Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@gammajo. Could you tell me how the warmer tubes changed the sound of your ayon. Did you lose transparency or detail when you made the change. We're voices affected by your change. Tell me was adding the warmth worth losing anything else to your ears. I like warmth in my system it is a must.
I bought it while I was in Hong Kong for a conference, and shipped it back to my wife. Why?
@ Doc77, No big deal, I thought maybe you bought it from u.s.a. tubes here in the states, u.s.a. tubes also goes by Ayon u.s.a.,,How is the reliability of the amr 777?,, cheers!
I had been talking to Charlie at Ayon about buying the AMR. I bought my Triton from him. I just found a really good deal on it while in Hong Kong, about 1/2 price. It was an authorized dealer so no problems with service. Reliability has been fine so far, no problems that require a return. It does need rebooted every once in awhile but I don't worry much about it.
@ Doc77,,Hi, I do not blame you one bit on saving money over there in Hong Kong!, As we well know, their is a 500% mark-up eany way!,, I asked about the reliability because some of the Ayon, AmR, etc.. I read here on the threads had problems, mostly the cheaper componets,, so far the Ayon 2s has not needed rebooted or any thing else, my problem is I really do not like the sound of the 6h30 tubes, I like the sound of the american type tubes better,, Do you know much about modwright modification company?, It would be nice to rid my self of the russian tubes without buying another player, I would have to rework the circuitry I am sure to be able to use different tubes than the 6h30 tubes!,If that is possible,LOL!,, cheers!