Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all
kosst_amojan"Why do I need to do the research myself to prove whats already well understood technology deplyed throughout the recording and reproduction industry?"

Of course there is no reason that you are obligated in any way to conduct such research but prior to you becoming indignant that any one should challenge you on this stated position you should accept that no one else is obligated to perform any such research either and if THEY are challenged by the faith based religious naysayers to conduct they're own test then it is only fair for them to request the same of you it is insufficient to simply proclaim as you have here that it is "already well understood" because if that was true they'res no way to explain the result so many have achieved other than to say 1000's of people are delusional which is patently absurd on the face of the claim.

Buying audio products and listening to music is not about scientific measurements, although it can help in selecting and matching components together.... It is, for me, to capture to the best that I can, what is on the recording, to " my " liking. It is as simple as that. The addition of cables, fuses, isolation devices, a new amplifier, whatever, it is about me, and only me. And I listen. Other than measuring room acoustics, which I find is necessary for me to achieve my end goal, I am open to anything, and I use my ears. Thankfully, my ears still work.
Clearthink, there is NO argument in opposition to what I'm saying except from those who're simply uninformed. The post by mmeysarosh two posts prior to your last further makes my point. Maybe I didn't iterate it eloquently enough to start or something. I don't see Michael really disagreeing. A few others clearly see my point. There's just a couple of you yanking out your hair and screaming "It can't be measured!!!" while there appears to be consensus that spacial attributes can be measured, are measured, and those measurements form the basis of replication. I didn't ask anybody to prove you can't measure spacial effects. That would be ridiculous since you obviously can! 
kosst_amojan""there is NO argument in opposition to what I’m saying except from those who’re simply uninformed."

That’s really funny I have to say some of the funniest things I have ever read on Audiogon have been over just the last few days you must be a lot of fun at parties!

"There’s just a couple of you yanking out your hair and screaming "It can’t be measured!!!"

I am not yanking out my hair and I never said that so you must be badly confused or have me confused with some one else.
Good deal! I'm glad you completely agree with me! I like it when we can all agree on widely understood facts!