Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
@ Rok2id,no my entire system cost $70,000.00 ,not the cables!,thou the cables did cost more than the componets,as time gos,I can move up the componet food chain and not worry about changing cables ever!cheers!
****It's interesting note that many are more concerned with the defense of their "beliefs" rather than the pieces of metal in question.****

Yes, on both sides of the question: those who spend the money and those who don't (won't). At the end of the day, it is probably those who look for value/reasonable cost who get it right; for whatever this is worth, since a hobby is just that, a hobby.
The ones who get it right, IMO, are those who buy what they can actually hear and don't buy what they can't.

I misread about the cost of your cables. Now I understand, your cables cost over 35,000 dollars. Hell, that ain't so bad. I am sure you hear every dollar. So excuse my previous outbrust. But I do have a question about this statement:

"I can move up the componet food chain and not worry about changing cables ever!cheers!"

Audiolabyrinth my friend, it just don't work like that. If you change a component. you must change the cables, because these things are very carefully matched and any component change requires the wire to be changed. Go back to your book on 'How to be an Audiophile' and look up the chapetr on SYNERGY. Ever hear of it? You mix the wrong wire with the wrong component and you could suffer severe ear hemorrhage!

Your plan / theory sounds logical, but in the audiophile universe, homo sapiens logic does not apply.
Pay attention. You have a lot to learn about WIRE! :) It's not as simple as you seem to think. You can't just buy expensive good wire and then think you are fixed for life! I can, you can't. I have Blue Jeans 10awg, and that's all I will ever need. It's one of the advantages of having a cheap, one notch above YORX, non-audiophile stereo system. But you are running with the big boys. Those guys with golden ears and deep pockets. That's a different game!
Watch your back and your wallet!

Best wishes on your journey.
This is more akin to a political discussion than one about a hobby. Everyone can have their own opinions but everyone cannot have their own facts.

The fanatically heated responses border on religion as well. Belief in a sentence or saying becomes a mantra and guiding principle from which springs all manner of sophism.

All metals are different. They react differently though some may appear or are assumed to react in a similar manner, otherwise, why are they separated on the periodic table? Standards derived from one type of metal don't translate to every other metal out there.

What I'd like to see is for the naysayers to compare as many different types of coathangers out there as possible in a double blind test and then get back to the rest of the world with their findings. The coathangers have to be made of as many different types of metal as possible and of as many differing diameters as well and have as wide a variety of coatings as possible.

Until then.

All the best,