
Responses from pabelson

Elvis Costello question...
According to (which you should always check first on these sorts of questions, though it's not perfect), this is a new original, as is almost everything on the album.Some critics see Delivery Man as a return to the old Elvis, which ma... 
Monitors and Integrated for $300-$500
Forget integrateds in this price range. Go with an Onkyo TX-8211 receiver for $200. Not high-end, but solid sound. As for speakers, the PSB Alphas ($250), or Paradigm Titans ($230), or B&W DM303s ($300) are all worth a listen. Don't pick his s... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
Sean: I'm not arguing that CDs can theoretically reproduce sound perfectly. They can't. I'm arguing that, practically, they come close enough. Yes, there is jitter, but all the research I've seen suggests that the level of jitter in a typical (and... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
Cmk: I mentioned summing bass as an example of the alterations (distortions, if you will) necessary to cut a vinyl record. I agree that it is not audibly significant in most cases. By the way, the reason bass often sounds directional is because we... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
No, Cmk, it has nothing to do with set-up. There isn't room on an LP for two channels reaching all the way to 20 Hz--at least not if you want more than a few minutes of music per side. So it is standard practice to sum deep bass to mono. Same thin... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
Sorry, Sean, but I must disagree. A 24/96 master tape does indeed have higher resolution, but on a practical level that means only two things: greater dynamic range and wider frequency range. The latter is only important if you believe that people... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
Just to clarify, I was talking about starting from a digital master. A CD should sound exactly identical to that digital master. An LP won't, and the difference is, quite literally, distortion. (And I like the sound of some of those distortions my... 
What is the quality of discs burned from itunes?
Depends on how they're stored on your computer. If you took them from CDs and saved them as AIFF or WAV or ALE files, the quality should be comparable to the original CD. If you converted them to MP3 or AAC (or downloaded them from the Web in one ... 
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER
The LP version would suffer all the degradations and distortions that are inherent in that medium--no stereo bass, limited dynamic range, surface noise, etc. But some of those distortions actually sound good to people, so it's quite possible that ... 
NEWBIE: Is JITTER a dance? and CLOCK like a watch?
Perter: Not necessarily. If the DAC is good, it should have no trouble recovering the timing (within tolerance, of course, since nothing's perfect, as Rockvirgo said) no matter where the signal is coming from.Jitter's been heavily hyped by the hig...