
Responses from pabelson

Can I convert dvda to Apple Loseless???
Aida: If you put a hybrid SACD into a Mac, what shows up is the Redbook layer, and it should read it just like a CD. I don't think a single-layer SACD would show up at all. (It'd probably ask you if you want to initialize the disk!)He's asking abo... 
Can I convert dvda to Apple Loseless???
If you're going to put it on an iPod, you're going to lose the benefits of hi-rez anyway. Analog out, and then letting your computer redigitize, sounds like the way to go. 
I'm totally confused about Hi Rez formats
Rex: Thanks for the correction. I had understood that downmixing was a standard option on DVD-As. I'm a bit surprised that it's not.Mstram: The last numbers I saw suggested that new vinyl was outselling both SACD and DVD-A (and possibly both combi... 
I'm totally confused about Hi Rez formats
Mstram: I believe all DVD-As can be played in 2-channel mode. Some will have a separate 2-channel track on the disk; others will require your player to downmix 2-channel from the multichannel track.Both SACD and DVD-A are just about dead, however.... 
Foreign language songs/music
I just picked up "Ute Lemper Sings Kurt Weill," most of which is in German, natch. The only German song that struck my fancy was, "Mack the Knife." Her interpretation only meant something to me because I knew what she was singing about. (I also en... 
$2000 budget -- what to buy?
For a newbee, I always recommend that he not buy anything he cannot audition before purchase. For the most part, that precludes buying used. So be it. The worst thing an experienced audiophile "friend" can do is to foist his tastes on his non-audi... 
solid state gear- leave on?
Maybe a more honest answer is that neither the heat from leaving it on all the time nor the effects of cycling it on and off are likely to have a significant effect on the longevity of SS gear. As to its impact on sound quality, speculate away.To ... 
solid state gear- leave on?
Turn it off. They do make some heat, and heat is ultimately the enemy of longevity. Tubes take a long time to settle in, so keeping them on makes some sense; for SS, just turn it on a few minutes before you start listening.Also, daytime is general... 
Super long speaker cables
I don't know, Twl, Russell seems to have a pretty good technical handle on his subject. I wouldn't assume he didn't know about something just because he didn't mention it. Perhaps he is well aware of what you seem to think is missing, and just dis... 
Super long speaker cables
Here's another good source of information for anyone who's interested in accuracy rather than coloration from their cables: for Twl's rather astounding rewriting of engineering history, there h... 
All Music Guide- Who are
I'd add the caution that I have found numerous instances where the star ratings and the capsule reviews on allmusic don't agree. A review will call an album the artist's best work, but it will have fewer stars than some others. In just about every... 
All Music Guide- Who are
Let me ask you a question: Why do YOU give these folks credibility, when you don't know who they are? They are just offering their opinions. No reviewer/critic, in any field (including audio, by the way) has or deserves any special credibility. Ta... 
Speaker cable length for L/R channels critical?
Explain how come man can tell difference between a tweeter rolling off at 22Khz and a tweeter rolling off at 33Khz, when we should not be able to.Simple: The tweeters also differ in the audible range. As for why companies are making such tweeters,... 
Speaker cable length for L/R channels critical?
Art: If a cable colors the sound, then it is typically true that the longer it is, the more it will color the sound. (The exception: if what's coloring the sound is the circuitry within a network box, then cable length doesn't matter.) Whether cab... 
'great' bookshelf speakers for under 500?
PSB Image 25 got a rave review in Stereophile (from a writer seemingly incapable of giving less than a rave review, however, so take it with a grain of salt). B&W 601s are highly regarded. Also check out the Paradigm Monitor line. You probably...