Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@Mikeg. Maybe my measly 4 grand has me sitting in coach with certain people. Hey, customer service 101. First time customers should be made happy. I got laughed at and jokes my way. I really don't want to elaborate because somebody will get this thread deleted.
@Mikeg. Maybe my measly 4 grand has me sitting in coach with certain people. Hey, customer service 101. First time customers should be made happy. I got laughed at and jokes my way. I really don't want to elaborate because somebody will get this thread deleted. Well I wish people would take care of me like that. I guess I'm not important enough.
@Mike, the original Ayon Triton just had "Ayon - Austria", and I believe the latest Triton 3 has the same label. Even so, to be able to say "Made in Austria" may only require a small percentage of parts made in China to be assembled in Austria to quality. In the case of Ayon, I would take that label with a grain of salt.
u.s.a who?, no comment, it would not be good for me to speak of them!, I would get very angry to recall my memory's!
@audiolabyrinth now be careful remember what happened the last time we told the truth. It cost us our thread. Calm down. Look I ain't got over it yet.
@melbguy1 I guess we are gonna be room mates. Let's just say I'm glad I didn't live anywhere near AZ. Texans don't put up with that slick talk when we pay our money we expect respect and performance. I avoid big purchases over the internet now because this experience.
Hello it´s uncanny...last year 2013 i had problem with my CD5...right output Level lower than the left...!!!..And i had to send it to austria via french distributor...1000$ shipping included.i had one of the two converter of the right output damaged.
So i asked Mr Girt in austria why have'nt you replaced both right output converters (fyi)..the cd5 has two(2) converters by output ...He then said it´s too expensive to change both converters And only one of the two Was not working...so got Back my cd5 repeared after having stayed from july 2013 till october 2013 without Music "CD5" i waited three months to have it Back repeared And 5 months later the same problem happened again with the same...right output Level ...it´s uncanny they know that the second converter of the right output Was on its Way to stop working ...
An important company like AYON is equiped with the l'atteste technologie to find out if it were nécessaire to change both converters or not..i dare say And any technicien would recommand you to do so
Isn't that logical or commun sens...!!!!
Anyway it costed me 650$ to have it repeared... Cause i had to replace both converters of the same right output for the second Time in less of six months And only one hour of use in a week... Thank you Girth Of AYON.Mr chahed.
By the Way thanks to french distributor Mr gill And marc neveu i did not have to send it (CD5) to austria i have had it repeared here in Paris France
And also to the gréât team of techniciens Who dealt with it And fixed it.
Mr chahed
Great post Chahed, you have joined many that have exspressed their concerns, cheers.
@chahed. Good luck with ayon. They will not laugh in my face, crack jokes and refuse to help me and take anymore of my money. Lol. I like tube equipment. I just won't buy it in Arizona. USA.
Can you help ? i'm looking for a Aronov LS-9000 Tube Preamplifier schema but do not know where to get it. Need help.
Does anyone in the Ayon forum have experience with the Spheris lll preamp? I have an Auris and I am thinking of upgrading. I use the CD-5s, a Pass350-8 and B&W 802N, with Shuyata cables. I can get a good deal on an open box unit, and I am trying to decide if the price is worth it. Any comments will be welcome, although negative ones about my person will be cheerfully ignored. Thanks
I have been using Spheris III for a year now together with Vulcan evo (couple of months). Build like a tank. Very transparent but at the same time very musical and organic sound. Have used good preamps in the past (Arc ref 3, Vtl 6.5) but they just can not compete with Ayon.
Has anyone heard the Ayon Crossfire III ? It uses some very properitery tubes. How is the sound like ?
I'm thinking of an Ayon Spirit. What is customer service like with USA Tube Audio. I live on east coast
Anyone here S10 owners?  Have you had issues with volume control of dsd music?
I demo'd an Ayon CD1 from USA and ended up buying a Lector from them.  They were excellent to deal with, no BS, although some have had different experiences.  I will tell you that shipping a heavy piece from the East Coast to AZ is going to cost a lot, so keep that in mind.  
Long time since I posted here (forgot the thread existed!). I replaced my Ayon CD5s with a new Ayon CD35 a few weeks ago and am happy to say that it is a terrific unit! It is vastly improved over the already nice CD5s in all aspects of soundstaging including height, depth, location of instruments, air and holography. In addition, micro-detail is better presented with a more natural treble and a killer bass control and extension. Speakers have disappeared better. Running it balanced direct into modded Nuforce Reference 20 monos and then Von Schweikert VR 55 Aktive speakers with Delphi Aerospace Ultra cabling . Anyone else playing with the CD35?
My Ayon Stratos Remote stopped responding even after changing the batteries.

Any troubleshooting techniques?
Please let me know
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Has anyone compared the Ayon cd 35 to the PS Audio DMP transport and DSD SR. dac?
I had an Ayon 07s, and just purchased the PS Audio DMP and DSD dac, which I'm running directly into my amp, as I did with the 07s. Yes the PS Audio gear surpasses the Ayon player in many areas, except one very important area, tonality. I think if a had a good tube preamp the PS Audio gear would benefit greatly, and would add the missing bloom and tonality I'm missing, but now I'm thinking of just getting the Ayon cd 35, which has a built-in tube preamp, especially since I really enjoyed the 07s so much.

Experimenting with my dynaudio C1 signatures is been great fun and rewarding. I start with SS system from Audio GD that was amazing for the money. All the detail and good high end stuff one could ask for. After a couple of years and having no experience at all with tubes, I made a choice after much research and comparison between PCM and DSD to get a lampizator 4 DSD DAC and HQ player for my computer. What a surprise, not only I liked DSD better but also the tubes made the sound stage wider taller and deeper, textures, clearer and smoother sound, details and tones that to me sounded more like real live performances. After this dose of tube injection like a junkie I just wanted more. Next I rebuild my computer complete fan-less with linear PSU, Jcat USB card and DSD 512 capable, another big step on the right direction. Then I found a good deal on a used lampizator big 6, major steps forward. Finally I sold my Audio GD system to buy a Ayon Spirit lll generation 4 and never looked back. From the first listening sessions I liked this integrated a lot, but though bass was definitely good it was not near as powerful as the SS gear. Then my journey with tubes and cables rolling began. After I research some NOS tubes and experimenting with it, the sound got moving in the right direction again from top to bottom, better stronger and deeper bass. Now for cables at the time I was using Acoustic Zen Holograms for speakers and Krakatoa for power with great success with SS system. Finally I started messing with cable rolling and wasn’t until I tried some High fidelity cables that I felt the system was rewarding me with great improvements across the spectrum, but it was when I added the High Fidelity CT-1 speaker cables that the low end came to a level I could not believe possible for a cable alone to accomplish . Anyways the Ayon spirit lll is a great integrated amp for the Dynaudios and more, they have enough power and great synergy.
Hi everyone!I have an Ayon Spark ll amp which has two 6c33 power tubes, two 6h30 driver tubes and two 12au7 input tubes.I had two 6n1p tubes and replaced them with 6h30 tubes.I believe after this change, my amp's sound was improved in terms of both power and clarity.I just want to know could it be dangerous for my amp because of this tube replacement?Thanks
Do not recommend Ayon products. I have very bad experience with it (Orion II in repair once a year on average). I don’t know what parts are inside and whete it is assembled, but it does not look good (another Chinese product, just extremely overpriced...?).
Here I have put details of my experience https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/who-owns-ayon-amps so do not want to repeat details.
I could have swore I've seen $40,000 Ayon amps listed here on AG (too lazy to check right now). I would expect VIP service for such high prices.