Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ yull @ labyrinth. I just bough tubes tonight. Waiting for them to ship. 6h30 dr. Wish me luck.
@ calvinj, Hi, I have no idea why yull1375 does not talk no more, I hope I my cables was not imtimadating to him!, He is a really nice guy, I enjoy talking to him, I would like to see him come back!, calvin, you are a trip!, Please understand what I am saying!, your player takes 450 hours of break-in!, your new tubes will benefit your sound extensivly!, However, It will never fix the forward sound!, I really hope I get supprised that the Dr tubes fixed the forward sound!, I really do not believe that is possible!,, Also, please understand that all tubes need atleast 100 hours or more of break-in time when you tube roll!, I do wish you luck!, I would like for you to tell me all your findings, you are not a bad guy, just inexsperienced, no problem!, there is no way you will know your sound untill you achieve the proper break-in time!, cheers.
Well we will see what happens. It actually wasn't sounding forward to me. Just trying to get good sound. First time with tubes. Usually a solid state guy. We will see what happens. I'm also not trying to buy a luxury car price in audio. Trying to get to a good place so I can enjoy the music. Don't wanna compare with the world just trying to get a good sound so I can enjoy the music.
Well we will see what happens. It actually wasn't sounding forward to me. Just trying to get good sound. First time with tubes. Usually a solid state guy. We will see what happens. I'm also not trying to buy a luxury car price in audio. Trying to get to a good place so I can enjoy the music. Don't wanna compare with the world just trying to get a good sound so I can enjoy the music. This hobby is interesting. So many combinations. So many different sounds and preferences. I've heard 7500 dollar systems sound better than 30000 dollar systems. Some people are never happy no matter how good it sounds. I'm gonna get to a good place and enjoy the music. That's what it was supposed to be in the first place.