PSB Synchrony One Speakers and Pass XA30.5 Amp

For a while I've been driving a pair of PSB Synchrony Ones with a Pass Labs XA30.5 amp (and Pass XP-10 preamp) and I find I'm still fussing over the sound. This combination seems to lack liveliness on most recordings, and this observation  seems at odds with the descriptions I've read here about the speakers' character. I'm wondering if this pairing is just not suitable? I listen to a wide variety of music but mostly jazz, classical and choral. I'd like some suggestions on other amps that might do better (greater liveliness) with the Synchrony Ones than the XA30.5. My room is roughly 24' (L) x 10' (W) x 16' (H) with the speakers firing down the 24' dimension although I can only sit 6-7 ft from them. 


Why change the amp? I suggest auditioning some speakers that are more efficient and are more neutral. PSB's are toward the warm side, which is not a good match for the Pass Class A.
I'm willing to consider alternatives to the Sychrony One. What can be recommended in that price range, say, up to about $4k used? Has to be full range and good looking. And good with all kinds of music, but jazz, vocal and classical, especially. Ideally one known to match well with the Pass XA30.5.

Look for a more efficient speaker (over 90dB sensitivity), preferably 8 ohms, which rules out Dynaudio, Totem, B&W.
Kef, Klipsch, GoldenEar are efficient speakers that can be driven by tube amps and are more transparent than PSB. Even if you were to move to a more efficient PSB model, I don't think their warm sonics would match well with the Pass.

Perhaps, start a new thread and you will get responses from tube guys and Pass Class A owners who can recommend an efficient speaker that excels in jazz and classical reproduction.
Just like any other "which speaker" question, you'll get dozens of different responses. Make it more difficult, there's a whole another divide between classical and jazz content which tend to be polar opposites as far as speakers go. And to top this of, ~$4K is another  sweet spot for speaker options - just like $2K, and sky is limit in terms of options. Double your search if you are open to used. Enjoy the journey. 
Perhaps, start a new thread and you will get responses from tube guys and Pass Class A owners who can recommend an efficient speaker that excels in jazz and classical reproduction.

Good suggestion, lowrider57. I will do just that. Thanks much!

You can try a couple of highly well known SS power amps. One that comes to mind is ARC, they just don’t make tube amps and the sound might be lively enough for you. As for others I don’t know what else you are considering, or what your budget is, but I feel safe with ARC given you’ve request for lively sound.

BTW Modern tube amps are quite lively, amongst other very positive attributes, if that’s your main concern. It took me 8 years to figure this out.