
Responses from rwwear

Do powercords make a difference in sound?
People swore the Tice clock made a difference. 
Unimpressive sound from Tannoy B475 subwoofer?
I check the 'Gon every day when possible. 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
People swore by the Tice clock. 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
You don't know what you're starting. 
Unimpressive sound from Tannoy B475 subwoofer?
Are the CD'S days numbered?
Vinyl is the new old thing. 
HDtrack not necessarily better?
How are you playing it back? Are you sure you are really getting full resolution? 
Unimpressive sound from Tannoy B475 subwoofer?
The transformer looks like the right one. An SMS-1 could be picked up used for around 400.00. It would help greatly. 
Turntable interconnect
Now there's a new tweek. Everyone be prepared to get rid of all cables with shields. 
Turntable interconnect
Psycho-acoustically speaking of course. 
Turntable interconnect
Sure they do. I figured someone would come up with something like that. 
Turntable interconnect
All interconnects should have a shield. There may be some manufacturers that make a somewhat homemade variety that doesn't but I wouldn't use unshielded IC's. 
Turntable interconnect
If it's not humming you're OK. But, if you want to ground it you can just run a single ground wire with the IC's you have. 
Unimpressive sound from Tannoy B475 subwoofer?
The ground and negative wire should be attached to the grounding post of the RCA. The shield really doesn't matter as long as it doesn't touch the positive post. Or, you could just use an XLR to RCA adapter. The best thing would be to get a balanc... 
Using XLR cables on the Sony 5400 SACD player?
Use the other end.