Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
It's interesting note that many are more concerned with the defense of their "beliefs" rather than the pieces of metal in question.
@ Rok2id,no my entire system cost $70,000.00 ,not the cables!,thou the cables did cost more than the componets,as time gos,I can move up the componet food chain and not worry about changing cables ever!cheers!
****It's interesting note that many are more concerned with the defense of their "beliefs" rather than the pieces of metal in question.****

Yes, on both sides of the question: those who spend the money and those who don't (won't). At the end of the day, it is probably those who look for value/reasonable cost who get it right; for whatever this is worth, since a hobby is just that, a hobby.
The ones who get it right, IMO, are those who buy what they can actually hear and don't buy what they can't.