Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!
Well, if whether Blu-ray or whatever the next thing is comes out, it will take another 2-3 years to start getting software for it. So, if you are waiting then you'll be waiting for a long time.

SACD isn't going to die in the near future. But you don't need it to enjoy the music - redbook sounds great to me. SACD sounds better on certain recordings. What is probably going to happen is most Audiophile companies will start making Universal players and stop making CD only player. It seems to already be happening.

Anyone else think a one-box PC or Mac based hard drive music server coupled with a redbook CD player would be a no-brainer for Microsoft or Apple? Something akin to the combo Tivo/DVD players or VHS/DVD players, only for audio...


I too have purchased a couple of the living stereo SACD's and was astounded by how good they sound. I bought them from tower records for around 8-10 bucks apiece with free shipping. And just as others have said SACD (hybrids) are not going away anytime soon. I too am finding more and more new releases everyday. And more manufacturers are making universal players. So I would say rest easy and enjoy the music.

It really isn't fair to compare the 3-channel SACD with the LP mixed down, from the 3-channel masters, to 2-channel.

Thanks, I will :)


I wish I had the LP to compare to but found out a friend has it, one of these days we plan to get together and listen to both. As for my setup, it is only two channel so I guess a comparision would be justified since both would be heard inb plain stereo.