Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
Dave. Of course I think setup is important. You just didn't read between the lines as to what I said. I have experimented A LOT with interconnects, speaker cables, various tweeks, etc, etc,. I could tell you what I have done, but true to your nature, you would have concluded that everything I had done was completely wrong. At least in your eye. Why on earth would I subject myself to your biased scrutiny???

By the way, I like a lot of different loudspeakers, amps, and source components. You also said months ago that the top Paradigm Persona Loudspeaker was beating pretty much any other loudspeaker system out there that you had listened to and that included models at twice the price according to you. Now tell me you're not trying to promote the "Perfect Product" for everyone.

Oh, by the way, do you pay for any personal ads in the audio mags? Just wondering...
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Again.... the carbon tweeter in the Treo CT is pistonic

but since you don’t actually read white papers ( for products you “ sell “ ) facts are going to be difficult to get across to you.

down to just two pairs of Vandersteen along with 6 other brands...

for a religous fanatic I seem to worship in many different houses of faith..

horns, panels, pustonic, phase correct, etc

see my effusive and glowing comments about the MBL 101

i have a set of Bryston mini A in my recording rack, small chorale groups love them.. well because my Stax only work for two ears at a time....

i know what microphone feeds sound like
and unamplified voices and instruments...

out of phase is just trash... sometimes it is pleasant trash but it does not move the art of the illusion forward...

keep selling flavors....
Yes Tomic like you point out Treo ct perfect piston tweeter non pistonic midrange. I guess perfect piston technology for lesser models and having two completely different materials makes for a coherent presentation?

Also the Bryston you use are not time and phase aligned yet in your last statement you find every other speaker that is not time and phase aligned is also trash

So which is it? If you enjoy your Apogee Stage not time and phase aligned with Klipsch Corwalls not time and phase aligned you do like these other types of loudspeakers.

Effusive praise on the MBL loudspeakers they use a 4th order Linkweitz reily crossover.

I guess out of phase trash can sound pretty darn good after all and a set of MBL can therefore also further the illusion of real music as well.

Mr M go back and actually read what we wrote about the Personas.

We said a set of 3f can compete with certain $20k sets of loudspeakers and the Persona 9H can compete with $60k wilsons we never said they were better

Nor do we say the Personas are for everyone which is why we also sell the Kef Blades and the Legacy Aeris.