Anyone have problems w/McIntosh warranty

I live in the middle of no where/ mid-west USA,no local dealers within 100s of miles from me.I bought a NEW McIntosh amp from dealer and had it shipped to me.The dealer first asked me to verify that I had no local dealer and told me over the phone that all paperwork would be in the crate, to send in the warranty info supplied which I did..McIntosh informed me via a letter that because it was purchased over the phone and shipped to me the warranty is invalid/void..Im posting half in protest to their policies and the other half to warn potential buyers..Last time I buy McIntosh!!!!
Nicely written Big5! Mac is not protecting their dealers per say, they are protecting themselves and their consumers. You can a buy a Mac piece out of state as long as you pay for it over the counter or have it installed. I think people here are not reading the posts fully or are only reading what they want to see. We all love to see people and companies stumble. Especially Mac, they have been around for a long time and are the envy of many other companies and the target of many audiophiles for whatever reason..................? As they say, "Ignoranace is no excuse".
Ibog1, You're going to break a spring or something if you don't lighten up. And what the heck do the "big three" have to do with this?
Bigbucks5, If the unit is shipped across state lines & original receipt is necessary to obtain Warranty service, then the lack of sales tax on the receipt would reveal a violation of stated terms.

As one who has managed a large dealer channel in another industry, IMO Mac's policy betrays a failure or unwillingness to enforce policy through its dealer network. A dealer might justifiably be held to account for such policy, but it's another thing altogether to pit the consumer against the dealer on this point.
My final thoughts...As stated the nearest audio store to me is 3 hours drive one way(and they DONT sell McIntosh).My goal was not to complain really but to warn or advise potential Mac buyers not purchase any Mac product like I did over the phone.The last new amp I purchased was Pass labs, bought the same way over the phone and shipped .Pass labs covered an issue I had with the amp no questions asked.They gave me the full 3 year warranty which is what they offer.All of use are not fortunate enough to have highend audio at arms lenght,one down side of living in Mayberry USA..I could of simple bought a used amp on this site if warranty wasnt an issue,but it was..I do love this amp and knock on wood I wont have any issues..but it still sucks never the less...

"many" is the key word and not all and first of all I'm not egging him on as you put it and your comments made directly to me which only demonstrate the type of individual you really are suggesting this.

I will say what ever I please so don't tell me different, who do you think you are.

Get your facts straight prior to babbling away, maybe start off with a reading lesson. Read responses, I said contact your Dealer it's his problem and not yours, contact the Manufacture and explain your situation.

As far as I'm concerned it's the Dealers error and Missioncoonery did say he bought it from a authorized dealer, can you read. He should not have to start doing this and that, he should have confidence in dealing with this company.

Are you directly associated with the dealer in question who seems to have screwed him, putting him into this situation.

Lots of "RED FLAGS"