Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.

"Brilliant Pebbles is a unique and comprehensive system for tuning the room and audio system based on special physical properties of highly symmetrical crystal structures.  Brilliant Pebbles addresses specific resonance control and RFI/EMI absorption problems associated with audio electronics  No snake oil here.
  Welcome aboard... lol, thats funny and unknown to you an interesting coincidence considering I spent four years in the US Navy.
  When we look at physics as it applies to electricity-- conductance, reactance, capacitance, inductance, and resistance; these are not 'meaningless generalizations' on how the flow of electrons down a conductor are effected.  Just because all (perhaps most) of us don't understand Quantum Physics doesn't make it meaningless... I for one am just ignorant (definition: I don't know what I don't know) as apposed to indifferent: I know but I don't care...
You want to read about cutting edge Quantum Physics, read about 'Spintronics' and the application it has in information storage... oh my!
It's mentioned in the 'Positive Feedback' internet review of a Bybee Technologies product (IQSE's I believe).
millercarbon54 posts01-04-2019 9:58pmgeoff, what dressing do you recommend to go with your word salad?

>>>>Wow, I’m going out of my way here to provide good information and answer questions and all you can think of is food.
romeoaudio4 posts01-05-2019 7:00amWelcome aboard... lol, thats funny and unknown to you an interesting coincidence considering I spent four years in the US Navy.

>>>>I worked in the radio room of boomers and worked directly for the former head of US Navy SATCOM program.

When we look at physics as it applies to electricity-- conductance, reactance, capacitance, inductance, and resistance; these are not ’meaningless generalizations’ on how the flow of electrons down a conductor are effected. Just because all (perhaps most) of us don’t understand Quantum Physics doesn’t make it meaningless... I for one am just ignorant (definition: I don’t know what I don’t know) as apposed to indifferent: I know but I don’t care...

>>>>That’s all fine and dandy but can I point out electrons don’t flow down a conductor? For all intents and purposes electrons are just drifting along. 😀 They are simply the charge carriers.

You want to read about cutting edge Quantum Physics, read about ’Spintronics’ and the application it has in information storage... oh my!
It’s mentioned in the ’Positive Feedback’ internet review of a Bybee Technologies product (IQSE’s I believe).

>>>>As I’ve written, the operational characteristics of crystals can described by ordinary physics and do not (rpt not) require any high fallutin’ quantum type descriptions. My head is Spinning!

- Run silent, run deep. 
My son was in the Air Force.  They send their officers to war-- death from above (instead of from below)...
I was in ground school expecting to go fly 105s in Vietnam. But fate intervened and I escaped that particular destiny.
"No snake oil here."
Has anyone heard a demonstration of the Pebbles? Results/opinions?

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Has anyone heard a demonstration of the Pebbles? Results/opinions?
Geoffkait has excellent feedback on the Audiogon Marketplace:
Positive1195 Neutral2 Negative0
If nothing else, that would suggest that you wouldn't risk much if you tried the product.
The Cable Co. and Geek Tweek have nice return polices when trying the more esoteric side of our hobby.  Results can vary depending on your understanding as to how to use them, and the resolving abilities of your room/equipment.
Actually, I cannot think of anyone who doesn’t have nice policies for returning esoteric audiophile products that don’t work out for some reason or another with the exception of some, but not all, aftermarket fuse companies. 
I roll my eyes when Quantum Physics is used to justify specific audio (or other technical advances).  Yes, the transistor was wholly invented by applying QP principles, but that's why there has never been a nearly complete, in-depth understanding of how those principles play out in real time.  It requires an incredible (the right word) expenditure of resources, time, effort & energy to achieve the most minuscule, noncommercial results leveraging QP i.e. Quantum Computing.  What's been achieved there is not scaleable & only in conditions hundreds of degrees below zero. Some very qualified people think these challenges will be overcome in the fullness of time (with no ETA on the horizon). You can prove experimentally, what there isn't with it far more easily.  Such as there is no time or space (in the Quantum realm & in ways our senses can't confirm directly in ours). Also that everything is a particle & a wave simultaneously & more still (what Einstein called spooky science he was uncomfortable with) that directly contradicts conventional physics.

We know it affects our realm (bubble chambers & the transistor affirm) but cannot easily prove it does in our specific inventions. This leaves every kind of room for would be backyard inventors & discoverers to claim just about anything. Trust your ears & leave the QP theorizing to those enjoying imaginatively worked out theories.  It's well to remember too, nothing new has been invented since the laser in the 60s & the pace of all fundamental scientific discovery has dramatically slowed everywhere. Except for the biological sciences, but that's another story altogether.
Just a note to say what Einstein was referring to by the word “spooky” was not wave particle duality but “action at a distance.” “Spooky action at a distance” (relativistic Physics) was the subject of the famous EPR paper in 1935. Everybody was pretty much already on board the wave particle duality train 🚂 once the double slit experiment for light was performed by Young in 1801, later confirmed for other particles in 1927.

But more to the point, I personally don’t use quantum physics to explain Brilliant Pebbles. It’s pretty straightforward atomic physics.
Even though I'm ignorant about such things QP, I will say... well said Mr. John1, I had to be reminded that molecules don't move (another well said by Mr. Tobor), charge does... Hmmm, ever been shocked?
I like the part though about 'trust your ears'.
If it gets the endorphins going... you're on to something!
Just to be clear, this thread is not really about QP, although it’s an interesting subject. Physics should not be divided up between classical physics and quantum physics, anyway. It’s a misconception to think that QP is just some vague concept that only applies to tiny particles. There is no such constraint. The CD laser is an example of applied quantum physics, as someone said. Audiophiles, for whatever reason are sometimes way out in front of new applications for technology, such as Graphene and QP. THE Intelligent Chip is an obvious example of QP, so is the WA Quantum Chip. I have others. Evil 👿 laughter. 
My dog Bam Bam thinks the world of Pebbles.

Just kiddin.

Yes my dog’s name is Bam Bam and there have been pebbles around on occasion when I had the music playing (in fact I am looking at some now and Bam Bam is prone at their feet) ) but not these particular pebbles that are brilliant.
Where ya been hidin’, moopman? Did they let you out yet! Stalkers welcome. They say pets take after their owners. 🤗
Hmmm, not really about QP.  Well someone asked about 'Pebbles' so I beg to differ... This is not the way I like to mention this bc I can't backup my claim but a couple months ago I was reading a blog or forum about how Bybee Technologies products work, and it was the opinion of the author that (his claim that is) Mr Bybee had used someone else's research (the person who came out with the Pebbles products in the first place, who had discovered how the crystals effect atoms). 
This is what crystals in iQSE's do (Pebbles too)...


"Bybee Technologies has developed a product that is energized by a surrounding energy field. Once energized, our product resonates at the same frequency as the C13 atom. (Versus the more common carbon 12 atom - emphasis added)  Consequently, this creates a magnetic field of force effect. In this magnetic field, the polarity of all electrons and protons are altered, affecting their oscillation by making them more aligned with each other. This reaction creates an affect that makes the transfer or sharing of electrons between atoms more streamline and efficient; and air molecules less resistant."

[Copy/Pasted from the Positive Feedback review of iQSE]...

Yes, I know all that. But that is not how I explain how pebbles (natural mineral crystals) work, which I did fifteen years ago. I would call explanation atomic physics, not QP. Now, it may be Jack describes how crystals interact with his other technology, I can’t say. But since I have been in the specific field of crystals and atomic physics of crystals a whole lot longer than Jack I defer to myself. 😬 I’m also not sure what *actual material* Jack uses, as he describes it in some places as “crystal like.” So, who knows? My use of crystals (Brilliant Pebbles) is almost exclusively as resonance control devises and my crystal based products address a wide range of audio issues. Whereas Jack’s devices almost always or always in the electrical signal path, from what I read. Brilliant Pebbles is not in the signal path per se.

I presented a paper to national conference fifty years ago regarding a design for a low thrust high specific impulse rocket engine for interplanetary space travel that develops thrust by bombarding metal polycrystal with a highly accelerated Xenon ion beam, producing sputtering of atoms from the surface of the metal polycrystal.

As I already intimated I authored the paper that described how the QP Intelligent Chip works back in 2005. Summary:

“The Intelligent Chip works quantum mechanically via coherent quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. Two coherent light sources (the CD player laser and the quantum dots in the Intelligent Chip) interact with the atoms in the CD’s polycarbonate layer to produce long-lasting, superior optical transparency for better optical signal to noise ratio during the laser-reading process. The active material in the Intelligent Chip is quantum dots - artificial atoms grown in the lab tuned to emit photons of a pre-determined wavelength.

In the case of the original Intelligent Chip, CD laser light escapes the player through a narrow gap around the CD tray. The emitted photons from chip commingle with the CD laser light that is everywhere in the room and inside the player; the commingled light resonates with the CD’s polycarbonate material, improving its optical performance. In the case of The Super Intelligent Chip, the process occurs entirely inside the CD player where all the interactions are more intense.”

geoffkait you have been around a long time and I can't comment about your products but I have come across others that do use crystals in their power cords. I only know this because of wanting to change their connectors and found them within them.

geoffkait you have been around a long time and I can’t comment about your products but I have come across others that do use crystals in their power cords. I only know this because of wanting to change their connectors and found them within them.

>>>>I welcome them with open arms. And wish everyone good luck. In fact all my products come with a little note that says good luck!
Costco, you need to lay off the nose candy for a spell, partner, and get you a big gulp of some Oil of the Snake. 🐍 Cure what ails ya, partner! 🤠

People would be generally much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. - PT Barnum
It seems that "quantum physics" is used as some sort of a card you are not allowed to dispute around here. Give it 50 years and, at the mention of quantum physics, people may be saying "Oh, my, what were we thinking?" Maybe not, but the way things are developing it could be.
   Wowsers there Mr. Geoffkait, at some time a wise man was quoted as saying... 'Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood'
   The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey. Part of Dr. Covey's message (addressed in Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood) is that people form opinions based on their own experiences.  Thats what we audiophiles do, right?
   ...but, when it comes to you and Mr. Bybee, these sciences are way beyond me. Now I'm a refrigeration contractor/mechanic so if you want to talk about the 'Laws of Thermodynamics', Boyle's Law, Dalton's Law, or Charles Law, I'm your man.
@romeoaudio If you read my white paper on Brilliant Pebbles I suspect you would have no problem undestanding it. It even has pictures. I can certainly understand why many people are put off by words. Words like atomic binding force, kinetic energy, lattice structure. By the way, thermodynamics is my middle name. My education was theoretical propulsion and fluid dynamics. Coinkidink!
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It seems that "quantum physics" is used as some sort of a card you are not allowed to dispute around here.

>>>>Glubson, no worries, I’m used to people trying to make something out of something it’s not. As regards the word quantum do you have a frog 🐸 in your pocket? If you have something to say spit it out. Dispute what? 
More PT Barnum quotes

  • “The noblest art is that of making others happy” ...
  • “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” ...
  • “Unless a man enters upon the vocation intended for him by nature, and best suited to his peculiar genius, he cannot succeed.”
  • “Every crowd has a silver lining.”
I don't think PT Barnum is a man we should be so enamored with...
  • “Every crowd has a silver lining.”
   Good grief, he made million$ charging people 2 or 4 bits to see a circus during a time in America (depression era) when most people were starving and was merciless on the backs of those who worked for him...
   Anyway geoffkait back to pebbles, I did read your white paper and have to admit I misunderstood how they worked. Bybee changes the atom structure (w/crystals) where as your pebbles convert movement to heat.  I have two tube traps, I might have to try some large on the top.
Far out... 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
There is a branch of QP called Quantum Thermodynamics, despite my education I don't pretend to understand it...   
I was figuring to trap someone with that last quote. 😬 It was attributed to PT Barnum but I doubt he actually said it. The person who said the first three quotes probably wouldn't say the last one. It doesn’t make sense. He’s accused of saying, There’s a sucker born every minute, too. But he didn’t say that, either.
"It is easier to fool someone then to convince someone that they've been fooled."  Attributed to Mark Twain but never proven...
As I respect everything that can make our systems sound better I do believe that some of us are truly just listening to our equipment and forgetting how music live should sound. Thats cool if thats would you want. I'm getting old and want to remember the live music that I have experienced in my life.
“People before Profits.”

“Because it’s what I choose to believe.”

“It is better to know than not to.”


"Glubson, no worries, I’m used to people trying to make something out of something it’s not."
No worries, we are used to it, too. We have been reading your posts for a while.

"My education was theoretical propulsion and fluid dynamics."
Congratulations, you fooled us all. We would have never guessed.
Now it all makes sense! Humble as it is, my system sounds very, very, good, in my dedicated listening/living room. No harsh reflections, no bass boom, just well balanced good sound. I attributed the lack of room problems to good treatments and painstaking set up. Little did I expect that it is my wife's obsession with crystals (she has them all over the house, especially in the audio room) that is doing the magic.........Jim

Just try bringing your system to the beach, not a sandy but a pebbly one. It will be a new dimension. Not to mention that soundstage will be as deep as the eye can see.
Enter the dark matter coated banana springs. (Cue the guy in a giant banana costume) ... Here ya go folks, step right up here, get yours while it lasts ... more rocket 🚀 science from Geoffy the Fuse Troll. 

I went with the new "Brighter than a nuclear explosion" Large Rocks.
Delivered by Dump truck,         
Once they're installed, however, they are safe enough. As long as you DO NOT OPEN the giant paper bag...        
They are sold by a Chinese owned North Korean outfit....      
Sound? What sound.. I am too afraid to go into the room. The supplied Geiger counter is going crazy......I just ordered the optional lead shielding...
This just in! New Brilliant Pebbles, one-off offerings. Now, you can obtain Pebbles that fit your particular budget and or skepticism level.

Brilliant Pebbles 🤗
Smart Pebbles 🤔
100 IQ Pebbles 😬
Mildly Retarded Pebbles 😳
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I want an upgrade Geoff. If the best you have are Brilliant.. Where are the "Genius Pebbles"? You know, the sort that can not only repair broken equipment, but vacuum and was the dishes.. Go find a job and pay for it's upkeep!