Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?

My equipment - Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp 58wpc. / Lumin A-1 DAC Streamer / Synology NAS / Isotex Aquarius Power Conditioner / Furutech Rhodium Plug / Sonus Faber Amati Homage Tradition speakers.  

I have read thousands of comments on upgraded fuses improving the performance of sound.  I am very open minded but not sold either way.  So, the question I have is....if fuses were so important, than why don't Amplifier companies all install them as OEM equipment?  To me, if they are as good as people say, that would provide companies who use them a competitive advantage?  

Every High End Audio store I go to in Phoenix have told me it does not make a difference and is a waste of money.  For the record, I have fuses purchased at an automotive store for under $10 and I think my sound is awesome.  The Company that built my amp tested the Synergistic Fuses and he emphatically said there was no difference.  

If I were to try a fuse for fun, given my equipment, what would your recommendation be to try?  
Fuses resonate when active. It appears that the construction of the fuse will effect this phenomena.  If anyone thinks fuses makes no difference?  I do not know what to tell them.  For I have tried several brands and they all leave their own unique signature on what is heard.
If a resonating fuse effects your amp it's a piece of garbage with a very poorly designed power supply. 
They dont use even high-end volume knobs (not joke), have same issue with brand new Ragnarok with falling volume knob out of the box.
I think some amp/preamp makers are aware that some of their customers think high priced fuses make a difference, so they put them in (give the customer what they want).  I think some amp makers (really good companies) have discovered that this does not make a difference.  
If you get a fuse that electron pass through, then you get the power you need.
Remember that 1/3 of people think that a sugar pill is 'working' for them (look into the placebo research).  The research is VERY clear on this.  Many people will think something is working, if you tell them it will work.
Also, there are many people who want to believe they have discovered something that others do not know about.  
Also, there are many people who have do defend their decision to spend money on something.
Also, there are people who will tell you "if you had a GOOD ear, you would agree with me".  There are alway people who want to have a GOOD ear.
OK, there might be differences, but if I can't hear them, then you should not care.
Listen to the new fuses.  If you like the 'change', then buy them.  If you can't hear the difference, don't.
Ignore what other say.  The only think that matters is what YOU care about.  Don't care about what other think.
The laws of physics can't be broken. If the rationale came in the form of a memo, it came from the marketing department. Fuses do not make a difference. Do you want to believe science or do you want to believe marketing? It's up to you to decide which way to go.
Where, in the "laws of physics", does it state that fuses don't make a difference? I've read that here so many times and yet no one can site it. Did that come from your marketing department?