been a Audiogon member for years, but I have never posted before. I guess I just do not care for the format, much prefer AA.
Anyway Supratek has pushed me to post. So I have a few questions.
I just placed a order for a Chardonnay, Mick says he will have no Jarrah wool for 8 weeks, so I took the Sheoak wood with chrome top and gold knobs.
Does anybody here have a Sheoak wood model and can coment on how it looks compared to the picture.
The other question is, how do you get to the end of a tread here without scrolling through the whole thing.
Thanks for any help,
Oops,My opology .Its been awhile since ive been on Micks site. I also missed Slowhands and Steven1960 breif discussion on the new amps...Once Mick gets them squared away and up for sale,I will concider them.
dammit! i thought there was something new there. just the same old info as previous. mick must be too busy churning out orders to update his site.
For anyone interested in reading about and having a look at Micks new KT-88 mono blocks, go to his site ...
Def. enjoying my Chardonney,with my new speakers(Caravelles)i am hearing so much more of what my system is capable of! how sweet it is!
it's went quiet ? maybe like me everyone is just enjoying their Suprateks ! I hope so. Maybe volume and investment will make our dreams cheaper or at least keep them at realistic prices.
I just bought a Koetsu ! not in the same 'ballpark' as any of my zyx's - scratch that dream !
Hey Larry. Your post is a class act, no apology needed IMO. Great to hear your supratek is starting to come around. It gets even better after a few hundred hours of run-in.
I would like to take a moment to apologize and clear any misconceptions I caused earlier this month with a classified ad I posted here on Audiogon. In it, in an amateur attempt at marketing, I surmised that with Supratek taking on investors and growing as a company, that Mick Maloney may not be solely responsible for the products that are built in the future. This is not the case, and I humbly apologize for any "angst" I may have caused.

Plus, I would like to make an unsolicited testimonial, after a month of break-in, my Cabernet has transformed into an unbelievable sounding preamp. I now know what all have been saying for years, these preamps are magic. I have removed my classified, and plan on enjoying this piece for a long, long time.

After having owned, McIntosh, Conrad Johnson, Lamm reference and more, (all wonderful sounding gear) I can say that the Cabernet is clearly the finest sounding line stage I have ever heard.

Thanks Mick,
a straight, erudite answer, warts and all.
I know a couple of Granges are only going due to the search for the Holy (& bloody expensive) grail.
I only hope at somestage I can upgrade from my Syrah to one of your dearer models.
Can't imagine how they could sound better but love to find out !
I didn't/couldn't wait, bought a second hand one and Mick talked me through the conversion to 240V - HOW MANY COMPANIES WOULD DO THAT??? Sorry for the shouting .
On a different note if amps were judged purely on looking beautiful, what even comes close !

Rgds Si
Thanks for weighing in and putting rumor to rest. Just keep doing what you do. I am more than confident that you'll never sacrifice quality over quantity. The wait for one of your world class preamps may seem painful, it soon recedes into the distance when the tubes light for the first time and music pours out from the blackness. From a happy Chenin owner.
I tend to believe Mick when he says quality will be the same as it has been,and less of a wait sounds great! I may be interested in the KT88 monos in the future,and would not hesitate to buy a Supratek product,,,and would be VERY happy if i did not have to wait almost a year! Thanks for responding Mick! Ray(a very happy Chardonnay owner)
Has anyone heard from Mr Mustang Bill as to how his Canary sings compared to his Grange? Maybe Judy and Fiddler have heard from this connection.How does this dual mono piece compare? Tom
Thanks for coming on the forum and clearing things up once and for all Mick. Hopefully, this will put people at ease. I have known you long enough to know there is no way you would compromise the quality of your products for ANY reason.