Isolation feet/cones for PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC

Hey all,

I am debating between Large DH Cones and Herbies Tenderfeet.
Anyone have experience specifically with this DAC?

Hello bdp - I appreciate the discussion.  As a sometime microscopist in the past (optical and SEM) I certainly appreciate how surfaces appear under magnification.  Given the apparent quality of the Ingress roller block products (it IS pretty looking stuff)  C$85 for a Level 1 set does not seem unreasonable.  

One thing that does have me wondering about the practical value of a more highly polished surface (not to mention added cost) is realizing this evening how cabling hanging off the back of a component likely interferes with free movement in both horizontal and vertical planes.  I wonder if this sort of cable "inertia" overrides the benefit of a surface that is smoother at a microscopic level.    

In the short term, I'll experiment with the plastic housings and stainless bearings.  Thinking the addition of a bit of silicone (or even lightweight spindle oil) will help "smooth out" some of the bumps.  We'll keep the Ingress products in mind, however - as well as the DH Cones.   

I wasn’t referring to smoothness but to hardness. Smooth is obviously good, too. The surfaces shouldn't be all knarly. 😀

 it’s the next hardest material to diamond. DH Cones. Accept no substitutes.

So funny... (if you've seen the website).
Geoffkait: it’s the next hardest material to diamond. DH Cones. Accept no substitutes.

So funny... (if you've seen the website).

>>>> Huh? What? How so, Stringbean?

ghosthouse---Yup, the stiffness of cables coming from the back of components (especially lightweight ones) is a concern. A stiff power cord contacting a shelf can certainly "foul" the suspension, short-circuiting the isolation properties of any footer, not just a roller bearing. But those bearings, being so free to move, are the most susceptible. Careful cable dressing (delicious ;-) is in order.

One problem with softer bearing "bowls" is that the weight of a heavy component can actually cause the ball bearing to "dimple" the surface of the bowl, obviously not a good thing. If going DIY, I would give the steel drawer handles/pulls a try, in place of any plastic item.