Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!
TVAD(GRANT) and JD thank you for being both gentlemen
in this topic, I have learned a lot,YOU ARE BOTH TO
The argument that SACD will die because the masses won't get into it is not valid since LP's are still around and clearly not something the masses listen to.

There are such things as niche products that can survive without the full general public support.
lps can be made using existing anologue or digital other words, no investment.... its found money.........remastered sacds cost tons of money and you have to deal with the artist, etc for additional permissions and roylties.....yes niche products can survive, but sacd, like the laserdisc,beta,cd video, digital tape,the minidisc,dvda, etc., just isn't paying for itself. the hybrids will even disappear soon. the release itself, not the technology, drove those sales and the additional expense simply wasnt worth it.
The argument that SACD will die because the masses won't get into it is not valid since LP's are still around and clearly not something the masses listen to.

Perhaps. I would point to a difference between vinyl and SACD digital, however, which is that vinyl caters to niche hobbyists that prefer analog recordings, while SACD discs are a digital format which can be supplanted by another more cost effective delivery method in the future. My point is that the SACD as a delivery method may die away, but that Hi Rez digital will likely survive in another form.