Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
Okay. I'll give you new and interesting, alternate, tweaked, hybridized, familiarized, conceptualized, homogenized, pasteurized, but mostly capitalized. The glaring omission in your post is the word 'pleasing'. Close minded begins when someone is pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
My mistake.

What's pleasing to Csontos is - perforce - pleasing to all. More importantly, what's displeasing to Csontos is displeasing to all.

And what's close minded is when it's raining and you ask the guy next to you to stop pissing on your leg.
Well, the proof is in the pudding. If we took an audiophile wide survey, what direction do you think it would take? Even just here on Audiogon? Are you willing to wager?
most of our kids going to the public schools where the best they can hear is 'gamnasta' 'saying lego'.
a decreased budget would eliminate music teachers that can show them at least basic scales. our kids can't get any info on how music is made and so the show biz going towards there.
my generation of mid-40's probably the last existing in united states. harder and harder to find younger musicians. hopefully european countries have a different pattern and they really do since most of talented musicians don't tour US(problems with visas as never ever before). young girls are not impressed anymore by young boys skills to play guitar or any other music instrument. local us musicians still prefer europe or canada where they get larger success in live venues.
there's still flow of a great music from europe of current years. good jazz and rock.