
Responses from rwwear

Last generation receiver to pair with oppo BDP-95
You may still want to opt for a new model receiver even if you want to only use the analog inputs. Most modern models are internet capable for firmware and internet radio etc. The Oppo also allows for HDMI video with analog audio so you can use th... 
Question: Is it "Tone Arm" or is it "Tonearm"?
Funny Bill. 
Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?
There's some reviews here. 
Is It Safe To Connect Speakers To Two Amps??
The tube amp would not be on if the other amp is on. The switch can be set for the speakers to go to the tube amp when it is turned on and when turned off to switch to the other amp. There is a delay to allow the amps to shut down completely. 
Is It Safe To Connect Speakers To Two Amps??
Niles Audio makes a signal sensing automatic switch just for this purpose. 
What does it take to have a revealing system?
You have to keep in mind a lot of the differences in new components come from the excitement of having a new device in the system. I'm not saying there are no difference in sound quality between components, there is, just that they are not always ... 
Krell Service
I don't think so. Maybe they just need a tune up. Why don't you call Krell service? 
Krell Service
Do both amps do it Derrick? Could be the power supply caps are going bad or it could be the switch is not muting the sound anymore. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Good deal. I was done til Kijanki replied. 
64-bit iTunes 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
What are you Lissnr some sort of far left zealot who gets mad because someone disagrees with them? What are you going to do next threaten my life or burn my house down?If these differences are so great, anyone could hear them but they can't. Since... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Sometimes it just happens to be true the emperor is wearing no clothes. It's not my job to prove there is no difference between cables. There is a very small minority that believes so in the world. Audiophiles just happen to live in Bizzaro Land w... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Who are you to tell me what to do Lissnr? If you say you can hear a difference that's fine. I don't have to prove you can't. It's like proving God doesn't exist. No one can.There's no sour grapes here. You seem to be the one who's getting angry. I... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I have been in audio for approximately 42 years. I've been in the audio business for 30 years give or take. No, I have not taken notes all these years but I have listened and so have at least 5 of my friends and we've all come to my aforementioned... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I've been investigating this crap for 35 years.