Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?

My equipment - Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp 58wpc. / Lumin A-1 DAC Streamer / Synology NAS / Isotex Aquarius Power Conditioner / Furutech Rhodium Plug / Sonus Faber Amati Homage Tradition speakers.  

I have read thousands of comments on upgraded fuses improving the performance of sound.  I am very open minded but not sold either way.  So, the question I have is....if fuses were so important, than why don't Amplifier companies all install them as OEM equipment?  To me, if they are as good as people say, that would provide companies who use them a competitive advantage?  

Every High End Audio store I go to in Phoenix have told me it does not make a difference and is a waste of money.  For the record, I have fuses purchased at an automotive store for under $10 and I think my sound is awesome.  The Company that built my amp tested the Synergistic Fuses and he emphatically said there was no difference.  

If I were to try a fuse for fun, given my equipment, what would your recommendation be to try?  
I know the owner of Raven Audio, the maker of my outstanding tube amp.  I asked him to test SR Red and Black fuses.  He said if it made his amp sound better he would use them as OEM fuses.  After trying them over a period of time, he found no improvement in sound and consequently does not use any upgraded fuses.  I ordered the PADIS fuse to see for myself.  I will report my results after I receive them.  
NONOISE --is there a break in period for the PADIS fuses?  
I was told by @auxinput to expect some ups and downs for the first 200 hours. All was great for about the first 20 hrs and then it was like, 'what happened?' It was then that I put the CD player on repeat for the night and since then, it's just been getting better and better. That was with my SACD player. With my integrated, I haven't noticed anything but improvements. It could be that I keep in on all the time so even without playing, it's burning in.

As to the owner of Raven Audio not hearing any improvements, I can't comment on the matter. I know what I'm hearing and I'm not delusional.
Keep in mind that there are many here who've heard improvements, commented on them, and then keep off these kinds of threads because of the acrimony some display when pushing their views. 

All the best,
I think that the sonic effect of replacing fuses depends on the particular circuit design, and the position of the fuse in that circuit. When the entire audio signal passes thru a fuse, the effect of the fuse on sound quality can be marked. In the Rogue Cronus Magnum II, Synergistic fuses greatly improved the sound quality - more than interconnects and power cords.
Experiment if you can afford the fuses - not cheap though.

Just as I expected. Smartass remarks. Absolutely zero wit or substance.