Anyone have problems w/McIntosh warranty

I live in the middle of no where/ mid-west USA,no local dealers within 100s of miles from me.I bought a NEW McIntosh amp from dealer and had it shipped to me.The dealer first asked me to verify that I had no local dealer and told me over the phone that all paperwork would be in the crate, to send in the warranty info supplied which I did..McIntosh informed me via a letter that because it was purchased over the phone and shipped to me the warranty is invalid/void..Im posting half in protest to their policies and the other half to warn potential buyers..Last time I buy McIntosh!!!!
I agree also, based on the warranty statement that Dgarretson quoted, that McIntosh's policy is outrageous.

You are not in the wrong here but have been put into a very awkward situation which is totally wrong, obviously the dealer is the one wronge here so in essence it's his problem.

As I mentioned earlier I would be sending a letter to Mac's president and their corporate parent who ever it is, if it is (D&M Holdings)with your complaint.

Some members are suggesting legal, don't waste your time going down this road unless you have lots and lots of time on your hands, life is just too short and it will just go on and on and in the end the justice system is by far perfect and you may not prevail, not worth it.

Just put pressure on the Manufacture and Dealer in question.

What is your dealer doing?
This is small potatoes compared Simaudio, the worst of the worst as far as leaving you in the cold with no options.

Very, very sorry to hear this about the legendary Mac reputation.

If warranty is important, get a Bryston. 20 years transferable warranty, and arguably as-good-if-not-better build quality and sound.

This dealer protection thing is a scam anyways. There are sure-fire ways to find out where their machines originates from. Good luck.

This policy is the same for many manufacturers. It is nothing new and Mcintosh is backing it's writen word. There are no "red flags" going up. Mac dealers are well aware of what they are doing. Why would you write to the president of Mcintosh instead of offering the advice to call the dealer first. This is typical lack of accountablity of the American public, its always someones elses fault and someone is always wanting to "take it to the top" to get a resolution. He needs to accept responsibility for his mistake, quite pinning on forums like this and solve the issue with Mac and the dealer. People like you need to quite egging people like this on. This forum should be utilized as a last resort, not as a way to take a jab at a reputable manufacturer such as Mcintosh, for honoring what is clearly written on it's web site. This guy could have made a call or atleast looked at the website and made an informed decision. Now Mac must bear the brunt and be made to look like they are the bad guys. If you want to make cast dispersions and make accusitory statements, then why not stand up against the big 3 auto makers, no that is a load of s**t.
As Cyclonicman mentions, "How does Mcintosh know the buyer didn't walk into the store, and buy over the counter?"

With that being said, and since McIntosh supposedly doesn't ship goods to private end users, only thier dealer network, then how, and where did this particular Unit come from?

This is almost like saying, that while I was on vacation in another state, I decide to buy a pair of MC-501 Amps, drive home, send in Warrantee Card, then find I have no Warrantee because I could have bought it from a closer dealer in my own home state?

Something still doesn't sound kosher to me? Mark
I agree with the above comment, also how far is too far. I live in the Northeast, you can drive through 5 states in less than 2 hours. If you buy a mac amp in mass, and live in Rhode Island, do you not get the warranty because it is a different state, could be 20 minutes away.

In the 70s manufacturers used to have a policy about pricing, that did go to court and was quickly overturned.

again, how in the world does a manufacturer know how you bought it,drive by or ups,to that end this kind of policy makes no sense to me.