Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

it seems that the 2.4 crossover upgrades are pretty well finalized now and that a lot was learned regarding upgraded components and the effects on how the speakers sound.
Since I own 3.6s, I’m interested in learning how much of the info gained from the 2.4 upgrades will be able to be applied to a 3,6 upgrade. Will it be necessary to start from scratch in designing the 3.6 crossover upgrades, and is it realistic to hope to be able to actually buy a completed crossover package from Rob G. In the near future?

I second rosami. I am patiently looking forward to the XO upgrades for the 3.6s.
Rosami and Jon and all - Yes, there are various new crossovers and yes, what is being learned on the 2.4, 2.2, 1.6 and PowerPoint all applies directly to the 3.6. And I have a pair of 3.6s on hand.

My present work includes developing my measurement and listening systems to apply the required rigor to the upgrades.
Regarding your questions of purchase, I can make no comment until the Thiel Audio bankruptcy settles.
Thiel used Jantzen and ERSE wire coils as equivalents.I have ERSE foils on hand and some Jantzen Wax on order.I will compare them directly, but not yet.
I definitely look forward to your impression of the two coils.  
no reply expected TomT..but I for one hope that w bankruptcy closure comes the return of the vaunted Thiel Audio name to you !!! my great hope, as these things go...

Thanks Tom. 

i anxiously look forward to hearing more from you regarding the 3.6 crossover upgrade - and results of the Thiel bankruptcy proceedings and wish you a good outcome. 

An additional question for you or one of the very knowledgeable techies in our group: if I get my drivers (tweeters/mids) rebuilt and then learn that there’s an issue with the crossovers (bad cap or whatever) that needs to be addressed, is it possible that a crossover problem could damage the newly rebuilt drivers?

Thanks. This group is the best!