Technics Turntables...really???

Ok, what am I missing? When I hear Technics turntables, I think Craigslist and DJ tables. What am I missing? 
I hope most here noticed the OP was a "hit and run" artist.  No comments on the replies one way or another.  Not even a thank you for the information offered.  So are they "missing" all the answers?  All this a sure sign of a troll in my view.

Just the same, it did stimulate several interesting replies. ;^)
Yup, as I promoted earlier in the thread, it seemed obvious what the intention was by the OP. I'm hoping for fewer "hot potatoes" thrown into the middle of the room and then run like hell, pop the corn and sit back and watch the pyrotechnics. Reminds me of Trash Can Man in The Stand. The next time I see pawlowski6132 initiate a thread, I will remind members of this one.
There was a legit point though, how the brand has become tarnished by all the hacks and rapper “DJs” that don’t have a clue about why they think they need a pair of SL-1200mk2 turntables to make terrible noise with. Truth is that the esteemed SL-1200mk2 is not even what most morons think it is. Not that it’s a bad turntable, but it is the poor cousin of the SL-1600mk2 / SL-1700mk2 / SL-1800mk2, all of which provided the SL-1200mk2 with its tonearm, motor,  platter and a few other odd bits. The truth is the SL-1200mk2 with its rubber base has nowhere near the isolation of the more sophisticated SL-1600mk2 / SL-1700mk2 / SL-
1800mk2. What is popular opinion, is often misinformation. The cult status of the SL-1200mk2 a good example. 
I was a DJ back in the day at the Peppermint Lounge in NYC.
We had a pair of SL 1200's ( like the rest of the world) and they were bullet proof. They had Stanton 681- EEE carts that could take the riggers of being back cued and the challenging environment of Dance Clubs. The 1200's always worked, never broke down or gave me any problems what so ever. I never listened to them other than at the club either over the house system (lots and lots of Crown amps and I forget what speakers) or headphones in the booth so I can not give you real feedback on how they sound BUT they were (are)  a well made pro-level piece of gear. 

The SL1200mkII becabe a DJ turntable because of the +/- 8% pitch control fader, none of the mentioned models has it.

The poor isolation and bass feedback is the biggest problem of the SL1200mkII when it’s near the very loud soundsystem with powerful subs, but the best solution to get rid of it is Isonoe Footers

But for home use it is not a problem. Without significant upgrade this model is a dark sounding turntable, nothing special. After upgrade it is much better, but nowhere near the finest SP-10mkII (the SL1600 and related models you have mentioned are just a toys compared to the SP-10mkII).

@grossman616 Which Peppermint Lounde, not the original which was opened in the 60’s ? 
Peter, Will your collar work on older Triplanars, manufactured by Herb Papier?  I think the newest TPs have a thicker VTA pillar (based in part on looking at your own photos of your gizmo mounted on a modern TP).
@ grossman616--  your mention of the Peppermint lounge takes me back,, unfortunately  I was a state away which should not of stopped me from going of course.   The   Lounge had all this  cred  and party flavor  going for it back in the day and many who wanted to go probably didnt  as well.  I had to settle for going to Ripley NY for the bars with music et al  just over the PA border  Funny how your name reminded me of a Grossman that gradated the year I did in 63'  Wouldnt it be a small world indeed if you  were the same person and if your first name is Barry than its even more of a 6 degrees of separation event.  lol.    
The LP12 and its Ariston RD cousins set the standard for belt drive TTs back about 40 years ago! But Time moves on ... I still have 'em and use 'em! And I have an older 1200 too! They all sound excellent!
Post removed 
Thank you johnnyb53 for explaining the design and charter of the 1200 series tables as a high end machine. It was never designed to be a DJ table, it just happened to have yet a second application due to its durability and functionality. In fact DJ’ing would never have evolved along with the music if it weren’t for the 1200’s features. The Japanese had no designs on "disco" music when these were initially made. The direct drive lent a tunable feature for aspiring musicians. I know I’m repeating what you said above but it needs to be restated. Also, there is nothing wrong with the arm. The bearings, shape and materials are all top notch; the arm is among the finest ever manufactured.

 I have a pair of Very Rare Limited Edition Pair of 24 Karat Gold Plated Technics SL-1200 GLD Turntables for sale. $7000 in great shape 

You're on the wrong forum.
The old LTD series is just the same old technics pained gold, technically no difference. 

New Technics is completely different turntable inside. 


The direct drive lent a tunable feature for aspiring musicians.

Record scratching and fooling with a mixer doesn’t make a musician. Learning how to play instruments and sing is what defines a musician. 
the thing is with the 1200G, vintage moving magnet cartridges on this table sound better than setups costing in excess of 10K.  You can use MC cartridges on the arm but the older MM cartrs really shine on this table to the point that I do not desire the 3k and above cartridges anymore.  Its that good.
Technics "junkers" have speed control better than many other manufacturer's expensive offerings.   Some kind of snobbery me thinks in these kind of threads.  
Just my opinion, 20 years ago, who thought vinyl would still be alive ? Now we have new TTs popping up all the time and more reissues on better vinyl formulations. Vinyl was supposed to be dead.

I think, everyone into vinyl, should have at least 2 TTs. One belt drive and one direct drive. Just converted to DD in April of 2018. There is no going back. I see a LP12 for 2250.00- current bid 1901.00. I would snatch this up if I did't already have one.The Technics 1200G and 1200GR are the best value in new DD TTs right now.

 We have more used record stores selling new and used vinyl in Chicago than we had 10years ago. Plenty of very good TTs on the used market for decent prices. Support a dealer that can help you set it up before we lose all of them.

No reason, not to take the plunge into vinyl.This is the new Golden Age of Vinyl.

nkonor, I detect a mixed message in your post.  If there is "no going back", once one has purchased a good DD turntable, then why on earth should everyone own one of each?  And why should a current buyer "snatch up" the LP12, therefore?
@lewm ,

Yes, I like my modded SL1200G with Triplanar arm. I also like my Kuzma TT. Two different sounds. Different TTs, arms, cartridges. I use a Manley Steelhead as phonostage for both.

As for the LP12, It looks to be in decent condition. If someone could do it for local pickup, even better. The upgrade path, for the Linn is not real spendy at first.

To really answer your question; We all like a change now and then. Two TTs provide that change for me.