Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Flashunlock, any ideas or experience about the difference between the Tara Zero Gold XLR IC versus the Tara Zero Onyx XLR IC? I can't find any comments anywhere about the sonic differences between these cables.
Sabi, Read this...
Flashunlock, thanks very much for this link. Very informative. I have a question. I live in a country where there is no ground in domestic wiring. So I imagine getting a Tara wire with the Ground Station would be a waste of money. I'm not in the market for any new wiring at the moment but if I were to consider buying a new interconnect in the future -- Tara or another brand -- is there one you might recommend that does not require buying a Ground Station or other similar device?

The HFX grounding from Tara Labs has nothing to do with the mains. The interconnects each gets grounded to the HFX which is supplied with the cables.

The other best interconnects I've used before the Zero gold is the Virtual Dynamics Genesis 1.1. Check out the sales section.
Flashunlock, the Furutech T2A green fuse is now installed in my EMM and I must say the improved clarity is quite amazing right off the bat even with no power conditioner at the moment. Thank you for the hot tip. I have disposed of my old power conditioner and will listen to the system without my new SR PowerCell 10SE for a few days to let the fuse settle in. I will connect the PowerCell in a few days and am looking forward to hearing the results.

You're welcome. The fuse needs at least 100 hrs of break in and you will hear the changes in between. Do turn the fuse the other way round and try after break in even though they are not directional but you will find and know which position you prefer. :)

If you really want to go further, buy some furutech Nano fluid and do the fuse caps and ready to be shocked again. i've used up nearly a whole bottle doing all my connections.

I also use the SR Powercell 10-SE to great effect with the CDSA-SE. The more of the powercell sockets you use up, the better it sounds and make sure you seperate digital to the power amps combating cross talk. Plug the power amps AC cables nearest to the 32A precision cable from the 10-SE.

What AC cable are you using with the Emm's as getting the power right makes a big difference to it.

Hope this helps and enjoy the music.
Flashunlock, 100 hours for the fuse to break in? I had no idea. So it gets even better. Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Thanks for the tip about turning the fuse around. I'll try it. And thanks for the tip about how to connect the cables to the PowerCell. I had no idea this could make a difference. I will wait a day or 2 to let the MiGs settle in before connecting the PowerCell. I installed the MiGs under my step-down transformer last night and today I installed them under the Marantz PM-15 amp and the EMM. Well, my jaw has dropped and continues to drop all afternoon. The resolution is stunning -- reminiscent of the resolution from the MBLs I listened to in Singapore a couple of days ago -- without the omni-directional effect, of course. I have Merlin TSM mmi monitors -- Bobby Palkovic's latest iteration of the TSM -- and I am one very happy camper. They are magnificent. They have seemingly limitless potential with a deep and wide sound stage that are wonderful. An inferior component in the system will bring inferior resolution and one might be tempted to blame the speakers for the result where the blame actually lies with another component of lesser quality in the system -- definitely not with the speakers. I imagine there will be a few sonic surprises awaiting me once I connect the PowerCell to the system. Maybe tomorrow. I am using the GG Reflection PC for the EMM.

You're welcome again. I live and breath Hi-Fi/ Music and a total GEEK :) The Powercell will give you more from what you're getting now.

Flashunlock, you have a lot more experience in the cable department than I do. I would very much appreciate if you could give me your opinion about 2 ICs. I am using the GG Reflection ICs (XLR) from my Marantz PM-15 to EMM. Do you think the SR Acoustic Reference ICs (XLR) with the stock MPC would be an improvement in my system with the PowerCell connected, of course? Thanks in advance for your comments.
I did lots of A/B testing with my EMM and keep coming back to the Stealth Indras. Even with RCA's, they have that last little bit of sweetness and non-bitterness in the highs and control/resonance in the bass and an overall natural sound overall that shows the what a great cable can do.
I'm basically addicted to these cables. Even single-ended is better than any other XLRs I have tried.

I also use them with similar results on my preamp and amp.
Rgs92, with my SR PowerCell 10SE connected my system is rocking and rolling. The Gabriel Gold cables are working very well for me. I am tweaking a lot now. Before I installed the PowerCell I was trying out the Oyaide INS-CF Isolation Devices. They made no difference no matter where I put them in my system. Now they make a very big difference when placed on top of my EMM. I have experimented a lot with them -- even changing their position by one inch can make a big difference in the sound. They have joined the SR MiGs, Totem beaks and EVS Ground Enhancers as the best sound enhancers I have found for my system.
Hi Sabai, thanks again for all that. You have a lot of things I have never heard of, so it's great that you let us know about them.
Rgs92, this is proving to be a work in progress. No surprise, I guess. I have a new EMM CDSA SE tonight at home. The machine is the same but the sound has been transformed with the single stroke of a brush -- an Oyaide P-004 plug installed in the Tesla Plex wall receptacle. One the other end (the cord is stock) is the Tesla Plex SE. Yes, two Tesla Plexes in series. The Oyaide INS-CF Isolation Devices are now under the 4 Totem beaks that are in diamond configuration atop my amp. I have 4 Harmonix SYN-100 footers on top of the EMM in diamond configuration. They did nothing as footers for any of my machines. They work on top of the EMM. I have a set of SR MiGs under the EMM in pin-point configuration. I cannot over-emphasize the transformation that Oyaide plugs, SR MiGs and EVS Ground Enhancers have made in my system. The other tweaks -- and there are more than I have mentioned here -- have added serious sonic benefits, as well.
That's just an amazing level of research you've done here.
I think we agree here that the CDSA and the EMM sound in general is something that is special
(and has been for the last 6-7 years) and is a great platform to invest in.
Rgs92, There is a lot more that I have done that I have not posted here. Everything I have done has helped. Some things are "big wow" and other things are "little wow". But it all adds up. It is cumulative. You and I agree that the EMM is special. The fact that Alex of APL does not agree is understandable. It is not unusual for makers to downplay the attributes of competitors' products. And, in fact, his APL products may produce superior sonic results. I have never auditioned an APL so I cannot comment from personal experience. I can only go on what others say. In any case, for folks like me who cannot afford an APL we are left with trying to make our EMM sound the very best that it can. I have had a lot of success with this and am very happy with the results. The sound is like night and day with everything I have done. You would not recognize the EMM if you did A/Bing before and after. In spite of the fact that others may dismiss all this, for me it remains a very important factor in having beautiful music in the house. That's the bottom line for me.
Rgs2, I have just piggy-backed two ICs from my EMM to my integrated amp. I am tired of answering spam -- from others, not you -- so please PM me if you would like the details.
Alot of interesting works been done by you guys. My CDSA has been fairly stock standard on a slung isolation stand for a good while. I've recently tried some Teo Liquid cables that have added a good step in the right direction but more in line with thread the other tweaks I've been trying are Acoustic Revive's RCG-24 Ground Conditioner and their RR-77 Pulse Wave thing. Not sure on the RR-77 but the RGC-24 makes a difference. In my system take it out and you lose some of the music, decay isn't as natural, vocals lose some of their character and instruments don't carry quite the same weight. I'll be keeping the RCG-24 and might revisit the 77 when I've gotten more used to the system as it is now
Anyone who would like information about the amazing results obtained by putting 2 XLR ICs in series from my EMM to my integrated amp can PM me.
I have done more tweaking of my EMM that greatly enhances the improved 3D effect of putting ICs in series. Those who would like the details can PM me.
Hello everyone.

I just came across this thread.

I was originally going to sell the SE and move to the XDS1. I think I am glad I waited.

The Furutech fuse is a no brainer.

I have PM'd Sabai about the ICs.

A few questions;

Unless I am mistaken, Furutech makes an IEC connector that is installed into the unit. The inside end is an EMI/RFI filter. Is there enough room for this modification?.

I have the NANO, and am wondering if there are any places inside the unit I can use it?. I am hopeing to only open the unit once.

There is enough room inside to replace with the Furutech IEC since Emm also use a filter but you might have to modify the IEC to fit.

You can unplug all connections that can be unplug and nano them. I've done all the connections by the IEC and joining wires and all those white computer looking connector pins. Just carfully pull them out and nano them. Don't over apply the nano as it will sound dull. You will be shocked with the result.

Hope this helps
You may have some sonic success putting one Oyaide INS-CF isolator under each Totem beak in diamond configuration on top of the EMM CDSA SE.