Never thought Ms. Perfect would return. Have always been a fan of her singing and songwriting.
A summavagun is simply a way to clean up “son-of-a-b***h”  in order to maintain the cordial nature of this, or any other A’gon forum. 

There’s also a little bit of Walt Kelly in me. Mr. Kelly was an incredible, clever, intelligent artist who created one of the finest, funniest, comic strips you’ll come across.  Pogo.  Definitely worth a google for you youngsters out there.  He enjoyed playing with language’s elasticity and, I’m almost certain of it, would enjoy how the word “obsolete” was hijacked, renewed, and employed above. 

I’m 61 now. I vaguely remember when we imagined we’d be operating vehicles that fly, etc. etc., etc. 
What we actually received is better cars, at least compared to what was available in the way back. The future is an imagined. (New use!)

I’ve long been curious about the Tekton brand, visiting the site, watching the A’gon classifieds, admiring their high efficiency. I have cycled tube amps, hybrid amps, class d amps - the whole megillah - through my system over the years and, citing a possible return to all tube in the foreseeable sometime, will definitely consider Tekton as a possibility.  

There is is something utterly comforting about tube gear for me that has nothing to do with any technical appreciation.  I don’t know a mosfet from a misfit, a sine wave from a rogue wave, but I know what I like. 
I came THIS close to purchasing a used pair of
Pendragons a year ago but after being able to see them at the seller’s home I opted out.  They are gargantuan.  They sounded okay, too.  And that’s not a knock.  Perhaps I’ll consider one of the smaller models if I return to tubes.  

As I approach my personal obsolescence I will offer this - the version replacing me will not best the version I constructed over the years,  it will, by dint of its associated dna, champion it.  

I predict that the speaker making everything before it obsolete will be suspended columns of Air

Saw FM with Bob Welch opening for Jefferson Starship in San Diego (1974) and recall Bob welsh commenting on being the "real" Fleetwood Mac during their set.  I think there may have been some other "FM bands" touring at the time too?

That was a fun night :)
The thing about a long-lived, different-membered band like Fleetwood Mac, is that comparing different line-ups is an apple-to-oranges comparison. The original Peter Green-lead version was a pure Chicago Blues Band, while the Kiln House album is heavily 1950's Rock 'n' Roll-infused. When Buckingham and Nicks joined, Fleetwood Mac became a Pop Group, and I mean that in the positive sense (Pop is often used in a pejorative manner. Not I---I love Pop music. Sophisticated chord sequences, beautiful melodies, harmonies, and counterpoint---Brian Wilson, Bjorn & Benny---the B & B of ABBA, the Soul music of the 1960's, etc.). Buckingham & Nicks are about the songs, first and foremost---Pop.
Guess i am giving away my age but to me the real fleetwood mac was a superior blues band that over a decade became a pop band. Saw then 6 or 7 times in clubs and at the acoustically perfect Auditorium Theatre.  The first few albums imho had a depth of feeling they never recreated.  Listen to the Chess recordings in Chicago   with the likes of Otis Span on Piano, the incomprable Willie Dixon on upright bass, Shakey Horton on harmonica and  JT Brown on Sax combined with Spencer, Kerwin,  and Green on Guitars (Buddy Guy joined on several tracks) and of course the rythem  section (John and Mick) at their best.  Then go to just the band on 'Then Play On" and "Kiln House".  Hard to beat and while a admit the skills of Bob or Lindsey ... it just never reached the mark set early on.
Buckingham seems somewhat overrated as a guitar player (personal taste, although if you appreciate grimacing while flailing away at one note he's great at that, and hey…some OK fingerpicking!) and is a mediocre singer although a seemingly passionate and sincere performer, and obviously did manage to write some large money makers for the band so I was surprised he got kicked out of an organization I assumed he owned…or at least it seemed like an interesting decision. I think Neil Finn is brilliant and I loved Crowded House, and he's got a very large bunch of stuff to draw from so it could make the Mac a more interesting show (seen 'em once during the McVie-Dennis Wilson couple period, and saw a Stevie Nicks show once also…both shows were fun and slick). The thing about Buckingham is that he has his own style that I'm not sure is so easily copped (like The Edge…personal strange chops), but hey…Finn and Campbell should at least score a large payday.
Hey....check this out. Google "summuvagun"  ASAP 

now that's cool..........and a bonus picture in" images "
                    of jmcgrogan2

and a parting shot to defiantboomerang.......right back at ya
If it weren’t for him and Nicks,  Fleetwood Mac would never have become, well, the version of the band that made them all rich and famous.  Love ‘em or loathe ‘em for that reason, but without them the fame and fortune that afforded them all careers is undeniable. 

First off, he could play like a summuvagun.  Secondly his studio productions are brilliant. 

A few years ago I tossed Rumors onto my CD player just for the hell of it.  I’d forgotten how damn good the production values were. That alone doesn’t mean anything without good material, and they had some excellent tunes that didn’t get the overheavy rotation on what was then “radio”,  or even worse, the classic rock formats streaming etc.  now. 

If ever there were a way to illustrate that musical taste varies, this thread is it.  

I am probably (much) younger than most people on this forum, and never could get up much interest in Fleetwood Mac despite trying.  Then I got my hands on the Lindsey Buckingham Live at Bass Hall album and was dumbfounded.  He re-worked some of the older Fleetwood Mac numbers and also contributed some of his solo work.  The playing is just incredible.  There is also a "Songs From the Small Machine" album that is spectacular in every regard.  

I saw the "Buckingham/McVie" tour live last year and was expecting a real snoozer of old Fleetwood stuff, but what I got was a Lindsey Buckingham show in all its glory.  At 69 years old he is unmatched IMO.  I understand Christine McVie prompted the tour and wrote some of the new songs, for which I give her credit, but beyond that she contributed nothing to the show besides shaking some maracas and little keyboard playing that couldn't be heard anyway.  

Doubtful I'd walk across the street to a Fleetwood Mac show with out Buckingham.

Carry on!
Peter Green Fleetwood Mac is the only line up I ever enjoyed. I think Mike Campbell is every bit as capable as Peter Green but will they let him be moody and artistic and go back to the old blues stuff in their catalog that wasn’t such a commercial success - Albatross, Long Grey Mare etc. - probably not. I really liked Christine Mcvie when she was with Stan Webb too - I guess I just don’t like overly commercial stuff. Rumours and particularly “Don’t Stop” sounds like Fleetwood Mac trying to be ABBA to worked of course and the money poured in.
Now you have everyone
Chiming in on this soft soft staying on the right lane at all times band. 
  Maybe Finn can bring some life to the band.   
I've been a Fleetwood Mac fan since the days of Bob Welch & Danny Kirwan, who was also fired by the band. Fleetwood Mac is one of the most resilient groups to ever take the stage. Their success and appeal has spanned over a half a century. 

I agree, Lindsay Buckingham is a highly talented guitarist, but his personality can create stress and strife for the other bandmates. I fully support the band's move because I want to milk every last year out of these guys as I can, as a fan. 

I'd rather they go on without him, than for him to PO the others and cause a rift that leads to their breaking up. Buckingham will land on his feet somewhere. I'm looking forward to the new tour.
One of my all time favorite bands and I hate to say it, but they will not be the same without LB no matter who they replace him with.

This is very sad news but doesn't surprise me with the history of the band. There will never be another band like FWM period so we should enjoy the music they had together........
“ Don’t ask me what I think of you , I might not give the answer that you want me too “! I’m with Chayro , I saw - Rory Gallagher -  Fleetwood Mac - Deep Purple together . Also saw the “ Girls “ too . Lindsey came through here some time back on a solo tour . Life’s in session and everything changes . Thanks for the Flashback , Mike B. 
I worked security For Fleetwood Mac at the LA Fourm for the Tusk tour. I had a great seat right next to the guy working the sound board and lights for 3 nights in a row if memory serves me right, keeping people out of his line of sight for the stage. They had the USC marching band at every show playing for the Tusk song. Very enjoyable concert show.
kiln house was my favorite too (future games being second best)--it was the transition between the peter green blues era and the later pop stuff. danny kirwan was an underrecognized genius and his songs like "dust" and "jewel eyed judy" are classics.
I’m with ya’ Mofimadness, all those lps you like starting with Future Games, had Bob Welch as I am sure you know. He never got the credit he deserved for leading FM with Christine McVie in the mid-Mac era. Bare Trees and Mystery to Me - not a bad song on Mystery, even the Yardbirds For You Love is great. Well recorded, layers of guitars, good vocals. He started the transition into what they became. Welch story is so sad- committed suicide so his wife would not have to care for him due to severe back issues post surgery. For me, Then Play On is a classic - serious organics while listening to that one during college. Still play the first and second Mac periods often!
I'm firmly planted in the Peter Green incarnation. But it's amazing that they've been through so many transformations, most of them very, very good, and that they continue today!
I'm a fan of the original four (and later five) piece band with Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwan on guitars.  That band had an amazing sound.  I sometimes hear traces of it in the music of Los Lobos and ZZ Top.  Lots of talented musicians came after Peter Green left but I don't have much interest in what they did.  It is interesting that the name survives--the music is so very different.
Of course I was a HUGE fan of the Buckingham/Nicks era Fleetwood Mac, but recently went back to revisit the early stuff.  I'm not a fan of the first three albums, but from Kiln House (1970) to Future Games (1971) to Bare Trees (1972) to Penguin (1973) to Mystery To Me (1973) to finally Heroes Are Hard To Find (1974) these albums are pretty incredible.

IMHO, these era albums are overlooked/underappreciated because they weren't big commercial successes like the later works. 
I would think it could be weird for Neil and Mike to sing and play Lindsey's parts, and even just to be in Fleetwood Mac. It's not that much different to being in a Fleetwood Mac tribute band! Neil's a fine songwriter, and now he'll be performing someone else's compositions. I wonder if the gig is just for touring, or if Neil and Mike are permanent members and will be recording new material with the group. Fleetwood Mac's fourth incarnation?! Or is it the fifth? Still my favorite lineup is that of the Kiln House album era. For guitar players it's the original, Peter Green lead version. I have been wondering what Mike Campbell would do post-Petty, and now have the answer.

"I've seen Fleetwood Mac many times. Quite a few times early on and several times here recently.

ALWAYS a fantastic show!

The band Fleetwood Mac has always had a tumultuous history. Why would this be such big news?

Seems to me the new dudes are quite accomplished and should be a worthwhile addition(s) to the band.

Love Lindsey, but time marches on..."

100% ditto here. I've seen them once... It was 2013 or 14, prior to Christine rejoining the band. All the greats are getting older, as are some of us. As much as I enjoy Lindsay in FM, I would be open minded to see the upcoming tour with Mike and Neil. Thanks for the recommendation for FUTURE GAMES. I am just now delving in to some older Mac I now have as part of an LP collection I recently bought. I have been enjoying Then Play On, and will likely reach for FG next. 
I've seen Fleetwood Mac many times.  Quite a few times early on and several times here recently.

ALWAYS a fantastic show!

The band Fleetwood Mac has always had a tumultuous history.  Why would this be such big news?

Seems to me the new dudes are quite accomplished and should be a worthwhile addition(s) to the band.

Love Lindsey, but time marches on...

Bob Welch and Danny Kirwan maybe? Can any fan forget the memorable music from the early 70’s albums. Maybe not in the realm of the classic mid 70’s era with LB and SN. I still listen to "Future Games" and love it. Different eras and one of the endearing characteristics of this band, the changes through the years.
@hodu +1, I too thought it was very telling that they needed two guitarist to replace LB.

mike campbell is one of my all-time favorite guitarists, and neil finn is a hugely underrecognized songwriter, one of the best of the last decade, so i hope they get to show their own stuff and not merely recycle old fm songs.
I saw Fleetwood before they had Lindsey and Stevie.  They were an opening act at the Fillmore East.  Can't remember who the headliner was.  So many greats - Who, BS&T, Mothers.  
When Adrian Belew and Fripp were in conflict of breaking up away from King Crimson, I was worried, because I can't imagine King Crimson without any. Not much worries about Fleetwood Mack at all.
I was thinking that LB has been "fired" previously from the Mac.
Happy Listening!

I am a big The Doors fan! The 1st album (S/T) is a must own for every collection.
Happy Listening!

It’s telling that they’ll be replacing him with two guitarists.
Personally, I don’t think of Lindsey getting replaced with two "guitarists". But I do agree with what I think is your point about needing two persons to replace him...1 guitarist and 1 vocalist is how I see it. Like him or not, Lindsey could play some tight, sweet licks and was a very good songwriter. I sure don’t see Neil Finn as being any kind of peer on guitar - and I am an unreserved Neil Finn fan. Neil’s a great songwriter and I enjoy his singing very much but even in his own bands he plays more rhythm than lead. Mike Campbell vs Lindsey on guitar is a different story, I think. Much more on the same plain guitar-wise, if not better, IMO. This whole thing just seems weird to me, not that I worry too much about the decisions FWM make.
Talk about old.....I saw Lindsey and Stevie in their San Jose garage band---Fritz---at the 1968 Santa Clara County Folk-Rock Festival, opening for The Electric Flag and the doors (lower case intentional---that's how they printed it). I don't remember what they sounded like, but I remember the name. It had originally been The Fritz Reiner Memorial Band; I didn't at the time know who Fritz Reiner was.
Man, you guys are old! Ha Ha!

I saw the Rumours Tour. Lindsey Buckingham was awesome! IMHO
I had no idea Fleetwood Mac was still touring??!!
I saw them on the Tusk tour in '79, very disappointing, IMHO.