Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
I had only 2 experience with Good Wilson demo's. The rest, we are talking about many were quite worse. I sold my Pass Labs X100.5 to a client with Puppy7 speakers. This was good, not very good. Because in my world it is not fast enough and I could not use it for classical music. The thing I most don't like is how it projects instruments and voices. My Pl-200 is superior in 3d imaging. It is more round,touchable and more precise in dimension. This last part is crucial for me. This is the highest level of intimacy in sound. Could be also caused by the speed. Many peolple here in Holland have so much acoustic problems witht these speakers. You hear the noise of the room or the sound becomes a real mess. Why you would choose for these problems. Start with a speaker with less flaw's and limitations I would suggest.
Bo1972 - you obviously must have some problems with Wilsons. 10 bashing posts, in just one thread !

FYI - I'm a classical music lower. Just before I went with Sashas, I have had Avalon Eidolon Vision and I have also extensively auditioned (in my system) Audio Physics Avanti, Magnepans 3.6, Audiostatic and Quad 2905 (which is one of the most natural sounding speakers around). I strongly disagree with what you had written regarding the Sasha. This speaker sounded beautifully natural natural in my room, with the 'you are there feeling' and soundstaging which was second to none.

I think that the biggest problem for Wilson is that people bash Sasha based on their previous experiences with earlier generations of Wilson speakers. Sasha sounds VERY different to all earlier W/P models (I hated myself all WP models I have heard, starting from the WP3.2 up to WP7; the fact that I liked Sasha so much was actually a big surprice for me !) which is probably exactly why Wilson didn't call this speaker WP9.

PS. I just sold my Sashas, so I'm not defending the speaker I own. I'm defending a speaker which I used to own, and I think it is a great product. Right now I'm on a fence which speaker to choose next. Wilson Alexia is one of the speakers I'm seriously considering.
I am not bashing Wilson. The make fine speakers, not impressive.It is as it is. The Pl-200 is more natural sounding compared to the Sasha. read this article:

Stage of the Pl-200 is wider and deeper compared to the Sasha. Sensitivity is almost the same. S.P.L. of the Pl-200 is almost 118dbA. It is faster in respons compared to the Sasha. It can play at extreme volumes without any stress. It gives less acoustic problems. Monitor Audio tok a lot of efforth to amke it fit in almost any room. Instruments are sharper focussed than the Sasha. Use a Pass Labs amp and you will understand and hear the differences with ease between the two. The PLW-15 is for a 50kg sub with a poweramp at max 2000 watt peak very fast in respons and control. But you need Audyssey Pro to control it. The way we from Sound&Vision Consulting measure sets Audyssey pro to a superior level. Now I have the stealth low freq. I always dreamed of. It is fully integrated with my Pl-200. It is the first time in my life a subwoofer has become one with the frontspeakers. Instruments and voices are even sharper focussed and have the small dimension as they are in real. Wenn you use a sub with his own roomcorrection instruments and voices become less sharp focussed and bigger in proportion as they should be. Wilson is a brand what makes speakers wich are difficult to adapt in a normal living room situation. What I said before; many of my clients with Wilson speakers had the same acoustic limitations. Limitations means less enjoying of your favorite music. I listen for a few hours every day. because I enjoy music now at the max because there are no acoustic limitations anymore. At the end it is all about music. A system is never more than equipment to let you hear your favorite music. It is this simple!
"I think that the biggest problem for Wilson is that people bash Sasha based on their previous experiences with earlier generations of Wilson speakers. Sasha sounds VERY different to all earlier W/P models"


It is truly amazing how many time this has been said about the previous iteration of Wilsons inclusing W/P and Maxx.

It goes (and has gone) something like this:

"Oh, but you should hear the 3, the last was so harsh".

Then when the 4 comes out, the same is said about the 3.

When the 5 comes out, the same is said about the 4.

It is an amazing phenomenon. I can't think of a company whose next model is time and time again so much better than the last model!
The biggest problem Wilson has are the acoustic problems it gives. Wenn you want to buy Wilson speakers you need a big room and a separate room just for music. Second you need to adapt it acoustically. This makes it very expensive to use. You need the right stuff to drive and control it as well. Then you are not even ready. You need to do a lot to get a musical and involving sound. All these parts makes it a difficult speaker to tame. Even the few times I heard it at a good level. I still missed essential parts what should be there. I like the way they look. And it is made with passion. But it will never be enough to buy it or sell it for me. A few years ago I went to a presentation of the Wilson Audio Alexandria 2. Wilson was there as well. I had some very critical questions for him. But the train which I took got broke. We had to wait for over 2 hours. It was too late to go to this presentation.
Regarding Wilson speakers and acoustic problems, I tend to disagree a bit
with Bo1972. Wilson dealers, while not experts, they know a bit more than the
average dealer about placing and setting up their speakers - as they are
trained to set up Wilson speakers. My experience with Wilson at show is that
they often sound at least above the average. They have a lot of bass, more
than enough details and have absolutely no problem to go loud. While I have
never wanted to buy a pair, I can understand why so many people buy them.

Ricred1, in case you are really interested in alternatives to Sasha, try to listen
TAD and Raidho speakers.

Kiddman, I fully agree with what you are saying. Very silly and unimaginative


Firstly, I have read this story of yours also on other threads. There really is no
need to continue to repeat it. Why not open a thread about Monitor Audio PL-
200 & PLW-15, Pass Labs, Onkyo and Audyssey Pro? Also, what other
speakers have you compared to Monitor Audio PL-200? Of course, I am
interested in comparisons done in your room between speakers optimized by
you using "your" set up procedure.

Secondly, comparing the sound stage and stereo image of a systems that has
been carefully optimized to the sound stage and stereo image of systems that
have not been properly optimized is meaningless. Especially since electronic
room correction systems improve significantly the sound stage, stereo
image and bass of a system. Moreover, I would argue that pin-point accuracy
and wide sound stage are certainly not the only things that are important,
timber accuracy is at least as important IMO.

Thirdly, I would be more than happy to visit your shop and listen to your
system and report back if things are so fantastic. Just let me know your
details, I live in the Netherlands too.
You are welcome ofcourse to visit me. I will write a review of the Pl-200 as well soon. Ron Kemp of Kemp Electroniks visit me at the show in Veldhoven as well. He was really surprised by the level of my presentation. He visit other rooms as well. There was no set what could match this level he said. In a few weeks he will come to my house. The set at the show was my set at home. Theo Wubbels of HVT said: my presentation was the absolute sound of the whole show. My photographic memory makes audio so much more easy to understand and adjust. I am only interested in the best level in sound. I want a deep and wide stage with a extrem sharp individual focus. Were instruments and voices have the dimensions as in real. Because at the show most of the systems instruments and voices are played too big. Audioquest and Purist Audio are both aware of the small proportions of voices and instruments in real. Musicians will tell you the same story. For me it is about quality. I want my clients to get the same stunning sound I have. I want my clients tpo get a 10 ( A) for the money they spend. Not an 8 or nine. Because good is not good enough for me.
Wenn I see the pictures here at audiogon of Wilson owners. I see most of them have a separate room and adjust it acousticly. Most clients I visit in the Netherlands had a normal living room were they used the Wilson speakers. Wilson should make a special speaker what would be less difficult to use in a living room.
It is truly amazing how many time this has been said about the previous iteration of Wilsons inclusing W/P and Maxx.

It goes (and has gone) something like this:

"Oh, but you should hear the 3, the last was so harsh".

Then when the 4 comes out, the same is said about the 3.

When the 5 comes out, the same is said about the 4.

It is an amazing phenomenon. I can't think of a company whose next model is time and time again so much better than the last model!
Kiddman (Answers | This Thread)
So TRUE that it's funny.

Ricred1, in case you are really interested in alternatives to Sasha, try to listen TAD and Raidho speakers.
You can't go wrong with TAD or Vivid IMO. Just got my TAD and off the bus.
"Kiddman, I fully agree with what you are saying. Very silly and unimaginative marketing."

Thanks, but this is not what Wilson says (they never say the old one was bad). It is what enthusiasts and press say: the old ones are fantastic, no faults mentioned, until the new ones come out, and then the true failts with the last ones are finally admitted. And all along, the faults have been generally the same. Unfortunately, the faults have always been in the harshness/brightness/hard to listen to/amusical areas.
I think this thread is taken over by Bo1972 now! Let us not
bash Wilson but get back to Sasha.
As there are as so many Sasha in the 2nd hand market
completing with the older W/P models, we should compare
their pros and cons for new potential buyers. Imo, I favour
W/P 7,8, to the Sasha as they are easier to get better
results with less than perfect match-ups. All Wilson
speakers requires careful match-up but Sasha's requirement
is the most harsh. Let me explain, We all know W/P favours
tubes to sound best in the mid and high, W/P7 is harsh in
the highs but bass is easiest to drive. W/P 8 always have
too much bass no matters how hard you try. Sasha's bass can
be close to perfect but needs tons of current down low to
tame it. So, which amp has silky tube like highs/mids and
tons of current?? I think only a handful super-amps fits the
bill and $$$$!
Kiddman, I did not say that Wilson ever said that their old speakers can be harsh and/or fatigue. That story is indeed told by reviewers and dealers. However, what you wrote is only half of the story. Basically, we are told that the Wilson can be harsh at times because they originate from a studio monitor. Consequently, they are so transparent that every peace in the system counts and it can significantly affect their performance. They "only" reflect the quality of the components and of to the material fed to them ...

I do not want to speculate who started this story, but clearly the story has something for everybody, i.e. dealers who want to sell the new models, experience audiophiles who want a "true-to-source" speaker, new audiophiles, and also the Wilson company. I would say that if Wilson did not agree at all with this story they would have done something about it. We all know that the distributors and the dealers are most often told what they should say to their clients -- very few, like Bo1972 here, actually go against the current and recommend 7k speakers over 30k speakers. (Of course, who's to say that Bo1972 does not have an agenda too.) I find this marketing unimaginative because, as you have pointed out, is repeated for very many years now.

Coming back to Sasha, as I have mentioned in my first post here, it can play decent music also with lesser electronics. I am sure that a smooth and decently powerful SS integrated (e.g. Musical Fidelity, Mcintosh, Rowland, Accuphase etc.) can keep a not-so-wealthy Sasha owner happy till he/she can afford more expensive electronics that will max out the performance of Sasha.
The main thing for me is that people get honest information. I do not say a 7k speaker is better than a 30k speaker. What is the end results you get? This is what you hear at the end. You want to enjoy you music with your stuff. I visit enough people with expensive stuff and they did not enjoy it. I understood why. They had many times acoustic problems. Or more over they had the wrong combination of equipment. You have to understand all the properties/ talents of every individual part in your system. Only then you can understand how your sound at home is created. Wenn I see how systems of people here at audiogon are combined of. I can see easy the limitations. Because I know the properties. First you need to understan music and how it sounds in real. With this in mind you need to do your work to get the absolute sound with great precision. Wenn you have limitations in your system you can not enjoy your music. Then this can become an obsession. That is why I say: please think well before you buy a speaker. You need to know how it integrates in home situation. And what it needs to be driven well. En what you need to get a musical and involving sound. The tweeter of the sasha is less open and transperent than the ribbon tweeter of the Platinum speaker. It has more authority in the higher freq. So it sounds less harsh. It is that easy.
I found a dealer that carries the P1-200s that's relatively close to me. I will be taking my amp, preamp, and cables to listen to the P1-200s. I'll be sure to provide my honest feedback.
To get everything out of the Pl-200 you need an amp which can give an extreme wide and deep stage. Pass labs is one of the best in this area. Second you need the PLW-15 to strat from 16hz. This is crucial to come to the stunning sound. You need to know all the properties it has to get to this sound. Even Monitor Audio itself is not able to get this level. We had this discussion during the show. Most shows with Monitor Audio use amp's which are not able to get this 3-dimensional sound. They never heard there speakers this good. This means I always can go further then other people can. You also need Audyssey pro and my way of measering to get the full stealth low freq. I will keep this for myself. Even this I will not share with the people of Audyssey. What you can get out of a speaker depends about your knowledge in music and in properties of the equipment you use. For me it is that clear!
I do not think Densen is a great match with Monitor Audio. Because it is not able to let you hear the real sound of instruments Pass Labs can give. This is a main propertie in highend sound. You need to be ware of this!
the extra information starting from 16hz-35hz by using the PLW-15 is crucial. It is not only the extra information. Beause I use the PLW15 from 16 hz till 120hz. The integration goes to a touchable level and instruments keep the same proportion as without a subwoofer. Voices and instruments become a lot better in sound as well. Without Audyssey Pro and my way of measering it is not possible to get a full stealth integration. This is the key factor to succes. You even can use it in small rooms without acoustic problems. Normally you would get a lot of acoustic problems wenn music starts at 16 hz.
There are more speakers which are able to give a deep and wide stage. But.......Monitor Audio Platinum is able to let you hear a 3d extreme sharp individual focus of all parts of the recording. This is the key to the stunning touchable sound I had at the show. I am aware of all the properties/talents of speakers, amps, sources and cables etc. My goal is to use all the properties they have. This only will lead you to the 'Absolute 'Sound.

you go on and on about how Wilson's need so much to get them to sound good and then you say, "To get everything out of the Pl-200 you need an amp which can give an extreme wide and deep stage", I get a wide and deep stage with the Densen and instruments sound real. I'm sure if I had the Pass Labs it would sound even better. You say, "I need the PLW-15 to strat from 16hz", I don't like subs. No my Sasha's don't go to 16hz, but the type of music I listen to doesn't require them to. You continue by saying, "You also need Audyssey pro and my way of measering to get the full stealth low freq". You remind me of why I give very little credence to individuals on the internet. Like I said, I will go listen to the P1-200s with my equipment and report my thoughts.
Now we have a self proclaimed God of Audio who thought rest of us are idiots?

Abuse of thread's space for shilling to this extent is shameful, IMO. Desperado.
I sold the more expensive Rel subwoofers in the past like the Stadium. I never liked it, because it was not fast enough or not one with the speakers. There were many numbers wenn it was not synchron with the speakers you used. To be honest I never thought a subwoofer could become one with the frontspeakers. Until I listened to the PLW-15 with Audessey XT32. I had to admit that things were changed. Everything is possible in life. Ofcourse I am not a fraud, I am who I am. It is only a personal opinion. Nothing more nothing less. Wenn Wilson would like to make a speaker what is more easy to drive and use in a normal livind room he can make it. What is the reason to choose for a speaker what is difficult to drive and use? Wenn you would asked me 3 years ago If I would ever use a subwoofer in a stereo setting I would have said you are crazy. I was only interested in big speakers without a subwoofer. It only changed by the new experience with the PLW-15 with Audyssey. I was even very negative about roomcorrection. I sold Tact in the past. I did not like there roomcorrection system at all. Sometimes things change in life, also for me. New information can lead to other perspectives. I like to make things honest and clear. I will invite NVP to come to listen to my system. Wenn he reads this he can send me an email to:
A Pl-200 is a lot easier to drive, but you still need an amp which can give a 3D image. Without it you get an average sound. Most shope in the Netherlands use 2 dimensional amps to drive Monitor Audio Speakers. This means they do not understand the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional sound. Like they do not know which amps or even speakers have the ability to give a deep and 3-dimensional image. We are talking about quality in sound. Knowledge in sound and music. Music is all about emotion. You want to be touched by the music you love. This you get wenn you have a 3-dimensional intimate sound. Juat like in real wenn it can give you a meltdowns at the moment you did not expect it. The absolute sound is all about emotion and quality!
Ricred1, agreed, guys like this are so wrapped up in being a guru and touting their superior hearing and evaluation skills that this becomes their main mission, and what they say loses impact and credibility.

Usually you hear about soundstage, exact statements about bass, location of sounds, on and on. Usually you don't hear much about the beauty of music, sound that makes you stimulated yet relaxed at the same time, music that is achingly beautiful. That's what real detail is about, bringing musical sounds to the forefront while REDUCING harshness.

And excuses about being so accurate that they hurt are as old as the hills, and are false. Low distortion brings more musical detail AND more ease of listening.

Folks, Bo... is 100% correct. As a fellow member of the A'gon community, it pains me greatly that any of you would be suffering with those Wilson speakers, any model. So, I will take them off your hands at no cost to you of course. Send me a note to advise on shipping costs and I will reimburse you.

P.S. I'm only interested in late model Wilsons.
This is not about bashing Wilson Audio. Also not to be 100% correct. This is about good quality in sound for every person here at Audiogon. The people who are happy with there Wilson speakers is always good. The most important thing I learned in the 15 year I am in this business. Is how personal sound is. For me it is important that people get good and honest advice. I am aware that words can be read different ways. We are all different. I love to talk about audio. Always interested in how other people think. Like Ricred1 will audition the Pl-200. That are the people I like. There is enough room for every person to have his personal opinion. In the last few months I had a lot of fun here at Audiogon.
You have to read more precise. I am just a person who loves audio. There are always many ways what can lead to the absolute sound. At the end it will always be a personal taste. It is about music, this is the essential part of it all. Music can touch your hart.....invloving and musical sound is more important than more resolution and 3d stage. But the last parts can lead to a more stunning and convincing sound.

I'm putting them in their crates now! To deviate from this thread for a second...I'm thinking about the Audio Research Ref CD8 as my next move...did you compare it to anything else prior to purchase? What source did you own prior to the Ref CD8 and could you describe the changes or your overall impressions of the tonality of the Ref CD8.

Ricred1, happy to oblige and end your suffering. It's the Mother Terresa part of me.

I've had 2 CDPs before the ARC Ref CD-8. My first was a Rega, maybe the Apollo. Then I snatched up an ARC CD-7, which I liked a lot, but I always thought a bit dark.

I had an opportunity to grab a CD-8 for a very good price a while back and I bought it. Definitely a great CDP. It's tonally balanced and does a very nice job overall. I'll dispense with the pedantic adjectives because I'm sure there are tons of other top quality CDPs that may have a different presentation, but are equally good if not better.

I haven't looked back since. More importantly, I am not interested in moving anywhere else. At best, I am NOT convinced it wouldn't be a lateral move. [Sorry for the double negatives.] Of course, it's built like a tank.

If you look at the ARCDB web site, you'll notice the innards of the CD-7 and CD-8 are almost identical. Probably the main change is the DAC. The CD-8 uses a better DAC, a Burr-Brown as I recall.

For the $$$, a very good way to go .... if it matches to your line-stage. If any doubts, call Kal at ARC.


P.S. When can I expect to receive those rotten Wilsons???

LOL ;>)

I'm totally agree with you. No lost your time reading some "nonsense" post. The true is that Wilson Audio is one of the few reality brand that builds reference loudspeakers in all regards. The rest is crap!!
As they say - the company success can be measured by the number of haters ;)

On a serious note - for those looking for a relatively cheap amp that works great with Sasha, I strongly recommend the $3990 Cary SA-200. It is quite powerful (2x200W/2x350W) has no problems driving Sasha, is very smooth and a bit on the warm side. A lovely match, I have used this amp for several months and preferred it to many more expensive designs.

Bo - as you identified yourself as a dealer, selling competing products, you should refrain yourself from further posting in this thread.
I have the freedom to speak. I do not hate any brand. Wenn you would use these words you would not understand life. The conclusion in my personal opinion is that Wilson are not speakers eay to use in a normal living situation. And you need the right stuff to drive it and make it involving and musical. Do not make it sound more negative then it is. People have the right and freedom to speak and have there own opinion. Learn to read more precise!!

This is my first time looking at your system. If it sounds half as good as it looks . . . , then WOOOWWW! Gorgeous job.

Two questions. Dunno if you're married. If so, how do you keep your wife out?? My wife, bless her soul, invades my finished basement man-cave when the house starts shaking and then yells at me. She threatens to throw a bucket water on my gear. One major big-time coping issue!!

Other Q is about the room acoustic response graph that you presented in your system description. How did you tune your room so well and what outfit did the acoustic study. Your right -- it's quite remarkable.

I live in the Philly area. There might be only 2 or 3 retail outlets that could (maybe??) replicate what you did, but only after dropping major big bucks.


P.S. I been following that crazy post about Wilson Sashas. Let me know if you want me to take those rotten, ugly, color matched Sashas off your hands. No cost to you of course. ;>)
Yah Bo But... You have a financial interest most others do not. Unfortunately there is no automatic way for a reader to know that, like there is in some other forums. Thus I agree you should really be very careful about posting. I think should refrain, unless you make it clear you are a dealer.
I do consulting, no shop. Totally different approach. That is why I want to make professional review's in full HD with professional camera's which give more and better info about audio products. Because of the less clear information there is many customers make faults which limited them in enjoying there personal music to the max. Wilson does not say; hey you need a big room and acousticly adapt it to get a good sound. And the same about how to drive it. And how to get an involving and music sound. There need to come more open and clear information about audio. This will be in everyone's favour. Makes it more simple!!
Bifwynne - you are 3 weeks too late. I have already 'donated' my Sashas to a friend :) Looking for a new speakers right now - Wilson Alexia is one of the three speakers I'm considering (the other two are Magico and Rockport).

My room was designed by a local acoustician. I'm not US based, so the name will not tell you much. Glad you like it though !

The word you keep desperately seeking is WHEN.

It keeps eluding you.



"Wilson does not say; hey you need a big room and acousticly adapt it to get a good sound", no manufacture does, that's what the dealer is for. Wilson dealers and other dealers are there to advise on set-up, and what speaker works best for the given situation(room size, associated equipment, and how much money the customer wants to spend). That being said, I've called Wilson many times and they provided advise on electronics and placement of speakers.
So Ricred you say;

Wilson is easy to adapt in a normal house situation?
Wilson is easy to drive by most of the amps?
Wilson does not need a lot of acoustic treatment to get a very good sound?
Wilson speakers do need need expensive amp's to come to a high level?
Wilson is easy to get an involving and musical sound?
Ricred1, I agree with your last point about leveraging off dealer expertise. However, I would caution that I have found some dealers to be somewhat limited in their ability to advise on set-up, including equipment compatibility.

Of course, I'm sure there are many dealers who really know what they're talking about. A case in point is John Rutan of Audio Connection in Verona, N.J. (I think he knows more about Vandy speakers than Richard Vandersteen . . . . just kidding Mr. V).

I'm also happy to read that Wilson is user friendly and fills in the blanks. [Still taking late model Wilson speakers off of peoples hands at no cost to them. LOL ;.')]

My point is that if a customer is planning on dropping big bucks on gear, he or she needs to be a smart consumer. And as I said above, that is not always an easy task. I think checking A'gon Forum is a good place to start, followed up by a call(s) to the factory(ies) as needed. Caveat emptor.

Btw, that's not to say I haven't made mistakes. Fortunately I have been able to recycle equipment that isn't working out with minimal net cost (of the buy/sell).


Your argument is that Wilson is some how unique, requiring acoustic treatment, expensive amplifiers, and proper placement to sound best...While at the same time you said,"I do not think Densen is a great match with Monitor Audio. Because it is not able to let you hear the real sound of instruments Pass Labs can give." Your own words support my argument. "Most" highend speakers excel when properly set-up, the room has the right acoustic treatment, and the right electronics(sometimes expensive). I'm currently driving my Sasha's with according to you, an inferior amp, but they still sound good to me. Their in a room without acoustic treatment and still sound good to me. There is no doubt in my mind that they will sound better with acoustic treatment and the right amplifier, but that can be said about all speakers and that's my only point.
I only think your speakers can go to a higher level in sound by an amp like Pass labs. Densen is a fine amp, but not in the same league as Pass Labs. Everything for his money. Wilson is not an easy speaker to drive and use in a normal living situation. That is main thing I want to tell. And that is important information for people who think about buying them. You always need equipment who have all the talents/properties your speaker own's. For Wilson to come to this level costs more money than speakers which are less difficult to use and place in a normal home situation.
Well, one thing that there should have no debate is 'Pride of ownership'. I was once a proud Wilson owner too! Who don't want to have a pair in their journey? Right?
You are right. Pride of ownership! Who cares if you can't listen to it, you can show it off! Such is the state of high end audio in these times.....a shame.
As a long term advocate of Wilson speakers, it all come to your music preference, to be frank, Wilson is not good at reproducing Classical, String, chamber music, no matter what amp you have connected, the sound is harsh, Hi tone and low tone was overwhelmed, just don't sounds right for such kind of music, but when it comes to play the music like all kind of jazz including fusion jazz, or even pop and rock music, the realism, the speed, transient, impact, dynamic contract and micro / marco dynamic is what it stand out among others speaker, everytime when Im thinking changing the speaker to others brand but eventually brought with newer Wilson speake when

Every speaker has their own sound, it happens when I listen to the expensive Zellaton speaker which top notch for strings, Symphony, chamber music but worst in playing my kind of music, there's no perfect speaker in reality.
I have the same experience about classical music. The sound of a violin or even a cello is in real totally different.
I have listened to the Sasha and Sasha II a few times and just can't warm up to these speakers. If find the treble too hot or grating with unwanted sibilance on vocals. The bass while extended doesn't seem realistic. Just my two cents.
Bo, you're probably a nice guy, but do have any idea of what a freakin' jackass you sound like? No offense, but for someone who purports to have all the answers, I have not read a single thing from you that is remotely useful.

You certainly have a right to your preferences, but you preach them in these absolute terms that makes you sound insane. Please take this as constructive criticism from the Audiogon Community.
I did lend the Sasha 2 for 2 months a few years ago. I didn't like Classical music with it. I also owned the Monitor Audio Pl-300 and I also didn't like classical music with this one either. I owned the B&W 800S before the Pl-300 and I loved it for classical music. A friend of mine had a small concert room for about 65 people with a Steinway wing. When the sound is becoming a lot different it does not touch me emotionally. Maybe it is a personal opinion, ( everyone can think differently) this is how I feel it. I am addicted to music since I was 6. I started in audio in 98. In all these years I have done thousends of tests. Because it is the thing I love in audio. Beside this you Always look for the absolute sound. And for me Wilson is not the one who can give me this feeling. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.It is just a personal opinion.