

Responses from baranyi

How would you describe your class D amp's sound?
Henry Ho makes the H2o amplifiers. I own two of them (S-250 Signatures. Their website is:www.iceh2oaudio.com. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
They sent me a test disk with three other disks when they sent the Marantz back to me. It starts with two songs in French. It is the second song that I was referring to. There is also some jazz and blues on it. Bob 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I did listen and it was very much like I expected. It sounded like it needed to be broken in! There was a fuzzy quality to the sound that will probably go away in a couple of days. After experiencing the break-in of two digital amps, I know that i... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
My SA-14 arrived in my system yesterday. Let the break-in begin! My comment is that the SA-14 was boxed very professionally by TRL. I almost hated to unpack the player because the craftmanship in packing was so well done. I know that sounds crazy ... 
Best SACD player under $1500?
Larry Rosen, you look into TRL (Tube research Labs). They are doing a mod on my marantz sa-14 (see long thread). They are quite reasonable at $550 per unit and quite good. Bob 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
TRL sent out my SA-14 last thursday via USPS. Hopefully, it will finally arrive today. I can't wait to hear it. I realize it will take 500 hours break-in to be at its best. My digital amps needed at least 300 hours to be listenable so I am familia... 
Transistor Research Labs ST-225 Integrated amp
Jack, I am somewhat of a latecomer to the TRL parade. Would it be possible to post a picture of the amp? The old link has expired. Audioezra is supposed to be getting a separate transister amp from TRL. I am very curious to hear it. I asked Paul w... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
TRL should receive my unit today. That should mean that I will have the modified player back by late next week. I can't wait to hear the differences after spending 2 weeks with the stock SA-14. Bob 
Wife Acceptance Factor
OK, my first wife had my entire vintage stereo equipment collection sold to pay attorney fees during our divorce at less than 50 cents on the dollar. I had things like JBL Hartsfields and 4 Western Electric 91's. My second wife is a dream come tru... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
LKdog,thanks for that explanation. Bob 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I am sending off my SA-14 today to TRL. Even in its stock form the SA-14 blew away my Rotel 1072. It was hard to let go of even stock. I can't wait to hear it with TRL's mods. Did I read it right that it needs 500 hours break-in for both CD and SA... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks Amandarie! I noticed that you sold your H2O. Where are you going now with your system? Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I can't find my owner's manual for my Chenin. Does the Chenin have two sets of amplifier inputs for bi-amping? Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Bwhite, Nice to talk to you as well. Are you still using a Supratek preamp? I thought that you bought the Aesthetix separates. Hope all is well in your new home (NC?) Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I am wondering how much better the preamps get when moving up the Supratek line. I have enjoyed the Chenin for almost a year (with Apogee Scintillas Steven1960) but I wonder how much better the higher priced versions are in performance. The Chenin...