CDP Upgrade

I'm thinking of upgrading my source and my wife has given me permission! I currently have the Rotel 1072, which is fine. I'd like to hear some suggestions regarding an upgrade and what I can expect by upgrading.

I'm considering the Cary 308T. But am open to suggestions.

Have you checked out the TRL Marantz SA-14 thread out? I believe this CDP does exactly what you describe you needs are. With mods it will cost about $1800 total.

I do not have the TRL Marantz SA-14, but TRL has modified my transport and DAC and I can tell you it is very close to analog reproduction and certainly free of digititis. They modify other players as well so their experience is very broad as it relates to digital equipment.
I am following this thread with some interest as I, too, have the Rotel RCD-1072 and hope to upgrade it to ??? before too long.

As much as I would like to try out separates (DAC + transport) I really don't have room to add yet another component, so am looking for an all-in-one CD player.

Have you made any decisions, Hammergjh? I am looking for the same sort of sound you are, so your choice/s may help to steer me in a similar direction!

Well, I'm intrigued by the Cary 303/300. Stereophile just did a write up. They liked it, pretty much. Very flexible, tube or SS output stages, plus multiple upsampling combinations.

I might just plunge in for a used one. A little risky. I'm waiting for my yearly bonus to come through (next couple of weeks).
I think the 308 and 308T are now discontinued. Some dealers may have them still, but the used prices are very good $900-1300, SS vs. T.
I have the 308 and love it. I like it better than the 308T, better resolution. The T is musical but I felt it screened out too much info., as did the Jolida tube cdp. The 308 has a very nice soundstage and top end, with great bass.
I felt the same with the 306/300. The SS output into Cary tube amps sounded better than the tube output into SS gear to my ears. It was more involving with better resolution and PRAT.
I like a well designed SS cdp vs. a tube unit. Once the info in the source is lost through tubes softening, it can't be regained. Now other top flight tube cdp's might be different, but the Cary 306/300 sounded better with SS output.
This is my opinion and others will argue differently.
This could be a good subject for a discussion.
I'm curious what Hammergjh ended up with. Did you get the Cary 303/300 and how are you feeling about it? I myself looked at it and the Cary 308T, as I've decided tubed CDPs for my own system, including the BAT VT5/VT5SE and a few others--Lector 0.6T, Audio Aero Prima Mk II, Unison Research Unico CD, and Blue Note Koala. I've been identifying units with balanced outputs to match up with my Electrocompaniet ECI 3 integrated amp.