
Responses from piedpiper

checking platter speed
Talk to your Clearaudio dealer about their strobe disc and speed sensor. It runs at 300Hz and is much more accurate than the usual 60Hz type.dealer disclosure. 
Optimum TT Height
I'm on the high side: 56" for the platter, 6'2" for me. I like the height for cart arm adjusting and have no problem with the records. This also helps in sighting whether the clamp has mated the record completely to the platter. 
Looking to replace Clearaudio Stylus force gauge
Mehran of SoraSound has an ad here for the same gage as is sold be a number of companies who rebrand it and sell it for more than twice what he is charging. 
Rega P3-24, RB300 and Grado Gold... VTA
Spindle height is the same with all the Rega models. Many clamps require more spindle height than the Regas provide even with the stock mat. Of course, Rega recommends no clamp, but... 
Rega P3-24, RB300 and Grado Gold... VTA
Rega/Grado hum can generally be alleviated by rewiring the ground connection, disconnecting the ground from the left channel ground and connecting a separate ground wire from the arm and attaching it to the motor housing and then to the preamp as ... 
Rega P3-24, RB300 and Grado Gold... VTA
The arm that comes with the P3/24 is not an RB300 but an RB301. It has the same height but has the 3 point mount. The Rega carts are an unusually low 13 mm high as opposed to most others which are 15-20 mm high. The Grados are 17 mm high so you wo... 
Ortofon 2M Black- Graham 1.5/Rega/Origin Silver
SunnyJIm,putting any cartridge on a Project Debut III and "hoping for better than entry level results" is wishful thinking. You'd be better off getting the Red and spending the other $100 (or more) on a better table. You will still be getting entr... 
New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice
Thanks Oilman. 
A new phono pre, to replace my clearaudio basic
Cardas cables are known for being rich and colored like honey. Most things will be more open. My own preference is Mapleshade. Their upper end wire can get pricey, but their cheaper stuff is quite affordable, although not as smooth nor as transpar... 
A new phono pre, to replace my clearaudio basic
Add the Heed Quasar to your short list and if you're looking for more transparency, you might want to consider more open cables.Dealer disclosure. 
How Happy Am I Gonna Be??
Thanks for the entertainment. Io U 1. 
Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?
Excellent! It's just as well you had the initial experience so you have some gage of what it might require. 
Who does not like the Lyra Dorian?
A minimum of 100 hours is more the rule. 
compare VPI Aries & TNT SM to Nottingham 294
unless set up is meticulous, differences in VTA, etc. could easily account for this. 
"House sound" of VPI, Clearaudio, Rega, MH, etc.
Addendum to my last post. When manufacturers develop their line, higher priced models have to be demonstrably better to justify their positions otherwise not only will customers not buy them, but dealers won't sell them.