
Responses from ptmconsulting

audioquest PT-6 rewiring
Damn, I thought I responded to this yesterday - I guess it got lost.Anyway, I can't say I've ever seen any instructions on how to rewire the Audioquest arms. If I had I might have done it myself! However, I have seen others wrap good tonearm wire ... 
Best turntable bet.$1000 -4000?
Find a used Well Tempered. The deal of the century. You may never need to upgrade again.Enjoy,Bob 
McCormack DNA .5? Do I need more power?
It's more a matter of efficiency and impediance than raw power wattage. Your speakers are pretty efficient at 91db, and I'll bet they are considered 4 ohm's. That makes the McCormack a 200 watt amp into 4 ohms.Plenty of power there to control your... 
Preamp with near-reference quality built in phono?
One of the most well regarded phono sections ever built was designed by Arthur Loesch and integrated into a world class line stage preamp. John Weisner has built the Loesch design for many years now, commonly known as the Loesch/Weisner.I've heard... 
$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path
Interesting results heard last night at a friend's.We were playing with different phono stages and step up devices. I'll keep this short (it was not a controlled test, just 2 of us listening and saying "that sounds better/worse now").Using a Denon... 
Copper vs. Silver interconnects
Not a drummer - a piano player and multi keyboardist in my college days. Lots of time in a room with a live drumset though, and there was one song we played where everyone switched instruments. I got to play the drums then.I took tenor sax lessons... 
Copper vs. Silver interconnects
Let me ask you a different type of question, or to try a different type of comparison. Find a recording with a very clean ride cymbal being struck. I use Earl Klugh and Bob James "Two of a Kind". The track "Sandstorm" starts off with a ride cymbal... 
What is the best phono preamp you have heard?
Weisner - Loesch (tubed)AHT Non-signature (SS)But I haven't been exposed to the Manley or the Pass or the Herron or the Io ... yet.Enjoy,Bob 
Older Higher End CDP's vs New cheapers ones.
Don't know about your price points, but I can say that today's sub $200 player will most likely beat a $500 - 800 player from the late 1990's. If you extrapolate that out then you may be correct...Enjoy,Bob 
Phase Inversion??
Ohhhh, big can of worms here for some people. Here's my impression.On some pieces of equipment I definitely hear a difference with AC inversion - changing the orientation of the AC plug. The "correct" orientation results in an expanded soundstage ... 
Upgrade from ART DIO?
The reason I say get an analogue rig is that, for a $3000 budget you can obtain a rig that is essentially good enough for the next 10 years (barring any cartridge upgrades that you may want to do). With a digital change you may or may not actually... 
Upgrade from ART DIO?
After seeing your equipment listing I would suggest the following. Get yourself a decent turntable, cartridge and phono preamp with that $3000. No matter how you improve on your digital it will still fall short of what you can get from vinyl. BTW ... 
Jazz Piano?
Many of these recommendations are fairly hard core jazz piano, and may not be as accessible to a rock fan. Don't want to scare you off right away. Jamie Cullum is nice jazz piano without going over the top. I would suggest a few others that are a ... 
Modding the Toshiba SD4960 DVD/DVD-A/CD/SACD playe
Here's my listening impressions after the mods and reasonable burn-in:OK, the unit has been burning in on both SACD and CD for about 3 days now. There may be a wee bit more that can be eeked out with time, but it should be 99% there.On Redbook CD'... 
Preamps paired with DNA 225 or other McCormacks
If you can find one for sale used, the Audio Prism Mantissa has worked excellently for several of us McCormack owners. The trick is actually finding someone who wants to sell it. Then again, you could also look for it's pricier incarnation with th...