Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 36 responses by georgehifi

The HiFi Tuning fuse data sheets have been discussed like forever. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Like I politely asked. 
I asked you to "post links" which you refuse the do, from factual scientific non audio related data that says AC fuses are directional.
Any data supplied by the Audio company/s selling these sometimes "re-bagged" audio fuse can be dismissed as hearsay/voodoo.

Cheers George
does that mean it’s been blessed by MIT? NASA? The Pope?
No, only still by you Geoff, as your not prepared to show and post any non affiliated (even affiliated) fuse links that prove with "scientific data that fuses are directional". All you present is your own hearsay.

Cheers George

Is it that hard to post a link again so others can see as well ??, as it's not in the last two pages, or is it, in your minds eye as well.

Cheers George
These DCR results show nothing! and can never be heard even by you with your bat ears, they have differences in hundredth’s!!! of milliohms!!!!!!!! (.00001 of an ohm) which mean nothing, this can be the change by the hand warming the probes or the direction of the wind or humidity or the rotation of the earth, in other words it’s just VOODOOO sales speak!!!!!

Show me and the members here, a change in AC resistance 1ohm or even a tenth of an ohm, then your statements about fuse direction "may" carry some cred, but even then it’s flawed as AC changes 60 x a second as for now it’s still just marketing voodoo speak.

Cheers George
IMO those numbers are so miniscule as to be:


Geoff continues to assert that the HiFi Tuning measurements support the notion that fuses are inherently directional.
This is also laughable

Thank you Al.

But I’ll go with what Geoff hears as the effects of the rotational pull of the earth, or maybe himself, (rotating that is.) not to be confused with what most are thinking as you need a few to do that, then again???

Cheers George

  Al and George must believe directional Arrows
Al and George, the evidence is piling up. 
Al and George are the poster children for the Backfire Effect

Slow down Geoff, or you'll blow your pooffoo valve, it just time to do a little weeding, to check an epidemic of Voodoo.

Cheers George
A fuse that’s old and has seen many switch on cycles will have far more effect " top link", same fuse, new on the left after many cycles far right.
Just put in a new quality $2 fuse as Almarg has "bottom link" to. And you’ll have what a new >$100+ fuse will give.

Cheers George
The answer to find a better fuse might be in some dynamic testing method 
Only "maybe" if it looks like the same one on the right after many switch on cycles and carbon build up, then just buy a new one for $2.

Cheers George
geoffkait5,692 posts05-26-2017 11:48pmDamage Control! Damage Control! Report to bridge!

You even felt it, king of the voodoo'ists 
One post ever and this!  Has to be blatant shilling.

Cheers George

I will and No!
I was answering questions and giving links to circuits so members could build their own, as that was the main aim way back in 25th May 2006 on

BTW: his 1 and only post was removed, I wonder why???

Cheers George
Yeah, welcome back Frank, didn’t know about this, wondered why all went quiet  for a while, thought you just sat out out for rounds 9 and 10. Back into it yeah, ding, round 11.

Cheers George
analogluvr323 posts06-17-2017 8:27am Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.
This is one, just a .025ohm resistor, there are others, if anyone wants to shatter their dreams.

From diyAudio forums.

Cheers George

geoffkait5,824 posts
George, I bet you and analogluvr actually believe it's just an ordinary resistor. 

Oh yes they are, nothing more ,nothing less. unless they've had some sort of voodoo spell cast on them, they are just plain Pacific brand power resistors.

Cheers George 
And all this means what? That Bybee is a crook? That his products are not quantum mechanical but ordinary plain resistors and whatever? That the Bybee reviews are rigged? That this Bybee stuff is nothing more than placebo effect and expectation bias? That everyone except you is delusional? That it’s group hypnosis? All of the above?

You said it Geoff, not me?
Just like Saun Mook and his black pucks, and reverse-able $$$$ fuses here.
Pure voodoo that has no laws of electronics for any backup to claims whatsoever, just expectation bias.

Cheers George
Ok a simple test, must be done in the next 1min a source has an output dc bocking cap of 10uf, it seeing the input impedance of the next stage of 50kohm, what is the -3db point in hz?

Cheers George  
Buzzzzz. Voodooist! You loose. And you got 2mins

Answer= .318hz -3dB

Cheers George
That’s right if you couldn’t do that without the need to Google then your statement
"I've forgotten more electronics than you ever knew. Assuming you ever knew any"
Is moot and pure voodoo.

If you want we can continue and I’ll throw some harder stuff at you, that you won’t find in your book of voodoo, or be able to Google, but if your worth your electronic engineering salt, as you say you are then you should be able nut it out also in under 1min.

Cheers George.
V.P. S-Agnew
Good buddy, great knowledge of Ohms/Kirchhoff and Coulomb's laws of electronics.

Cheers George
Can't see the forest through the trees, look hard Geoff you may see it.

Cheers George
different melting points

It is the melting point (blow point) that determines the amperage. If they blow and the other don't, they're wrongly rated.
Do not up the amperage as you don't know what your getting, and your warranty of the equipment will be void as well.

Cheers George
+1 on the "Or consumer fraud"

+1 on the "the fuse rating issue remains a dangerous thing"
"Fuse blew? Try one rated higher"

This last one will void warranties', and lead to declined insurance claims.

Cheers George 

I don't care for technical jargon
Voodoo is far more believable isn't it. And the world is flat.

Cheers George
Al, they’re deliberately overrating their fuses, biasing the fuse higher into class-A, so it runs hotter, closer to the melting point, this voodoo will come next.

Cheers George
Seeing it’s now fact by many having these SR mains fuses blow, that the melting point (which is the blow point) is wrongly overrated.
It’s a wonder you and the others haven’t sprouted other furphy that they are Class-A fuses, therefore closer to the blow (melt) point than a standard fuses are, so they must sound better, because they run so much hotter!!
Put that in the audio book of voodoo book along with them being directional as well

BTW if someone puts these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well.

Cheers George
"BTW if someone puts these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well."
If you say so. But I suspect the operative phrase in that statement is "if someone puts these in...."

Ok I'll rephrase it just for you geoffkait

"BTW should some poor sod put these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well."

Cheers George

You might learn how to spell LITTELFUSE correctly when trying to make your point.
Is that all you have Geoff? beside the voodoo you preach?

Hopefully anyone reading this thread looking for serious information realizes
the Synergistic Fuse = nonsense . Schills,charatans and 'snake oil' purveyors seem to delight,sadly, in bull shite.
ptss is oh so right in saying this.

Cheers George
The trolls are cackling with delight.
And the voodoo'ist are preaching with zero facts.

Cheers George
Maybe it's an elaborate scheme on their part to get me to  destroy my equipment so they can sell me more? ;)
More like pandering to the voodooist to keep them on side so they buy more stuff off them. (keep it in the family so to speak)

Cheers George
but has anyone asked why not ALL manufacturers use these fuses in their components if they make their units sound better? If it were me, I would definitely signed a volume purchase contract with SR just to get some advantage over my competition. Sounds stupid?

+1 kalali

If they did, when all this b/s voodoo is finally realized, then they’d be tared with the same brush, and never ever be trusted again.

But SR has never stated in posts or writing themselves, that "these fuses will make your audio sound better", they’ve left it up to the audiophiles gullible "expectation bias" to sell them and keep the BS voodoo sales alive.

BTW Have you noticed that the directionality talk of these fuses has dropped totally,"the signs they are a changin" Dylan.
Cheers George
121 posts
01-18-2017 9:11am
3199 responses to this post. I just had to make it an even 3200. Also, this post makes me happy that I bought a pair of Pass Lab monoblocks. No Fuses; Thermal magnetic breakers.
Yeah, but the fuse voodooist will tell you, if you ripped all that out and put in a SR fuse it will sound better, WHAT A LOAD OF VOODOO ****!!!
Cheers George
I got blue fuse for my ARC REF 5SE but don’t hear any difference in sound when compared to OEM fuse.
That’s because you are immune to "expectation bias." Send it back for a refund.

There is no direction information on fuse and it looks same on both sides, but don't hear any difference what so ever.  
Because it’s an ac fuse and it doesn’t matter, even if it were a dc fuse it still wouldn’t matter.

Cheers George

try both directions and let your ears determine the 'right' installation.

As he's stated " but don't hear any difference what so ever."

Cheers George    
And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

He's for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo.
EG: picking up 3-4v of mains voltage, this is laughable, as are other improvement statements.
Cheers George
Only idiots bypass fuses, risking fire and life, thinking the sound will be bettered by doing so.

Cheers George