Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
I'm glad to be an unofficial member of Rok2id's posse. He often makes
more sense from a larger picture of audio and the search for symmetry with
the human psyche. Plus, he exhibits a sense of humor often missing here.
People can be deadly serious about audio from a myopic view and lash at
others who care about components, cash or listening differently.
35 fish on this 'fishing expedition'.. Good haul.
A stupid cable question is always good for a few dozen bites..
At least one other person saw it for what it is though.
One out of 36 is not bad.
Thanks for your words of support. You just doubled the size of the 'posse'. High Noon comes to mind.

Rok2id, it's only a matter of time before you'll have to refuse membership
applications to this 'exclusive' posse because of excessive numbers and
management of 'fringe' members. ;)
I stand to be corrected!
We did a test this weekend with an 800.00 pair of interconnects that a contact loaned us and a 60.00 pair.
I can hear the difference but it was not in favor of the 800.00 pair.