
Responses from pabelson

Blind Power Cord Test & results
Something is going on here with these cables, and it would behoove us to find out what it is, and why it is.This is an excellent example of assuming one's conclusion. If every scientist did this, we wouldn't know anything at all.Scientists *do* kn... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Viggen: I claim no formal expertise in this area. I would invite anyone to print out the posts of Sean, Rsbeck, and myself, and show them to a degreed electrical engineer. Ask him (or her) which ones are on target.I'd also apologize for my part in... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Tvad: Remember when I said there were too many variables? I meant it. There's no such thing as "theoretically not a problem." Either there's a substantial rolloff or there isn't, and you'd have to crunch the numbers to be sure. The numbers, by the... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Tvad: There are too many variables to answer your question precisely. One speaker manufacturer which takes a common-sense approach to cables (Axiom) recommends not using 14AWG for lengths longer than 25 feet. That's probably reasonable advice, and... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Virtually everything that Sean has said about speaker cables above is wrong. He is right that zipcord will suffer a measurable rolloff in the treble, but so will any cable. That rolloff will increase with resistance. (Contrary to his claims, skin ... 
Early Beatles album question--
"Meet the Beatles" was the first Capitol album released in the US, on Jan. 20, 1964, a few weeks before the lads' arrival on these shores. "Introducing the Beatles" came out on Vee Jay in July 1963. There were two Parlaphone releases in the UK in ... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Your brother is exaggerating a bit for effect, but his general point is correct. He's clearly done a good bit to educate himself about the field of audio reproduction. Perhaps you could learn from him.And no, you are not delusional. But that doesn... 
Are NHT speakers know for being inefficient?
NHT was known for acoustic suspension speakers, which are less efficient than ported or bass reflex speakers. That could at least partly account for what you are experiencing. 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
Not quite, Eldartford. A digital system cannot accurately reconstruct a wave that is exactly half the sampling frequency. That's why I said the sampling rate had to be fractionally higher (granted, a very tiny fraction) than twice the highest freq... 
Upsampling. Truth vs Marketing
The connect-the-dots metaphor is really unfortunate, because a lot of audiophiles buy into the idea that that's what a DAC does. But reconstructing an analog wave is nothing like connecting dots. More dots DOES make it easier to DRAW a wave. But a... 
Looking to compare SACD sound with redbook
So, in cases where discs are hybrids and contain both SACD layers and redbook layers, is the redbook layer the most recent remastering pre SACD?Not necessarily. It might be based on the SACD mix, or it might be something entirely different. 
Mini Mac as audio server?
Modern computers are designed to handle video processing, which is far more data-intensive than audio. If audio kicked the fan on, video would probably melt it! 
Looking to compare SACD sound with redbook
If you have an extensive CD collection, you can't replace it with SACD, because the SACD versions of 95% of it don't exist, and never will. I second Big's comment that the major difference is in the remastering, not the higher resolution. And reme... 
Newbie Question
Not necessarily. Your Pioneer is a pretty solid component. My advice would be to try before you buy, and don't expect miracles (especially since you're already pretty satisfied with the sound).Some of Outlaw's products are very similar to products... 
Blind Power Cord Test & results
Yes, A/B comparisons are nonsense. That's why researchers studying hearing--in academia, in telecom, and even in audio--use A/B comparisons. They are trying to sabotage their own research and ensure that they will come up with meaningless results....