Best vintage or modern tonearms for Denon DP 80


I am looking for a tonearm for a Denon DP80 TT.
Are there any suggestions for a tonearm under $3000.00
easy to set up.

What do you think of a PA 5000 tonearm?
Audiocraft 4000, Victor 7054, Victor 7082
Sony PUA 7, PUA 1500, 1600

Thank you in advance.
I guess it depends on what you call vintage. Most of the arms of the 70s were made to handle the high compliance MM cartridges that were popular then. As MC became more popular, you got the Linn Ittok, Rega 250 and 300, Syrinx, Michell, Sumiko etc. A Michell Mechanic is a great arm, The Sumikos are the same as the Jelco today, except for the M800 "The Arm" which is a great arm. there are also the Helius arms like the Scorpio and Aureus. In fact, the current Helius Aurora and Omega are great arms.
So, its more a question of what cartridge do you intend to use, and if its a low compliance cartridge, you need a medium or high mass arm. You can check compliance at the vinylengine site.
Realistically, I would like to purchase a Dynavector or a Lyra cart, not a TOTL but higher up the chain.
I would like the tonearm to match well with these cart offerings.

My 3 yr plan includes buying a non vintage arm: Dynavector 507 MKII or Graham Phantom Supreme.

Right now, if there is a vintage tonearm:

-that marries well to Dynavector and Lyra carts
-that gives a different sound from the Victor but is still very musically satisfying
-easy to set up

I'd buy it for a second arm. If the consensus is that another vintage arm would be in the same ballpark in performance then I'd just leave the second armboard empty until I can afford either of my longterm tonearms.

Thanks everyone for posting.
So far as I know, none of the tonearms so far mentioned in this thread do not have interchangeable headshells. Nearly all "vintage" tonearms did.
If you are looking for changeable headshells, the SME 309 is very good. Also, the Helius Aurora and Omega can be purchased with removeable headshells and are excellent.
IMO, and it's only my opinion based on little data, the tonearms under discussion here are all about the same in "quality". You would be better off, perhaps, to think what cartridge you will want to mount on your second tonearm, and pick the tonearm to match the cartridge. The DP80 won't care what tonearm you are using. I think Raul and I have already said this, if not here, perhaps on another thread. I have a deja vu feeling. I may disagree with Raul in his rating of the Lustre, Sony, and Victor tonearms as all being a bit superior to the Dynavector, but that's not a big deal either way. He does not care for the DV tonearms; I do.
Lewm, I do have room for 2 tonearms on the plinth.

One is already filled by the Victor and the other is available for one not yet determined.
I can't believe I am responding here, but unless you want to use two tonearms, why bother with a second tonearm that is at best going to be about as good as the one you have? (Which isn't bad at all.)
Thanks, Raoul
I built up a small collection of the MM carts after reading the great thread here...

I have a chance to buy either a Sony PUA 1500L or the Sony PUA 7, any thoughts on which is better? The Sony PUA 7 comes pretty complete with cable too.
I already have the JVC/Victor 7045 which came with original cable. Would another Japanese tonearm from Sony be any different? Or should I spend the money on buying more headshells?

I haven't given any thought on buying a different tonearm cable as the one I have is a right angle DIN for my SME IV and wont fit the Victor.

Thanks in advance, everyone.
Dear Lleall: I own the DP-80 and 75 that I use along other TTs and I use it in " naked fashion "/no-plinth.

As with any other TT any tonearm works great with if the cartridge is well matched to the tonearm. So, IMHO you don't have to worried about your TT but that your tonearm(s) choice be a good match for your cartridges.

Dynavector tonearms are good designs but not the best out there, I don't use it any more because I find out better tonearms.

If we look for vintage ones these ones ( I own all. ) could fulfil your cartridge needs, very good tonearms:

Sony PUA-237 , JVC UA-7045, Grace G-840FB, Lustre GST-801 or Audio Technica 1503 MK3 ( this is current model. ).

Of course that Denon ones are a good choice too.

Regards and enjoy the music,
My DP80 is mounted in a slate slab, weighs about 75 lbs. For feet, I use three small cans of Mandarin orange slices in water, available at your local supermarket for about $6, total. To the bottom of each can, I affixed a Black Diamond Racing tiptoe, using double-sided tape. I had them lying around, could use any tiptoe. Odd as it may seem, the canned fruit works great to soak up energy.

I have no direct experience with Victor or Sony PUA tonearms, but the consensus is that both are excellent, probably similar since the designs are similar in many ways. I just bought a Victor QL10 turntable which will come to me with a 7045 tonearm, so I am about to find out how a Victor tonearm can sound.
Thanks, Lewm.
I did think the Victor with all its accompanying hardware and papers was worth 729 usd.
The other vintage Japanese tonearms were more. What do you think of the Sony vintage arms: PUA series? Or is the Victor capable of pretty much the same?
I like the look of the Dynavector ...very modern and sculptural looking....Hans L says it is a great match for Denon DP80.

What isolation do you use for the TT? I have just purchased Marigo feet. Thanks for posting.
The Victor is a "steal" among vintage Japanese tonearms at its current cost, IMO. I use a Dynavector DV505 with several different MM and MI cartridges, including the Grace Ruby, very happily on my DP80 and on my Lenco, FWIW.
Thanks, I did get a recommendation for fidelity research 64 but I found the victor 7084 with cable, weights, mounting template & manual for $729 used
So couldn't pass that up.
I am having a plinth made of mdf, with compartments to add load, delrin mat by Hans L. That has 2 boards: drilled for victor 7084 and
SME /graham, with extra ones for future use

I did buy a victor 7084 tone arm but would eventually like to add a dynavector 507mkii or graham phantom supreme.

I like the dynavector because I have been told it is a good match for the Denton DP80 and I like being able to change carts. I have a few vintage ones: grace f9D,9E, 9ERuby, supex 2000 ruby, supex 900
Garrett p77, garrot p87 mc.(thanks to the forum). Also looking for Lyra Delos .

There aren't many graham ph supremes on the 2nd hand market probably because it is a keeper for most buyers.
I don't really think my budget can stretch to retail price GPS , if a dynavector 507 mkii can give me most of what I want @ 2nd hand price.

I currently have an avid TT with SME IV arm, Benz ace sl cart that I don't want to change around. So the Denon TT will be my changeable setup for tone arms +carts. I looked @audiocraft 4000 but so dear that I may as well buy 2 nd hand modern or even retail gps.

Thanks everyone for suggestions/recommendations

For under $3000, the choice is VERY wide for excellent tonearms. There is almost nothing you cannot consider at that price or under, if you are willing to purchase second hand. Further, the tonearm is best mated to the cartridge, rather than to the turntable. So, consider what cartridges you favor in making your choice. What sort of plinth?